New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Wednesday, 14 October 2015
The variable...
All you wanted was a simple and quiet life. Did Hagar and her children find a way to recruit for the life of the presumption of being put away? She may have received something to share with Abraham but she may have withheld it to judge him and exercise authority in the household; hoping to see if he would put her first as a wife or before his sense of a purpose. She wants it to appear as if she can influence him by suggesting he may or may not score a goal or get a B in French once. Could this experience become genetic and an expression of some other aspect of the original Eve's fallen character? Have you ever seen a guy pick up a one legged woman with one eye only because she is dating an old school friend of his and he hasn't seen him in years . But, he picks her up simply because the woman is dating his old school friend and he seems to just want to put her hands on her in the motive of covetousness and hurt and maybe just to see if he would like him more maybe? Well, who knows what she was really going to be like but he helped his friend after all; innit? If it has become genetic, this Hagar gene leads to a presumption that the woman who is preoccupied with rejection for some reason can not be a fulfillment of purpose or the rightful wife. She may know herself well enough. She seems to do everything in her might to put herself out of the marital bond as if to withhold something, hoping to see how he feels. She must have decided consciously or subconsciously that her role is temporary. She could only be a second wife in her estimation and may actually leave only to hold on to a vain but continually distant hope for the shadow of validation by association to the man she does not believe is really hers or could ever be because of how she sees herself on a fundamental basis. She puts herself out of the picture or out of the relationship but holds on harassively and at a distance, watching in the wings and bothering his real wife and his life. As such, vain hopes for the feeling of public validation becomes continual life harassment with false claims of giving birth to children that have other fathers. Some women choose nothing else instinctually. Some have been brought into this by unfortunate formative experiences that leads them to be imprinted with "second wife/non-valid wife" syndrome. It is curable though by calling upon the name of the Lord. Say Yasha(Hebrew). Eve and Sara may have encountered the same issue in terms of trusting God's spoken word. Adam seems to have put his wife before the word and God did give grace in Seth where Eve changed her name to Yasha as some research indicates. Sarah was tested in trusting God in the same manner as Eve. Sarah led her husband to think twice about God's word as did Eve. Adam may have thought about God's alternative provision to his first companion but stayed with her and He provided an answer. Abraham comes from the line of Seth; Adam's third child. As such, Abraham was also tested in similar ways to ensure the line of deliverance for Eve and Adam. He was tested to trust God's word and to not be led astray. When God answered, Abraham was also tested as to whether he would put the answer before his God and provider. He was able to see that there was "a ram in the thicket" when He was able to yield his will and sacrifice the answer to the provider as directed. The answer is that, in spite of all other inclinations or persuasions, God is the answer. So, in the end, Eve as a being is to be associated with evangelism and the promise of continual life on the earth as seen in the fulfillment of Abraham and his children. She is not the end as a tempter and agent of Satan. She chooses to live beyond the spoilage of spoiled misdirection and does not associate herself with death and the fall. All the children of Eve, through Seth, can see their lineage today in that they choose and gravitate toward life and the resurrection. Church is not mandatory but a lot of people go and attendance at any place of worship is not mandatory. But, a lot of people go. These people believe in life. Is your smart phone viewing consistent with worship in the temple? Have you not chosen to set your face toward life and worship? You have chosen life. Your body(inclusive of your eyes) is the temple of the living God. The variable is purpose. Hagar's son was very good as the child of Hagar but Sarah and Abraham were cousins and there is something God wanted to do through that family in terms of promise and experience. No doubt, Ishmael and his children are very, very wealthy and lack for nothing. They have their own blessed promise and it is fulfilled also as messengers who have experienced Jehovah as followers of the Abrahamic faith. Why does any body go to a place of worship concerning an Abrahamic faith once a week where simple(half an hour delivery or it's free) life and breath in the age of running tap water and flushing toilets for the masses is the average experience for most human beings on the planet? Yeshua went to temple on His own without being compelled by an adult. We can preserve world heritage sites and also build many Oases. The land is so cheap, so cheap, so cheap. Eve's experience indicates the conflict of human will and the struggle but, in the end, she chooses rebirth, life, deliverance and salvation. She named her final son Seth accordingly.
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