New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Thursday, 31 December 2015
This just in...There is a fecal matter disease that may have originated from the middle passage when slaves were transported from Africa.
This just in...There is a fecal matter disease that may have originated from the middle passage when slaves were transported from Africa. It is still alive in the human population and exists in various individuals regardless of race. People who have it have designed an identity around the disease. Those who survived the passage would have had this disease. But, how could the disease survive in a human population for so many generations and survive antibiotics? The disease is not associated with any race or culture and many people may have been born with it from all over the world due to the significant movement of peoples over the last nearly 600 years. But, some people are very angry to encounter people who do not have the disease. They will do anything to pass it along and ensure that anyone who does not have it will have it. They tend to work in food services such as supermarkets and they spit quite a lot to pass it along. People who have the disease are always thinking about other people being above them emotionally or socially for anything like a new pair of Nikes. If they can't buy them because they are sold out, they will steal yours.
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Monday, 28 December 2015
Sunday, 27 December 2015
The intention is that any English speaking country and former colony is an emotional province of England. The world would suffer less violence if this simple point is accepted and recognized. Any national political candidate who acknowledges this fact in any former colony is the winner. It is like accepting the immutable truths of a right angle triangle. This is not the end of post-colonial sovereignty but the acknowledgement of continuing hegemony.
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Tashlikh: Casting our Sins Away
Tashlikh is a remarkable ceremony -- symbolic and concrete all at the same time. Through this ritual, we express not only our desire to be free from sin but our continuing hope that we will be forgiven for past misdeeds. On the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashanah -- or on the second day, if the first day is a Shabbat -- it is customary to go to a flowing body of water and to recite prayers while "casting" our sins (represented by bread crumbs) into the water. As we read in Micah: "You will cast (tashlikh) all your sins into the depths of the sea" (7:19).
By performing tashlikh, we signify our hope that God will overlook our failings during the past year and grant us favor in the year to come.
The preferred "order" for the bodies of water is (l) the sea, (2) a river, (3) a lake, spring, or fountain. If there is no such water within walking distance; in the case of inclement weather; or if one did not perform the ceremony on Rosh Hashanah for any reason, then tashlikh may be performed at any time up to Yom Kippur.
According to some customs, the body of water we visit should have fish in it. It has been suggested that this helps to remind us of our precarious existence and thus puts us in the mood to repent. It has also been suggested that we may be compared to fish caught in the net of divine judgment.
While it is traditional to shake out the hems of one's clothing to ensure that all "sins" have been disposed of, tashlikh ceremonies differ all over the world. The Jews of Kurdistan had a custom to recite the tashlikh prayer near a river and then to jump into the water and swim around, instead of only shaking out the hems of their clothing.
On Repentance
"Do not say that repentance is not necessary except for serious transgressions such as illicit sexual relations, robbery and theft. Just as a person must repent of acts such as these, he is required to examine his bad traits and turn away from such negative characteristics as anger, hostility, jealousy, the tendency to ridicule, pursuit of material possessions and honor, and gluttony. A person must repent of each of these. These offenses are more difficult to deal with than the other ones because such traits affect our actions at all times, and it is difficult for a person to refrain from such habitual behavior." (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Repentance, 7.3)
"None shall hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the love of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea." (Isaiah 11:9)
(From the Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, edited by Rabbi Jules Harlow, c. 1972 by the Rabbinical Assembly. Reprinted by permission.)
Suggested prayers and readings
Out of the depths I call to You;
Lord, hear my cry, heed my plea.
Be attentive to my prayers, to my sigh of supplication.
Who could endure, Lord, if You kept count of every sin?
But forgiveness is Yours: therefore we revere You.
I wait for the Lord; my soul yearns.
Hopefully I await His word.
I wait for the Lord more eagerly than watchmen wait for dawn.
Put your hope in the Lord, for the Lord is generous with mercy.
Abundant is His power to redeem;
May he redeem the people Israel from all sin. (Psalm 130)
Who is a God like You, forgiving iniquity and pardoning the transgression
of the remnant of Your people? You do not maintain anger forever but You
delight in lovingkindness. You will again have compassion upon us, subduing
our sins, casting all our sins into the depths of the sea. You will show
faithfulness to Jacob and enduring love to Abraham, as You promised our
fathers from days of old. (Micah 7:18-20)
A Tashlikh Prayer
(From Mahzor Hadash, edited by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg & Rabbi Jonathan D. Levine, c. 1978 by the Prayer Book Press of Media Judaica, Inc. Reprinted by permission.)
Let us cast away the sin of deception, so that we will mislead no one in word or deed, nor pretend to be what we are not.
Let us cast away the sin of vain ambition which prompts us to strive for goals which bring neither true fulfullment nor genuine contentment.
Let us cast away the sin of stubbornness, so that we will neither persist in foolish habits nor fail to acknowledge our will to change.
Let us cast away the sin of envy, so that we will neither be consumed by desire for what we lack nor grow unmindful of the blessings which are already ours.
Let us cast away the sin of selfishness, which keeps us from enriching our lives through wider concerns, and greater sharing, and from reaching out in love to other human beings.
Let us cast away the sin of indifference, so that we may be sensitive to the sufferings of others and responsive to the needs of our people everywhere.
Let us cast away the sins of pride and arrogance, so that we may worship God and serve His purposes in humility and in truth.
Creating liturgy: The building blocks of a tashlikh service
Tashlikh can be recited independently or as a communal ritual.
Summoning us to spend time outdoors after a morning spent inside the synagogue, the ceremony also provides an opportunity for creative liturgy.
The tashlikh ceremony is an ideal family activity, providing an opportunity for parents and children to perform a ritual together. Children may prepare the bread crumbs for "casting" and then distribute them to the various members of the family. Parents can also explain the ritual to the children as they walk to the water's edge and assign each family member a different reading.
Looking Back
During the past year, what has made you really happy?
What do you really regret not doing last year?
What opportunities did you miss?
Whom do you wish you had not hurt?
How might you make up for what you did?
What was a Jewish high for you this past year?
What was a Jewish low for you this past year?
Looking Forward
What new goals have you set for yourself for the coming year?
How would you like to do things differently in the coming year?
How will you enhance your life Jewishly during the coming year?
Today is the Birthday of the World
What two wishes do you have for the world on its birthday?
