New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Friday, 30 August 2013
For a very long time, a young man was followed by a woman for whom he had no feelings or thoughts of fancy or interest. It is not that she was not attractive when they met or remained that way, it is just that 15 years old was too early for a baby and she made her strong interest and overtures rather clear. Many of her husbands resented him for not finding her desirable sufficiently that he should approach her at the age of 75. They resented him as he never had relations with her. At the age of 75, the young man( now an old man) was able to tell his son that the real issue is that there were also many young women in that school and also in another school 20 miles down the road and they liked to talk. In any class of thirty students, there are 16 women on average in every class. If there is one such woman who finds you of interest but you have different tastes in movies, there are 15 others with whom you may find common ground. If shes does not like your taste, then that's ok. You have ten toes and fingers. God made you good. Look at your knees and elbows. Don't they work well? God has one good friend out there that is right for you and you will be just right for her with similar taste in movies and music. The moral to the story has nothing to do with fish in a sea if you are a young man. You don't find women or friends in a sea. There are many tulips in the class. So, be confident and wait. She will pick you before you pick her. Trust it because I am sure your grandmother told you the same thing or your Sunday School teacher who was a secretary for the neighbourhood undercover assassin who ran a flower shop in the mall and sold only plastic flowers. Insecure girls get a twisted sense of self-esteem from rejecting people. She did a whole football team that way figuratively speaking. She told them to get behind her. They knew exactly what she meant when she put a finger to her mouth and held it there for at least 3 and a half minutes. She said that is all she needs. In essence, she ends up being a lamp post. Everyone in the community can claim ownership or to have been lit by it casually. In the alternative, She could find esteem in the perfect icing for her longshoreman husband's cake on Sunday after church as the good home manager in addition to being a VP of something sort of really important feeling maybe if a good home manager is not enough. There had to be some appreciation though since her runner up valedictorian speech was on an explanation as to why any country two times the size of the European Union was effectively broke every four- eight years and wanted to take their anger out on tiny nations using big high technology weapons to do this. It had something to do with the fact that it was the only way that they could feel like a nation; especially when they had no universal health care( even seminal universal health care-seminal; get it?) in the fear that citizens would feel too happy or respected or like citizens of something really unified; after all? It is a bit conflicted she said. Her second essay advocated unilateral action by armed peacekeepers from countries that own more coffee than any other country in the entire world. The purpose was to keep the peace. So Pick a tulip and remember that they are, in many ways, the same. This is to your benefit. Now, find out why this particular young lady is such a good friend.
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