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Monday, 27 June 2016

You are trying to be "slick uptown ranking" with your own children to say how good you are...Are you trying to get an orphan's identity in a family, your own family, by provoking your own husband or children to make you a Cadaver with their eternal association as your family? Were you afraid they would take your name away on your death? But, no one would fail to identify you as in a family if you get a family member to kill you. But, how are you so sure of your plan? Is this you mimicking the top of your society and you need to feel above someone or anyone to feel like the top and you are killing your children to do it; how they used to treat you, talking behind your back while they pretend to love you? But, those days have passed and who are you really if you just mimmick and kill your own in anger after graduation day? But, the top is not doing that now. You are their friend or anybody's friend who you have befriended. But, look at how you dissociate from yourself and your own on graduation day as if you can't believe he or she is yours if they could believe to graduate? Isn't that amazing? Did you beat them for your own self-doubt or to ensure they graduated? But, you don't see how the top is not killing anyone to be the top. They are just the top because their family gave them something over a few generations. That is the top and they have asked you to love yourself and love your children to be closer to the top by putting them into some property before you die.But, if you kill them and yourself, then the top knows why it is the top again. You don't have to do anything either in Jamaica or in North America to preserve and honor your ancestry but now you know how the top really feels as they are watching you mimick their attitudes and nothing more for maybe one and half generations. Then you and your lack of understanding are no more but you can tie a head tie and you understand when the top says "Mamma said..." You say " de de de...I don't know." Good.

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