"The water is pure, teaching us that it is time to cleanse ourselves and wash away all of our mistakes. Today we begin a new year of goodness. Today, as we throw away our crumbs, let us rid ourselves of all bad habits and any grudges that we may have had. May we always feel God's love for usvand know that God will help us improve ourselves in this new year." (From Jewish Family Matters, by Ronald and Leora Isaacs, published by The United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education)
Tashlikh is a remarkable ceremony -- symbolic and concrete all at the same time. Through this ritual, we express not only our desire to be free from sin but our continuing hope that we will be forgiven for past misdeeds. On the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashanah -- or on the second day, if the first day is a Shabbat -- it is customary to go to a flowing body of water and to recite prayers while "casting" our sins (represented by bread crumbs) into the water. As we read in Micah: "You will cast (tashlikh) all your sins into the depths of the sea" (7:19).
By performing tashlikh, we signify our hope that God will overlook our failings during the past year and grant us favor in the year to come.
The preferred "order" for the bodies of water is (l) the sea, (2) a river, (3) a lake, spring, or fountain. If there is no such water within walking distance; in the case of inclement weather; or if one did not perform the ceremony on Rosh Hashanah for any reason, then tashlikh may be performed at any time up to Yom Kippur.
According to some customs, the body of water we visit should have fish in it. It has been suggested that this helps to remind us of our precarious existence and thus puts us in the mood to repent. It has also been suggested that we may be compared to fish caught in the net of divine judgment.
While it is traditional to shake out the hems of one's clothing to ensure that all "sins" have been disposed of, tashlikh ceremonies differ all over the world. The Jews of Kurdistan had a custom to recite the tashlikh prayer near a river and then to jump into the water and swim around, instead of only shaking out the hems of their clothing.
On Repentance
"Do not say that repentance is not necessary except for serious transgressions such as illicit sexual relations, robbery and theft. Just as a person must repent of acts such as these, he is required to examine his bad traits and turn away from such negative characteristics as anger, hostility, jealousy, the tendency to ridicule, pursuit of material possessions and honor, and gluttony. A person must repent of each of these. These offenses are more difficult to deal with than the other ones because such traits affect our actions at all times, and it is difficult for a person to refrain from such habitual behavior." (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Repentance, 7.3)
"None shall hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the love of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea." (Isaiah 11:9)
(From the Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, edited by Rabbi Jules Harlow, c. 1972 by the Rabbinical Assembly. Reprinted by permission.)
Suggested prayers and readings
Out of the depths I call to You;
Lord, hear my cry, heed my plea.
Be attentive to my prayers, to my sigh of supplication.
Who could endure, Lord, if You kept count of every sin?
But forgiveness is Yours: therefore we revere You.
I wait for the Lord; my soul yearns.
Hopefully I await His word.
I wait for the Lord more eagerly than watchmen wait for dawn.
Put your hope in the Lord, for the Lord is generous with mercy.
Abundant is His power to redeem;
May he redeem the people Israel from all sin. (Psalm 130)
Who is a God like You, forgiving iniquity and pardoning the transgression
of the remnant of Your people? You do not maintain anger forever but You
delight in lovingkindness. You will again have compassion upon us, subduing
our sins, casting all our sins into the depths of the sea. You will show
faithfulness to Jacob and enduring love to Abraham, as You promised our
fathers from days of old. (Micah 7:18-20)
A Tashlikh Prayer
(From Mahzor Hadash, edited by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg & Rabbi Jonathan D. Levine, c. 1978 by the Prayer Book Press of Media Judaica, Inc. Reprinted by permission.)
Let us cast away the sin of deception, so that we will mislead no one in word or deed, nor pretend to be what we are not.
Let us cast away the sin of vain ambition which prompts us to strive for goals which bring neither true fulfullment nor genuine contentment.
Let us cast away the sin of stubbornness, so that we will neither persist in foolish habits nor fail to acknowledge our will to change.
Let us cast away the sin of envy, so that we will neither be consumed by desire for what we lack nor grow unmindful of the blessings which are already ours.
Let us cast away the sin of selfishness, which keeps us from enriching our lives through wider concerns, and greater sharing, and from reaching out in love to other human beings.
Let us cast away the sin of indifference, so that we may be sensitive to the sufferings of others and responsive to the needs of our people everywhere.
Let us cast away the sins of pride and arrogance, so that we may worship God and serve His purposes in humility and in truth.
Creating liturgy: The building blocks of a tashlikh service
Tashlikh can be recited independently or as a communal ritual.
Summoning us to spend time outdoors after a morning spent inside the synagogue, the ceremony also provides an opportunity for creative liturgy.
The tashlikh ceremony is an ideal family activity, providing an opportunity for parents and children to perform a ritual together. Children may prepare the bread crumbs for "casting" and then distribute them to the various members of the family. Parents can also explain the ritual to the children as they walk to the water's edge and assign each family member a different reading.
Looking Back
During the past year, what has made you really happy?
What do you really regret not doing last year?
What opportunities did you miss?
Whom do you wish you had not hurt?
How might you make up for what you did?
What was a Jewish high for you this past year?
What was a Jewish low for you this past year?
Looking Forward
What new goals have you set for yourself for the coming year?
How would you like to do things differently in the coming year?
How will you enhance your life Jewishly during the coming year?
Today is the Birthday of the World
What two wishes do you have for the world on its birthday?
"The water is pure, teaching us that it is time to cleanse ourselves and wash away all of our mistakes. Today we begin a new year of goodness. Today, as we throw away our crumbs, let us rid ourselves of all bad habits and any grudges that we may have had. May we always feel God's love for usvand know that God will help us improve ourselves in this new year." (From Jewish Family Matters, by Ronald and Leora Isaacs, published by The United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education)
Presuming that you are seeking a mate for life, maybe the most important question to ask when choosing a spouse or dating partner is to ask yourself what will you have in terms of friendship with this person when you are old? If you can foresee a life long friendship and being able to communicate happily after everything is less energized physically, then you probably have a good spouse.
Friday, 25 December 2015
Thursday, 24 December 2015
There is a story from the 19th century that describes a practice of allowing the wife of a deceased husband to decide how the body would be disposed. No one would know but the wife. In some cases it would include burning the body in acid as she would watch. This method was chosen to represent the pain of the wife who was always an abused wife if she chose that option.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Tu n'as pas accepte' ?
