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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Arguments over obvious Beneficial Human Simplification with the Theory Of Relativity Leads To Conflict: Global disagreement and disagreement about something very simple in an age of simplification in the application of technology since 1905.

The simplification of our world by way of a theory!

It is interesting that the world has experienced two world wars; arguably three such wars since Einstein wrote his theory on relativity. It was written four years after men found a duplicatable and transferable method in which to defy gravity at Kitty Hawk. Essentially, since the writing of the theory man has satisfied Christ's prophecy that we would do greater things collectively above and beyond the awe of His miracles. Mechanical Flight is a miracle that transcends any human imagination that existed at the time of Christ's ascendance into Heaven.
He did say we would do greater things. This includes the mass production of all consumer goods, including the beef from the butcher, bread from the baker and the candles from the candle stick maker. Man has obviously agreed on the goodness of mass produced goods, mechanical flight, motorized carriage and other various mass and collective improvements to human life. Cell phones and cell phone networks are evidence of how man and human kind is cooperating globally so that mankind and their businesses can achieve their global agendas. We show evidence of a global social and economic contract that works and your roaming charges while travelling to the extremities of the planet are evidence.
So, mankind has agreed and communicated collectively on the simplifying power of Einstein's theory since 1905 and has benefited accordingly. There is probably a lower likelihood for human conflict to be expected in such abundance that is produced with such ease. Our hands are not idle but we have found other ways to apply our human energies with beautiful art and research on other methods to solve human problems. The universities are full and fully financed. There is no lack of knowledge. Our wealth of knowledge will not be lost but preserved; whether we apply our technological discoveries or not. The possibility of human understanding and communication with the assistance of machines that can translate our various languages can ensure that "Thank you" in Chinese is not misunderstood as "Fish For You" in some other language and there are many. But, if there have been at least two world wars(maybe three arguably) since the theory of relativity; a theory that has helped to simplify mutual human existence and that has produced significant abundance the question is why. Is it that we struggle to enjoy the peace of mechanical abundance with our hands being more idle? Is it that change in human life is happening too fast for us to digest it emotionally, causing a global massive anger and resistance to the obvious and logical answers? Is it that humans and decision makers are struggling to communicate or agree on how change in human life and existence must take place? Ultimately, the history books have explained the reasons for these global conflicts(WW1, WW2 and WW3?) but the conflicts and the size of their devastation suggest global disagreement and probably disagreement about something very simple in an age of simplification of the application of technology since 1905. A theory about energy that helps to simplify life is also then followed by 2+ global conflicts such that it may be that humanity has an obvious answer to an issue but is in global disagreement(in global active or muted war) on its application and the disagreement seems to be suppressed but not resolved as evidenced by the frequency of such mass human conflict. Fundamental global technological simplification in the theory of relativity is some how followed by two massive global conflicts(arguably three such conflicts). In an age of technological simplification and its application, what have we failed to apply in our humanity so that such global conflicts would not occur? War is not a playful pass-time for idle hands but must be the summation of disagreement that is occasioned by a failure in our obvious human abilities to communicate and relate. It is called a theory of relativity for a good reason and our failure to apply it and bring change in life to resolve one of man's greatest needs on mass, that being energy, has led to mass conflict. A lack of agreement brings conflict. Conflict brings war. The source of such conflict is not disclosed by our love of shiny new machines that travel on four wheels with new gadgetry. The new machines we love demonstrate our love for the new and ingenious simplification of the application of technology and this is a global enterprise. The only question is how do we preserve the only environment in which we can enjoy such four wheeled machines in the long-term? The lack of agreement on that answer and the best source of energy to achieve that answer may help to explain the tremendous resources earned and spent and the tremendous loss of life occasioned in disagreement on simplification. The disagreement on human simplification as occasioned by the theory of relativity or the failure to apply the simple answer in the same manner as we agree on dvd formats, computer networking and mobile communication phone networks is war. Idle hands are the devil's workshop and when man has simplified his material existence with a theory, the best application for hands that are less utilized in such abundance and peace is prayer for the appropriate faith such that we will continue to do greater things with more vision and preserve the only environment in which such greater human ingenuity can be achieved. The only way to enter peace is with understanding. This requires education. In all your getting, get understanding (google it). The theory and the various related chemistry and physics theories are a big human and global kiss on the forehead but how do we enjoy it except but to accept its totality prayerfully and the demands on our souls for its application and practical utilization. Ultimately, everyone can decide whether they will be buying an oil, gas, electrical or wood burning home comfort system or for the family dinner(flame-broiled or electric grilled burgers at the global franchise). In some countries, you have a similar number of options and methods in which to fuel your vehicular transportation.

Warren Lyon.

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