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Monday, 10 November 2014

Deuteronomy 13.

Just because you may find water in the atmosphere of Venus or magnesium on the moon, it does not mean that Jehovah did not create the Heavens and the stars or an extremely unique paradise with complex life capable of communication, design, creativity, exploration, repentance, forgiveness and destruction. Your mind and your imagination is your temple.  When whales (whale vertebrae are as large as that of a dinosaur) are extinct in 300 years and fossilized somewhere, a bunch of dedicated Christian believers in 500 years may call the discovery of whale bones in a condo excavation a hoax in the same way they call fossilized dinosaur bones a hoax. I have not met many Christians like that but I have heard about and met one or two who fail to accept the evolutionary process of creation in Genesis 1 and 2(2nd Peter 3:8/Psalms 90:4-a day unto God is LIKE a thousand years). A thinking mammal is the last mammal to show up in the story and one that is capable of having an opinion contrary to what the word of God was trying to demonstrate. Animal extinction does take pace; sometimes due to natural environmental catastrophes.  A Siberian tiger or great white shark does not appear in the list of names that Adam gave to the creation. This is also true of a Mammoth and other such expressions of His creation.  The point is that God made all of the animals regardless of size and this is so whether or not we are aware of their existence. God knows He made Benjamin Franklin. You have proof in a museum.

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