There was a Kingdom of Hezekiah and a Kingdom of Solomon as well as a Kingdom of David. But, there is only one house and ultimately only one kingdom; the Kingdom of Israel. Two kingdoms was not the original plan or else every tribe could claim his own and hence, some say the notion of a divided kingdom was simply national and household division. Could you say a separate Kingdom was the first denomination? This does not challenge the promises concerning a particular family but the promises are subsumed to the benefit of the house of Israel. A divided house cannot stand, said Yeshua. He was acknowledged as coming for the nation of Israel; not the Kingdom of any particular tribe and nor does He perpetuate division as to who has authority in His ancestral father Judah's house. He worked with James who was one of the twelve disciples who represent the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus came to unify and put away the spirit of competition, murder and division. He rose from the grave and orchestrated family and national unification for Israel against any misunderstsnding of the authority in the law and the prophets and against any insidious, sinister, subtle spirit that is always suggesting the evil as an agent of evil; that is competitive,divisive, destructive and that denigrates the law and the prophets publicly or privately to achieve its own murderous authority even if it is only social authority. Shall we do away with this tolerance of public and sensational evil? Je n'ai pas d'accord avec le mal. Je comprend? Is it that we are asked to tolerate evil to the point of a war so that everyone can unite one more time to the unified civic health of the nation? This Mein Kampf in the class room,Mein Kampf in the school, Mein Kampf in the sports club and hockey arena. Mein Kampf equals covert King Louis the 16th; Le Roi. J n'ai pas desire'. Je comprend?
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
I met a woman who is a gay, homosexual Christian(there is nothing wrong in acknowledging her testimony) who cashes fraudulent cheques on dormant accounts of people she approaches in other denominations. She steals the cheques from the weekly church refuse. She is a student of Sex In the City and has disease to prove it. She reports everything that happens after her coffee dates with potential male mates but is still afraid of being honest about her desire to have a covenant relationship with them and a church wedding. She kills and eats Supposedly in the authority of Peter as taught to her in the sense that she does pornography without condoms and has a horrible disease. She is a very strange animal in Christendom but then again, He( the Lord) did come to save the lost and the sick (see Luke 5:31 and Mark 2:17) but there is definitely a learning curve as a new convert at 54( or was it 12?) and its hard to change your lifestyle immediately. But, church is the right place to start. She seems to be seeking authority and wants to call the pizza police about your dough to say she thinks there is something rising in her after a coffee and she is not sure what to do. What is rising is her self awareness. Didn't you know that you have to know yourself before you can judge and publicly condemn yourself?
The Revenant (2015)
The Revenant(2015) is a movie worth watching for being a cold but emotionally warm and refreshing reset button in its ability to remind us of the essential and intrinsic values that underwrite and provide foundation for our society and its various pillars of expression. It celebrates the final denominator. These pillars include schools, government services, the church and the family. The Revenant(2015) is a cold but necessary biblical tale of sorts for this generation.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Londinium TV: Special Video Presentation. The world has pursued a kind of nuclear war with itself under the guise of peaceful testing since 1945. What is the logic except that some other critical energy related technology is not being pursued so why not hasten your self-erasure? The end result is that all living matter is saturated with strontium 90. "Strontium 90" could be a cute name for a pair of nikes some day when everybody is as angry as the joker with green hair and skin from birth.
So, if we are to renew our minds as it says in Romans 12, then we need to renew our viewing for our eyes and the listening for our ears since our minds are the temple of the living God. Enjoy what is contextual and is viewable within the sanctuary or the church basement during youth group. Have you seen Superman Returns, Much Ado About Nothing or The Vow?
Friday, 18 December 2015
Seiko's Kinetic watch stores energy from the body's movement that is used to power the automatic watch mechanism. But, unlike the usual automatic watch, the kinetic is that the kinetic will not stop ticking even if the watch is taken off the wrist and left in a stationary position for too long? The kinetic has a power reserve. But, unlike the automatic, the kinetic watches do not tend to have a "
see through" back. The security conscious individual may prefer the "see through" back. The average automatic watch without the kinetic power reserve will continue to tick for ONLY 48 HOURS while the kinetic will tick for 72 hours and then shut off in power reserve. See the manual. See for more or google a manual.
see through" back. The security conscious individual may prefer the "see through" back. The average automatic watch without the kinetic power reserve will continue to tick for ONLY 48 HOURS while the kinetic will tick for 72 hours and then shut off in power reserve. See the manual. See for more or google a manual.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Purpose Of The Relationship: It's a very simple program. Read 1st Corinthians 13.
The truth is that the purpose of the relationship is the companionship of the couple. This remains the most important priority even after the couple becomes mother and father to a child since children do not want to be raised in an unhappy home environment where the couple has lost sight of the most important denominator in their relationship although they are now parents. That is companionship. See Elizabeth and Zacharias. Companionship of the couple comes first and remains as the first priority for the blessed happiness of the home.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
She really does it with the best egg yolk.
The devil knows you broke some natural law. She really does although she tempted you to do it. The manner of her knowledge is derived from the fact that she was a victim, never forgave and decided that the only answer for her was to seek power and authority but by breaking the natural laws as her means and method. This is in the same way that someone had power over her. It might have been a person in a position of family, religious, academic or civil authority. Then she designed a smart phone app that demonstrated the breaking of these laws. It was a spectacle and if you protested or complained at the illegal presentation of illegal phenomena via a smart device, nothing happened to vitiate the wrong, thereby normalizing the illegality.
It was once prophesied by Bonhoeffer that if Hitler raised again( or his mind set), he would rise in an English colony or former colony with subtle but evident signs of his inhumanity, deception and manipulation of human motives and egos to achieve the end goal and that is the aggrandizement and disregard for the fundamental elements of a humane civilization.
Pakistan, the West and religious minorities
How to stop going from bad to worse

IN ITS latest global report, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) described Pakistan as presenting one of the "worst situation(s) in the world" in respect of liberty of thought. It cited the authorities' "grossly indequate" response to attacks on Shia processions and mosques which had cost hundreds of lives; the fact that the Ahmadis, who follow a religious teacher of the 19th century, are denied the right to call themselves Muslims, deprived of many other civil rights, and virtually disenfranchised; forced conversions and kidnappings affecting both Christians and Hindus; and above all a blasphemy law with a very low threshold of proof, which can easily be invoked in the course of petty quarrels unrelated to religion.
