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Sunday, 31 May 2015

Saul suffered from a case of Herodism. The long term cure was worship with David as the lead musician and repentance in the kata forms of Abraham. Saul was eased by the worship but what about the kata forms? He did not make repentance a habit. Certainly David and also Hezekiah, in study, may have learned something from this for later on in life. They will have a pill for Herodism soon at Walgreens. Some Modern tv content may be the cause of infection.

Globalization; It can be heavenly as a system of unifying, umbrella principles that allow for convergence, systematization and standardization. It is not necessarily a biblical Babylon but Babylon of history is emblematic of this convergence. In the new testament, it is prophetic symbolism. The language represents this convergence as babel; a language of many inputs. It is always adding new words to its lexicon. It is also mentioned in the new testament but as a symbol to depict a phenomena. It is globalization. It is capable of resembling our expectations of a heavenly magnanimity in safeguarding the meaningfulness of human life. This is to contrast any decent into negation or a fog of nihilism that leads to circling backward into negation until there is cannibalizing nullity. The breaking of natural, metaphysical laws causes this circling backward in historical progression. See the book of Genesis. You go back to where you started although previously, you could have called someone on your cell phone to help. Now, you have no networks or satellites in the chaos. The system that gives hope is lost in a nihilist fascism. The parent that does not have custody of the children is awarded child support but everybody knows the answer in the legislation or the jurisprudence. Hopefully, society agrees once more to go forward with a social contract; one with certain safeguards. Safeguarding the rules and principles is essential to its fruition and maintenance for the various populations and societies involved. Real authority is exercised in safeguarding the system and trying to figure out those who choose their ego over honoring the safeguards and due process. There is sufficient technology and legislation to achieve this to ensure the safeguarding of the meaningfulness of human life. Cultures that do not celebrate this meaningfulness tend to fall back into a circular pattern of socio-moral digression instead of linear, peaceful progression. They do not progress. When the circle is global in a global phenomena , it is war and conflict on a global scale. World War 1 and 2 are examples. It can be heavenly where people are allowed to enjoy the natural progression of life, having a wife and children. This is globalization on a micro scale since families are the building block of any society and culture and those societies that honor this thrive. They had a 90 percent marriage rate and a 1 percent divorce rate some time ago. They still do today if you look very closely. Have you noticed that the wicked witch of the west and Maleficent were both green and most likely with envy? It is because they did not respect the meaningfulness of human life, rejected every potential spouse or their actual spouse, claimed it as authority in the home, frustrated their weddings and then they want to share their misery. See the Passion For The Christ(movie). They chose atomization and singleness instead of a nucleus of a family. Everything revolves around them to death. This is not the message of globalization. The message is human family.

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