The issue of communism is a misnomer in that it is structurally and systemically untenable in a world capitalist system( also referred to as a market driven economy). Communism should be referred to now as redistributive capitalism. Communism, also referred to as Redistributive capitalism, will provide a one bed apartment for every adult who completes high school. If you want equity, you can hope to get a job and buy the unit. Then, you will be a land owner. See Osvaldo Sunkel for more. Social programs that satisfy socio-political aspirations of a country or the creature comforts and health requirements of every member of the population are celebrated but cannot dismiss the fundamental realities of market dynamics as they may be. Every country is a corporate person or market entity. Every country must have something to sell like Nikes or Byblos to maintain its intended social programs. The "Bedouin" market trader in Portobello Road near an NHS clinic calculates all activity on buying low and selling high! This is also true at the highest level of nation to nation market dynamics. Leninism would have remained viable so long as the average citizen did not want to be an individual and maintained utilitarian 19th century small farm community necessities in materialistic desires that did not include coca cola, Nike, Levis, Camel smoke products and others marketed through the media that wittled Leninist group-think in favor of the individual. The end of the Leninist ideological dream begins with Hollywood and the desires sold to the individual in every heart throbbing scene selling love, action and courage. It really started to heat up around 1930-32. Here's looking at you kid or kido! Lenin could not have forseen the power of this media in giving rise and daily consideration to what Marx recognised as a key aspect of human nature in economic life; that is individual creative power and personal expression. You cannot stifle human personality forever and expect to have a strong viable market. But, we can safeguard community with media that reflects respect for family and the sanctity of human life. 1961-70 censor boards are good enough. Who needs nightmare, hellish tv to sell running shoes, sexy smart phones and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles? My pastor said he would rather sit naked with his wife and watch Modern Family and the occasional contextual Hollywood movie such as Crazy, Stupid Love. There you go! Way to go Pastor.
See Horkeimer and Adorno for more on the media.
New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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