Over the past month, the news about religion in Pakistan has become worse, whether this is measured by the behaviour of officialdom or the horrors suffered by ordinary folk at the hands of terrorists or fanatics. Katrina Lantos Swett, who chairs the USCIRF, visited Pakistan with her fellow commissioner Mary Ann Glendon, who is also a Harvard law professor. Answering a question from Erasmus, Ms Lantos Swett gave a bleak account of what they found:
There is a rising tide of religious persecution by the state and by militants. Pakistan's blasphemy law grossly abuses human rights. The Commission is aware of almost 40 people on death row or serving life sentences for blasphemy, a statistic unmatched in the world. The law fosters violence against religious minorities, such as Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis. The legal prohibitions against Ahmadis are deeply problematic as well. In addition the ongoing targeted violence against Shias requires a vigorous state response. [A] Pakistani Supreme Court decision in 2014...mandated the creation of special police to protect religious minorities and a national commission on minorities...[but] the police force has not been created and the minorities commission is buried within the ministry of religious affairs. Greater, not lesser, efforts by the international community are needed to move Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to implement the Supreme Court decision, to arrest perpetrators of violence and to see abusive laws reformed or repealed...The international community must not be silent or Pakistan's religious diversity will be forever lost.
Meanwhile the "perpetrators of violence" have not been idle. On March 15th, two Christian churches in Lahore were attacked by suicide-bombers; at least 17 people were killed and 70 wounded, and the toll would have been far higher had it not been for the bravery of volunteer security guards. This was the worst assault on Christians in Pakistan since the bombing of a church in Peshawar in 2013 which claimed nearly 80 lives. On March 16th, a protest by Christians in Lahore turned violent, and two Muslims were lynched. Christian leaders in the city, while strongly condemning the lynchings, complained that hundreds of innocent members of their community had been arbitrarily arrested. In Youhanabad, the Christian district of Lahore, many Christian families have fled, leaving their homes open to looting; police have reportedly been extorting money from poor Christians as a kind of collective punishment.
These developments pose a dilemma for Western governments. The church bombings were claimed by the Pakistani Taliban, and a central aim of Western policy has been to persuade the Pakistani authorities to crack down firmly, not faint-heartedly, against that terrorist network. Whatever messages Western governments are now sending to the authorities in Pakistan, they will presumably include fresh words of encouragement in the anti-Taliban fight, not just a long list of scoldings. Another problem, some would say, is that if Western governments are seen to advocate the interests of the Christian minority in particular, that might actually make things worse for Pakistan's Christians, by increasing the suspicion among hotheads that followers of that faith are a "fifth column" for Western interests.
At a minimum, Western governments should be thinking seriously about what they can practically do, apart from issuing rebukes. Wilson Chowdhry, who runs the British Pakistani Christian Association, says Britain and other European countries should look hard at how aid to Pakistan, and in particular aid to education, is used. At its worst, Pakistani education reinforces militant readings of Islam and prejudice against minorities. Well-targeted aid can help to change that situation; the poorly targeted kind can simply reinforce existing bad practice. Mr Chowdhry also wants Britain to show greater sympathy to asylum-seekers who face religious persecution in Pakistan, as the Netherlands and Canada have recently started doing.
Lisa Curtis, a Pakistan-watcher at the Heritage Foundation, a think-thank in Washington, DC, thinks Western governments should be sending a calibrated mixture of signals to that country. "The recent suicide attacks are part of [a] broader terrorist campaign aimed at...undermining the authority of the state, and they remind the international community of the importance of supporting Pakistan in its fight against terrorists. These terrorist strikes merit a policy response which is different from the response to religious persecution that takes place within society, for instance the use of the blasphemy law against religious minorities...[which] should be condemned in the strongest terms."
Faced with dramatic images of wounded worshippers or police deploying tear gas, it might seem surprising that the USCIRF, which is mandated by Congress to monitor freedom of belief round the world, should focus so much on procedural issues, like the implementation of a Supreme Court decision. But there is also some merit in that approach. For obvious historic reasons, governments in the developing world are resentful of being told what to do by agencies in the rich global North. But it is less provocative to say something like: you say you are committed to upholding the rule of law, and to protecting religious diversity, so in that spirit we respectfully urge you to do what your own institutions (in this case, the Supreme Court) are telling you to do.
For all the travails of its religious minorities, Pakistan does at least accept, in principle, the legal right of different faiths to exist. There are some countries in the world, from the atheist regime in North Korea to the hard-line Muslim one in Saudi Arabia, which don't even go that far. That acceptance provides a basis for discussion, at least, between Pakistan and other countries who wish it and its people, in all their diversity, well.
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Monday, 14 December 2015
Maleficent's Aunt was a first generation Galilean who borrowed the homework and essays of a second generation Canadian who was totally unaware of what was going on. She cut off her thumb to hide it and certainly continued to enjoy her first generation status but vowed to kill the second generation Canadian, making him old in the process or is it preparation? In the end, who needs so much attention for a missing thumb and who wants to kill anyone who can say from experiential memory Sittler or Gordie Howe?
Sunday, 13 December 2015
The faith of Christ is the Faith of Abraham as believing in the living God.
So, you are saved by accepting Christ and truthfully, His spirit will bring revelation such that you will understand that you are God's child; Psalms 82. But the time that it takes to walk in the revelation is significant but lessened when you accept that you are walking in the faith of Abraham with Christ as the final sacrifice to be accepted as the sacrifice for the remission of sins for all eternity. You are accepting Christ's faith in the faith of Abraham, a faith of relationship with the living God instead of a faith in rituals and practices that can be idolized and will estrange the adherent from God if they do not remember the importance of the Spirit; Isaiah 61. See 2nd Timothy 1-7. The spirit of the Lord is to be upon you. You are also accepting Christ as the final sacrifice for all of eternity for the remission of sin. He is the lamb. Read Hebrews 9.
You are certainly a witness!!
