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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Tu n'as pas accepte' ?

There was a Kingdom of Hezekiah and a Kingdom of Solomon as well as a Kingdom of David. But, there is only one house and ultimately only one kingdom; the Kingdom of Israel. Two kingdoms was not the original plan or else every tribe could claim his own and hence, some say the notion of a divided kingdom was simply national and household division. Could you say a separate Kingdom was the first denomination? This does not challenge the promises concerning a particular family but the promises are subsumed to the benefit of the house of Israel. A divided house cannot stand, said Yeshua. He was acknowledged as coming for the nation of Israel; not the Kingdom of any particular tribe and nor does He perpetuate division as to who has authority in His ancestral father Judah's house. He worked with James who was one of the twelve disciples who represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus came to unify and put away the spirit of competition, murder and division. He rose from the grave and orchestrated family and national unification for Israel against any misunderstsnding of the authority in the law and the prophets and against any insidious, sinister, subtle spirit that is always suggesting the evil as an agent of evil; that is competitive,divisive, destructive and that denigrates the law and the prophets publicly or privately to achieve its own murderous authority even if it is only social authority. Shall we do away with this tolerance of public and sensational evil? Je n'ai pas d'accord avec le mal. Je comprend? Is it that we are asked to tolerate evil to the point of a war so that everyone can unite one more time to the unified civic health of the nation? This Mein Kampf in the class room,Mein Kampf in the school, Mein Kampf in the sports club and hockey arena. Mein Kampf equals covert King Louis the 16th; Le Roi. J n'ai pas desire'. Je comprend?

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