Blessed are they who have not seen and yet still believe. This was the challenge to Moses and Aaron. They did not see Noah's ark as it happened 1000's of years before their birth but they chose to believe. Jesus or Yeshua was challenged to believe all of the law and the prophets with their miracles. He chose to believe and experienced His own miracles as He did not deny the power of the Shekinah glory also referred to as the Holy Spirit. There is a tennis player or football player and it is just so miraculous that someone found a small bible in his training kit so they thought he might be a second coming but how have you digested the word of the first coming? I may never see the red sea part or anyone walk on water but there is a jet ski, mach 4 jets and various other miracles of God who inspired man or men such as Noah. It's a miracle. Only mankind that discovers electricity would use it to bring so much darkness to the souls of men instead of the resonance of salt and light and a continual reminder of the final denominator; salvation and civilization based on the love of the builder's corner stone; Yeshua. No one is to be guilty or bear a guilt for his death. He had his instructions as did Noah and Moses. He was tested and probably could have run away with some perception of who was about Him; including Judas. The abominable sin, the one that dulls the flow of life in your life, is to choose a miracle and deny its power. For politics, we may decide that any group must have its authority for refusing to accept a miracle of transubstantiation or that the cross and not just a tree is where Jesus was hung. You could deny medical technology such as a blood transfusion for authority in the name of God but would you deny Noah's ark? Jesus saves. Noah's ark saves. Blood transfusions save if you have a good doctor with the right perception of what will end your medical difficulty. Anyway, Would you deny a needle with penicillin or insulin for authority? Should you kill someone who does not agree with you? Does that help your denomination and its claim for authority? There are those who, for authority, would prefer to believe as Pentecostals that God can tell you whether you should take the transfusion or the operation or whether you should just take a vacation and eat fresh fruit for a week to achieve a remission. Have you heard of an all inclusive in Mexico or Cuba? What about the White Sands? But, if Heaven is one place and not divided among denominations, maybe you have to share Heaven as you share His love and His grace. How is God and Heaven entirely yours and your province with your version of authority as of 1841 when you started the denomination; that no one is really going to Heaven unless they follow your take on grace and what medical technology is to be accepted or denied? Would you kill people who don't agree with you? Heaven must be shared in the same way that we share society. It takes a sense of community. Heaven is a community but without a doubt, Jesus grew in knowledge and wisdom(google it) and had to choose to believe in all of the law and the prophets and all of their recorded miracles before He could be the prophet He was called to be. So, who are you when you choose to believe? You are the break away goal scoring, jump shot phenom or you are a prize winning Chef. Maybe you are a movie director, a pretty good musician like Roy Ayers or George Benson or a blessed Puritanical, Celtic Christian School Teacher. You are a miracle of birth! This includes Pastor Jamieson who was an excellent English lecturer at Western. So, in a 100 years when your witnessing football player or tennis player is not around, will you still believe his witness? Will you doubt simply because He is not alive? He may have played tennis on a boat that sits on water. In other words, he played tennis on water and Jesus walked on water. You say you are not sure if Jesus is the Messiah but you like the music and the drums at your most blessed place of worship that officially recognizes the Messiah. No matter what forgiveness remains one of the greatest miracles if you choose as a habit of thought and with wisdom where you refuse to join people in what is stupid. Any one can pick up a hammer or buy a bottle of battery acid for the church picnic to ensure they are respected or spit in the mayonnaise to get their anger out. You are certainly a witness and the Lord knows what your abusive relative may have done. He did say He would have anyone who abuses the innocent thrown into the ocean with a millstone tied to their foot. See Matthew 18:6. Blessed are they who have not seen and yet still believe. Thank you!
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Brooklyn Emotional Forensics Part 2 ou Quelle prix pour le Grand Mac dans la McDonalds? Tu t'aime ?
There is a current in 18th century history that suggests Louis 16th was not assassinated by the people as reported but that he was the first Mission Impossible. How do you preserve politely the mind and culture of the royalties in the face of such a historical, demographic demand for readjustment in an increasingly urban experience? Who needs bread but people who cannot bake their own on a farm? Who needs meat but people who cannot live by a previously public stream and fish for their daily bread? The intention was to preserve the customs and ways and distribute favor in spite of the official cry liberte, egalite and eternite'. It worked quite well actually when, as it is said in some other accounts, Louis the 16th preserved his life by attaching the head of an already executed pig farmer to a dummy full of straw (the straw man). The pig farmer was executed for refusing to leave his wife when asked as it seems he was advised to take a "humble"( humble looking woman) since his wife. although from the peasantry, was blessed with symmetrical features and a Judeo-Christian energy(ancestral). But, its not her fault though. She had a good motivator unlike some bad androids and humans these days. Louis the 16th apparently joined a church, possibly the leading church of the day as a Cardinal and through the schooling system, the trickle down notion of favor of the chosen was dispensed but with the humbling cost to the less chosen or high born. The cost was the sacrifice of some personal dignity.But, who abuses a child or another human being who is totally unaware of city life and who is an innocent? Who abuses a Dyson vacuum cleaner or Frigidaire refrigerator when you appreciate its miraculous function or purpose? It is evil! We need to take this Slowly!; very very Slowly. You will see that there is cognitive and spiritual dissonance when you are expecting to hear the key of C (key of Christ) and the reverence in church environs such as the school and the home since your mother has a cross on the wall; not just in church. You will see that it does not matter how well you did in free school when older, historical victims of this social formation carry a duty for further favor to impress the system of formation on a new generation of innocents; every generation. But, do you really want to do unto others what was done unto you or do you want to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you? You should probably choose to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Once newly branded and dignified as an initiate, you may find yourself worrying about how other people feel all day and why they are happy. Maybe you will see a dog and shoot it for looking happy. Maybe you will see a child and cut its cheek, stuffing the cheek with spots of mint and pimento because you are afraid the child might be too happy or may have better hair than you do after 40. Maybe you fell along time ago when you refused to forgive your father and you went to what is popularly referred to as the dark side. But, you want to restore your 1942 Disney IQ. You know the right answer in your soul but you choose not to follow it. How many of your children have you killed? It could be that you were arrested once for loitering in hotels, waiting to have sex for cash with female tourists in Bali. You say you wanted to be the only one with a sense of honor. But, you keep hurting people as you were hurt. Nothing has changed except that there are more victims like yourself in the world. You have seven factors of successful people but you spend so much time worrying about how other people feel in comparison to yourself. You do not think they should feel too happy or good about anything although they have a new I-device. You could be missing the 8th factor called love or purpose and when you sense it in others, the maleficence just gets the better of your angry self. Other cultures extol meritocracy. They celebrate a good and humble live birth that has no idea why you are angry and maleficent. How fast are you on the abacus? Your grades can be of significance but the formation demanded that you get closer. How do you do that? But, this is not the bargain in the social contract that was heralded by the French revisionists. There was a bargain made for some average and reasonable love, peace and the happiness. Maybe cheaper bread may have been less costly. To many, the loss of dignity in certain schools all over the world including Brooklyn with cameras in showers from the 1960's to the 1980's, as rumored, was somewhat abusive. But, the new revolutionary system did offer the free school and its various promises of celebrating humanity but how can you press your rights for liberte' or get your phone call if you have no phone or if you cannot speak or open your mouth in light of all of that gestapo crap? Hence, a tendency toward fascism for favor under the official umbrella of liberte for votes found its parasitical existence in the body of the official republics. You could preserve the objectification of and devaluation of humanity that comes from a certain mind and soul hidden quietly under the offer of a new and truly Godly, humane and free system called the democracy. The British might have gotten it right after all with a slow and steady system of change that offers the essentials to the masses to contain the cries of suffering that eventually become systemic revisionism with some new political facility and nomenclature. This is the stuff of great fiction but there is also great history and quiet social networks and tendencies that have survived for 100's of years in societies. It makes one wonder why Rousseau suggested that man is born free but has a contrary experience when there are soo many bibles around.
Is Drinking Alcohol (Strong Drink) Kosher?
Is Drinking Alcohol Kosher?
A d’rash for parshat Noach - B'reishit (Genesis) 6:9–11:32
By Rabbi Reuel Dillon
In parshat Noach the subject of alcohol consumption is mentioned. Amongst believers in Messiah
there are different theological ideas when it comes to alcoholic beverages. Some say that we are
completely prohibited from drinking alcohol. And, some say that alcohol is permissible as long as
one doesn’t become drunk. Some have struggled with abusing alcohol and avoid it so they don’t
relapse, an honorable path to take. Some don’t drink so that they don’t cause others to stumble.
But, how should we approach this subject? Should we avoid drinking alcoholic beverages? And,
more importantly, what does the scripture say?
The Cohenim (Priests) of Adonai had certain prohibitions when it came to strong drink or wine.
Vayikra (Leviticus) 10:9 states, "Drink no wine (yahyin) nor strong drink (sheichar), you, nor your
sons with you, when you go into the Tent of Meeting, that you don't die: it shall be a statute forever
throughout your generations”. So, during the time that the Cohenim were conducting their service in
the Tabernacle they were not to have strong drink. But, otherwise it was allowed. Therefore, instead
of scripture prohibiting it altogether…it seems that it is simply regulated according to Adonai’s
The Hebrew word for “wine” is “yahyin” from a root meaning, "to effervesce; wine (as fermented);
by implication intoxication: - banqueting". There is a debate amongst some Christians, and no-doubt
some Messianics, that the word “wine” when found in scripture doesn’t actually mean alcoholic wine,
but that “wine” just means “grape juice”, and that fermented wine or other alcoholic beverages are
forbidden by scripture. Is this true? As we step back and look at the whole of scripture and what it
says about this subject it becomes clear what Adonai’s teaching is regarding these things.
One of the evidences that the word “wine” speaks of alcoholic wine is seen with how it is associated
with the phrase, “intoxicating liquor”. The passage in Vayikra (Leviticus) 10:9 connects the “wine”
spoken of with “intoxicating liquor”. The Hebrew word for “intoxicating liquor” is “sheichar”. This
word means, “An intoxicant, that is, intensely alcoholic liquor: - strong drink, strong wine". This
root comes from the root “shakar”, meaning to become "tipsy, drunk, intoxicated, or to satiate with a
stimulating drink or influence”. In B'midbar (Numbers) 6:1-4 the same two Hebrew words for wine
and strong liquor are used when describing what a "nazir" (nazerite) is prohibited from consuming.
Why is this significant to point out? When it comes to the “nazir” (nazerite) it says that they are not
to partake of intoxicating liquor. Through deductive reasoning we can than conclude that if one has
not taken a vow of the nazir...the scriptures do not prohibit the drinking of alcoholic wine or
intoxicating drinks (strong drink).
In fact, from time to time, even Adonai enjoys a drink…B’midbar (Num.) 28:6-7 states, “It is the
regular burnt offering, the same as was offered on Mount Sinai to give a fragrant aroma, an offering
made by fire for HaShem. Its drink offering is to be one-quarter hin for one lamb; in the Holy Place
you are to pour out a drink offering of intoxicating liquor (sheichar) to HaShem.”.
Not only that, but as long as we don’t abuse it, Adonai also encourages us to enjoy a drink from time
to time. In Devarim (Deuteronomy) 14:22-26 we read, “Every year you must take one tenth of
everything your seed produces in the field, and eat it in the presence of HaShem your God. In the
place where he chooses to have his name live you will eat the tenth of your grain, new wine and olive
oil, and the firstborn of your cattle and sheep, so that you will learn to fear HaShem your God
always. But if the distance is too great for you, so that you are unable to transport it, because the
place where HaShem chooses to put his name is too far away from you; then, when HaShem your
God prospers you, you are to convert it into money, take the money with you, go to the place which
HaShem your God will choose, and exchange the money for anything you want - cattle, sheep, wine
(yahyin), other intoxicating liquor (sheichar), or anything you please - and you are to eat there in
the presence of HaShem your God, and enjoy yourselves, you and your household.”.
With that being said, although the Torah certainly doesn’t prohibit the drinking of alcoholic
beverages, the TeNaKh does caution us on multiple occasions about abusing alcohol and/or getting
drunk. Many times when we have too much to drink we do things that are damaging, things that are
foolish, and we often embarrass ourselves. In our parashah, we read about Noach (Noah) and the
problems that arose when he became drunk from the vineyard he planted. B'reishit (Genesis) 9:20-
22 says, “Noach, a farmer, was the first to plant a vineyard. He drank so much of the wine that he
got drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. Ham, the father of Kena`an, saw his father shamefully
exposed, went out and told his two brothers”.
So, the question is, how much alcohol is acceptable to drink and what should the limit be?
Generally, it depends on one’s body weight. The lighter one is, the less it takes to get one
intoxicated. But, there is also a story from the Midrash Tanchuma (the classical collection of the
Sages’ homiletic teachings on the Torah) that if remembered may help to caution us when it comes
to how much we drink. The story goes like this, “When Noach took to planting, Satan came and
stood before him and said to him: "What are you planting?" Said he: "A vineyard." Said Satan to him:
"What is its nature?" Said he: "Its fruits are sweet, whether moist or dry, and one makes from them
wine which brings joy to the heart." Said Satan to Noah: "Do you desire that we should plant it
together, you and I?" Said Noach: "Yes."
What did Satan do? He brought a lamb and slaughtered it over the vine; then he brought a lion, and
slaughtered it over it; then he brought a monkey, and slaughtered it over it; then he brought a swine,
and slaughtered it over it; and he watered the vine with their blood. Thus he alluded to Noach: When
a person drinks one cup, he is like a lamb, modest and meek. When he drinks two cups, he becomes
mighty as a lion and begins to speak with pride, saying: Who compares with me! As soon as he drinks
three or four cups he becomes a monkey, dancing and frolicking and profaning his mouth, and
knowing not what he does. When he becomes drunk, he becomes a pig, dirtied by mud and
wallowing in filth.”.
Truly, when we allow ourselves to become drunk we become unclean before Adonai. It is a stain on
our soul, and instead of being righteous, wise, and understanding we become a great fool for all to
see, and while some of us claim to be wise and Godly, if we are known for getting drunk...we are selfdeceived,
as we are actually one of the most base and common of the fools of this world.
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 5:11-13 states, “Woe to those who get up early to pursue intoxicating liquor; who
stay up late at night, until wine inflames them. They have lutes and lyres, drums and flutes, and wine
at their parties; but they pay no attention to how HaShem works and never look at what his hands
have made. For such lack of knowledge my people go into exile; this is also why their respected men
starve and their masses are parched from thirst.” Note how HaShem connects the drunkenness of
His people with their lawlessness and misguided and foolish behavior, and how those who indulge in
such things are guilty for misleading God's people, even into bondage and exile!
Mishlei (Proverbs) 20:1 says, “Wine is a mocker, strong liquor a rowdy; anyone led astray by it is
unwise”. Someone who is not even wise enough to avoid getting drunk is not someone who you
want to receive teaching or other so called wisdom and direction from. Such people are the blind
leading the blind. Mishlei (Proverbs) 23:29-35 tells us, “Who has misery? Who has regret? Who
fights and complains all the time? Who gets bruised for no good reason? Who has bloodshot eyes?
Those who spend their time over wine, those always trying out mixed drinks. Don't gaze at the red
wine as it gives its color to the cup. It may glide down smoothly now; but in the end, it bites like a
serpent — yes, it strikes like a poisonous snake. Your eyes will see peculiar things, your mind will
utter nonsense. You will feel as if lying on the waves of the sea or sprawled on top of the mast -
"They hit me, but I didn't feel it! They beat me up, and I didn't even know it! When will I wake up? .
. . I'll go get another drink.".
You see, one of the fruits of God’s Spirit living in us is self-control. Someone who is known for
getting drunk is certainly not led of God's spirit, but you can be certain that they are being led by a
worldly and carnal spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace,
long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control...”. We are not to let alcohol cause
us to loose control of ourselves and we are especially not to allow alcohol to impair righteous
judgment. And most certainly, that is what getting drunk does, it impairs righteous judgment...and if
someone get to the state of is impairs righteous judgment for days even after
someone sobers up. Other than opening a door to spiritual darkness and demonic oppression, when
someone ingests too much alcohol, it leaves physical damage to the person's body that effects their
thinking/judgment and bodily health for days afterwards.
In an article by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
( states, "Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into
usable molecules by decreasing secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas (2). Alcohol impairs
nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of
some nutrients into the blood (3). In addition, nutritional deficiencies themselves may lead to further
absorption problems. For example, folate deficiency alters the cells lining the small intestine, which in
turn impairs absorption of water and nutrients including glucose, sodium, and additional folate (3).
Even if nutrients are digested and absorbed, alcohol can prevent them from being fully utilized by
altering their transport, storage, and excretion (4). Decreased liver stores of vitamins such as vitamin
A (5), and increased excretion of nutrients such as fat, indicate impaired utilization of nutrients"
Also, in an article written by Gina Firth, M.A., L.M.H.C, N.C.C, Director, Alcohol and Drug
Education and Luis G. Manzo, Ph. D, Staff Psychologist and Coordinator of Alcohol and Other
Drug Treatment Services, University Counseling Center University of Notre Dame
( states, "Consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in
one night can affect brain and body activities for up to three days. Two consecutive nights of
drinking five or more alcoholic beverages can affect brain and body activities for up to five days".
This causes a number of undesirable side-effects. Some of these side-effects include the inability to
think clearly and logically. Irritability is a common symptom, also getting into fights with people, and
thus those who drink too much on a relatively frequent basis generally experience problems in their
various relationships. It leads to headaches, depression, fatigue, laziness, and many other related
symptoms. It often leads to the neglecting of responsibilities at home, work, or school. And,
because of the bad choices that one makes and because of the contentious attitude that accompanies
the one who chronically becomes intoxicated...such individuals often have a history of legal problems
and being arrested.
These things simply don't describe the people of God. Those who claim to be God's people, yet do
these things are not only liars and deceivers, not only are they hypocrites, but they are some of the
worst witnesses to those of the world who are outside looking in to our various communities, as they
actively profane the name of our great God and King.
As mentioned before, the Hebrew word for “intoxicating liquor” comes from the root “sheichar”,
which means, “stimulating drink or influence”. In regards to influencing one's thoughts, on a
spiritual level "wine" is spoken of in various contexts, both negative and positive. For example, in
Revelation 17:1-2 we see the negative influence of spiritually corrupt wine that influences people to
act wickedly. It says, “Then came one of the angels with the seven bowls; and he said to me, "Come,
I will show you the judgment of the great whore who is sitting by many waters. The kings of the
earth went whoring with her, and the people living on earth have become drunk from the wine of
her whoring."
On the other hand, Ephesians 5:18-19 contrasts being filled with wine which influences people in a
negative way with being filled with the Spirit and being influenced by it instead. It says, “Don't get
drunk with wine, because it makes you lose control. Instead, keep on being filled with the Spirit sing
psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to each other; sing to the Lord and make music in your heart to
Because wine is known as “the blood of the grape”, often the word “blood” can be idiomatic for
“wine”. Yeshua uses both his body and blood idiomatically to describe the word of God and his
teaching. In Yochanan (John) 6:53 we read, “Then Yeshua said to them, "Yes, indeed! I tell you that
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life in yourselves.”.
Earlier in Yochanan (John) 6:49-51 Yeshua compares his body as the manna (bread) that fell from
heaven, the manna that was given to Yisra'el to teach them that man doesn’t live by bread alone, but
by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Adonai (Devarim/Deut. 8:3). And, as we later see
Yeshua taking matzah and wine during his last Pesach (Passover) seder and equating them with his
body and blood…we can easily see that the blood spoken of in Yochanan (John) 6:53 can be equated
with wine. And, often wine is associated with teaching. Therefore, I believe Yeshua’s blood in the
passage represents his teaching, which has the effect of strongly influencing his disciples. We are to
be influenced by his wine and by his Spirit.
The Emissary Sha'ul (Paul) has some strong words and instruction for the Messianic community. In
Romans 13:12-13 Sha’ul tells us, “The night is almost over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside
the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the weapons of light. Let us live properly, as people
do in the daytime — not partying and getting drunk, not engaging in sexual immorality and other
excesses, not quarrelling and being jealous.”. I don't care if you are going over to someone's house
and you are all "Messianic"...we shouldn't deceive ourselves...having a get-together where people are
getting drunk is a carnal and worldly party. And, it is an especially profane act if it is taking place on
a moed (a holyday) of Adonai.
Sha'ul felt so strongly about this subject he also included it in the following passage. 1Corinthians
5:11 states, “…what I wrote you was not to associate with anyone who is supposedly a brother but
who also engages in sexual immorality, is greedy, worships idols, is abusive, gets drunk or steals.
With such a person you shouldn't even eat!”. Although some in the Messianic and Christian
community don't take this subject very seriously, the passage we just read states it in such strong
terms that we shouldn't even eat with someone who is known for getting drunk. This is actually a
mitzvah for the Messianic community to observe, as we must keep such people accountable. Are we
taking this command seriously, or do we simply see it as a suggestion that we can ignore? Sadly, we
often don't take it seriously, to the detriment of our community, and thus we contribute to the
destruction of our community.
It is not only detrimental to our community, but the person that is on this path is actually headed on
a path of destruction. So, we shouldn't delude ourselves and think that by not warning such an
individual we are somehow being loving or we actually will being a showing that person a
lack of love and grace as we witness them going to their destruction...without any intervention from
those who are supposed to love and care for them. 1Corinthians 6:9-10 tells us, “Don't you know
that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don't delude yourselves —
people who engage in sex before marriage, who worship idols, who engage in sex after marriage with
someone other than their spouse, who engage in active or passive homosexuality, who steal, who are
greedy, who get drunk, who assail people with contemptuous language, who rob — none of them
will share in the Kingdom of God.”.
This becomes even more important for those who find themselves in congregational leadership.
1Timothy 3:2-3 says, “A congregation leader must be above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife,
temperate, self-controlled, orderly, hospitable and able to teach. He must not drink excessively or get
into fights; rather, he must be kind and gentle. He must not be a lover of money.”. And, in
1Timothy 3:8 it also mentions those whom would be Shammashim (Deacons). It says, “Likewise,
the Shammashim must be of good character, people whose word can be trusted. They must not give
themselves to excessive drinking or be greedy for dishonest gain.”.
There are some that should not drink at all because of past addictions, current addictions, or even
because of medical conditions. Or, perhaps someone has a friend or family member that struggles
with alcohol addiction and abuse, and thus some avoid alcohol around such a person, so as not to
cause them to stumble. But, in Judaism the reality is that one cannot completely avoid being around
alcoholic beverages for long…For Jewish families all around the world observe kiddush over a cup
of wine, not only each Shabbat, but also on many other special occasions. Therefore, it is
recommended that if one has problems with alcohol, they should learn to control their consumption
of it, and the community that surrounds them should assist them and keep them accountable. And,
as a side note, everything stated in this teaching also applies to those who think it acceptable to
smoke or otherwise ingest marijuana, a substance that immediately leads to mind-warping
In conclusion, although the scriptures do not completely prohibit the drinking of alcohol, it does
strictly prohibit someone getting drunk. The Messianic community of believers should keep those
whom abuse alcohol, or any other intoxicating substance accountable. It is a serious thing, and
should not be treated lightly. And, instead of being influenced and controlled by alcohol, thus
becoming a fool and profaning the name of our God, we should instead be influenced and controlled
by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), by the word of God, and by the teachings of Yeshua The
Messiah. Instead of staying up late drinking alcohol, we should be singing praises to Adonai and
should be blessing His name, and awake early in the morning with a refreshed spirit to do likewise.
Instead of running to liquor to self-medicate and find peace, our community should gather together
to study the word of God, to be influenced by it, and to find shalom in it. V'imru amein, and all
God's people said..."Amein!"
Shabbat shalom!
What is Judaism's take on alcohol consumption?
What is Judaism's take on alcohol consumption?


and intoxicating beverages are a fascinating subject when viewed from
the Torah's perspective. On one hand, we use wine for kiddush and havdallahon Shabbat and
Jewish holidays, and many, many mitzvot are accompanied by a cup of
wine. Blessings are recited on a cup of wine beneath the chupah(wedding
canopy), at a circumcision, at a Pidyon Haben (the
"Redemption of a Firstborn Son"), and let's not forget the four cups
of wine we drink at thePassover seder.
the Scriptures, wine is described as "bringing joy to G‑d and
man" (Judges 9:13). And, indeed, every sacrifice
offered in the Holy Temple was accompanied by a wine libation.
Because wine is considered to be the "king of beverages" the rabbis
coined a special blessing to be recited exclusively on wine: the Hagafen blessing.
let us not forget the venerated age-old Jewish custom to say l'chaim and
wish each other well over a shot glass of schnapps.
we are told of the destructive nature of wine and intoxication. Several
to an opinion expressed in the Talmud, the "Tree" of Knowledge
was actually a grapevine. Thus it was the fruit of the vine that tripped
up Adamand Eve, causing them and their descendents untold hardship and
righteous Noah, whose righteousness caused G‑d to spare the human race,
was disgraced by excessive wine consumption.
Nadab and Abihu, Aaron's
two holy sons, entered the Tabernacle while drunk and were consumed
by a fire that emanated from the heavens.
Torah extols the virtue, courage, and holiness of the Nazirite who
vows to abstain from wine.
what is wine? Is it a holy beverage with immense powers, reserved for holy and
special occasions? Or is it a destructive agent with the power to bring down
mighty people; a substance to be avoided at all costs?
a little bit of both, it seems. As we mentioned earlier, according to one
opinion, the Tree of Knowledge was a grape vine—and the Tree of Knowledge is
dubbed by the Torah as being "good and bad." It has tremendous
potential, when utilized properly, and a drawback of equal proportion, if
misused and abused. What we use it for is entirely up to us.
ability to bring joy is because it relaxes our inhibitions and weakens the
body's natural defenses. This "weakening of the body" allows the soul
to shine through. After taking a l'chaim one is more easily
inspired, because the body offers less resistance. This obviously applies only
when one drinks in moderation, and on special, holy occasions in an attempt to
make them a bit more festive and to introduce an inspirational ambiance.
the other hand, getting drunk in order to escape responsibilities we have to
ourselves, to our families, and to those around us, is highly destructive. A
person who is in an "escapist" mode is a dangerous person, because
very often he is also escaping many of the rules that he would be wise to
the practical side, we are forbidden to pray while drunk and priests were not
allowed to serve in the Holy Temple whilst drunk. Even today, priests may not
bless the congregation after having even a single glass of wine.
Click here for
more about wine and intoxication.
also recommend that you read Can Wine Be Holy?
Menachem Posner
This is
also one of the reasons why wine is so often used in the course of the
observance of various mitzvot—it is an attempt to rectify the original sin
that was perpetrated with wine.
Rabbi Menachem Posner serves as staff editor for
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