New!Clean Pure Christlike energy to move 1063 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy.That is all!Abraham had no four wheel engined vehicle but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God demanded of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part.Abraham also had no written law; also true for Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea.All posts are authored by Warren A.Lyon.
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Saturday, 31 August 2013
The truth is that Constantine was not the first Roman to come into contact with the message of Christ. It is also true that very few nations have been free from racial heterogeneity for a very long time. Race has not been an overtly perpetual issue in many nations unless someone has decided to make it an issue. The rule has been tolerance and respect for humanity. Hence, people observe with awe those nations that have chosen to deny obvious humanity in the name of the celebration of ignorance and self-rejection. Jesus met Romans who he healed and also had opportunity to heal some of their children. Some of the Centurions that Jesus encountered were, in fact, farmed centurions; centurions that were conceived with the genetics(seed) of some celebrated soldier who followed instructions well and gave his commanding officer many smiles. In a world where diversity is synonymous with the economic truth as modelled on the fundamentals of any basic market, Bedouin or otherwise, diversity and difference is not feared but celebrated while the joy of good design and choice can be celebrated by all. Jesus and Paul the apostle were both Roman citizens or under Roman governance. Herod was an Arab and practicing Jew. He was appointed by the Romans as Governor and King of Judaea. Surah Chapter 19 in the Koran also mentions Christ and Herod as biblical characters. While Horkeimer and Adorno mentioned their concern about a return to barbarism, Encyclopedias on shelves or online ensure the Age of Light and Understanding. Play chess online. After reading John 8, you can see that Christ had no argument with the prophets inclusive of Abraham. Joseph, Abraham and Jacob did not have the gospels but they knew adultery was not consistent with God's law. They had a relationship with God that superceded written documents. It says Abraham believed. See Matthew 4,5,6,7 and 19.
Friday, 30 August 2013
For a very long time, a young man was followed by a woman for whom he had no feelings or thoughts of fancy or interest. It is not that she was not attractive when they met or remained that way, it is just that 15 years old was too early for a baby and she made her strong interest and overtures rather clear. Many of her husbands resented him for not finding her desirable sufficiently that he should approach her at the age of 75. They resented him as he never had relations with her. At the age of 75, the young man( now an old man) was able to tell his son that the real issue is that there were also many young women in that school and also in another school 20 miles down the road and they liked to talk. In any class of thirty students, there are 16 women on average in every class. If there is one such woman who finds you of interest but you have different tastes in movies, there are 15 others with whom you may find common ground. If shes does not like your taste, then that's ok. You have ten toes and fingers. God made you good. Look at your knees and elbows. Don't they work well? God has one good friend out there that is right for you and you will be just right for her with similar taste in movies and music. The moral to the story has nothing to do with fish in a sea if you are a young man. You don't find women or friends in a sea. There are many tulips in the class. So, be confident and wait. She will pick you before you pick her. Trust it because I am sure your grandmother told you the same thing or your Sunday School teacher who was a secretary for the neighbourhood undercover assassin who ran a flower shop in the mall and sold only plastic flowers. Insecure girls get a twisted sense of self-esteem from rejecting people. She did a whole football team that way figuratively speaking. She told them to get behind her. They knew exactly what she meant when she put a finger to her mouth and held it there for at least 3 and a half minutes. She said that is all she needs. In essence, she ends up being a lamp post. Everyone in the community can claim ownership or to have been lit by it casually. In the alternative, She could find esteem in the perfect icing for her longshoreman husband's cake on Sunday after church as the good home manager in addition to being a VP of something sort of really important feeling maybe if a good home manager is not enough. There had to be some appreciation though since her runner up valedictorian speech was on an explanation as to why any country two times the size of the European Union was effectively broke every four- eight years and wanted to take their anger out on tiny nations using big high technology weapons to do this. It had something to do with the fact that it was the only way that they could feel like a nation; especially when they had no universal health care( even seminal universal health care-seminal; get it?) in the fear that citizens would feel too happy or respected or like citizens of something really unified; after all? It is a bit conflicted she said. Her second essay advocated unilateral action by armed peacekeepers from countries that own more coffee than any other country in the entire world. The purpose was to keep the peace. So Pick a tulip and remember that they are, in many ways, the same. This is to your benefit. Now, find out why this particular young lady is such a good friend.
Machines Can't buy oil. People buy oil. They also buy mobile phones for $650.00 without a contract. They also travel much more with better all-inclusive deals on zero emissions hydrogen fuelled jets to exquisite exotic and also pristine "old world" travel destinations. They are kept safe from pirates and hi-jackers by the world's "Services" formally known formerly as the military. The truth is that Jesus is the mighty counsellor and the prince of peace. No matter what, there will always be peace. There is no war in Heaven. God is always at peace. He will be at peace in the event of human annihilation. God's time is not our time. A day unto God is like a thousand years and these subway tunnels in your city will be a great archaeological excavation for some future humanoid or human race. Who knows what they might look like but with adaptation being a good feature of technological or genetic improvements over time, they will probably have webbed feet and will be able to breath under water. You have heard this before. Your genes are likely to be in them. The bible says that "Out of water, came life." If anyone is in a hurry to shake his fist at His maker or to see Him, they do not have to bring the whole entire town with them. As Jesus said to Judas, " what you are doing and do it quickly." God evicted Satan from Heaven. He will evict people or civilisations from earth who cannot agree with the fact that the earth is His footstool. There is no war in Heaven. Who knows what it takes to cause a massive lava overflow to succumb civilisation on every continent? I am sure someone has made calculations in the name of a PH.D in geology. Their father was the first designer of a blended wing jetliner running on zero emissions hydrogen fuel. If in doubt, God knows the answer. Read Matthew 24.
Luke 4-from the Orthodox Jewish Bible with emphasis on Luke 4:13.
Lukas 4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) 4 Now Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, full of the Ruach Hakodesh, returned from the Yarden, and was being led by the Ruach Hakodesh bamidbar 2 Where for ARBAIM YOM Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was undergoing nisayon by Hasatan. And he had no okhel in those yamim. And when the yamim had been completed, he was famished. 3 And Hasatan said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, If you are the Ben HaElohim, command this even (stone) that it become lechem. 4 And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach answered Hasatan, It has been written, LO AL HALECHEM LVADOH YCHE-YEH HAADAM, (Not by bread alone will man live Dt 8:3). 5 And Hasatan led Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach up and showed him, in a moment of time, all the mamlechot (kingdoms) of the Olam Hazeh; 6 And Hasatan said to him, To you I will give all this shilton (rule), this shlita (control), and their kavod, because it has been given to me; and to whomever I desire, I give it. 7 Therefore, if you will be KOREIA UMISHTACHAVEH (kneeling down and worship, ESTHER 3:5) before me, everything will be yours. 8 And in reply, he said to Hasatan, It has been written, ES HASHEM ELOHEICHA TIRAH VOTO TAAVOD (Hashem Eloheicha you shall fear and him alone you shall serve Dt 6:13) 9 And Hasatan led him to Yerushalayim and set him atop the pinnacle of the Beis HaMikdash, and said to him, If you are Ben HaElohim, throw yourself down from here; 10 For it has been written, MALACHAV YTZAVVEH LACH (His angels he will command concerning you to protect you, 11 And upon their hands they will lift you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. [TEHILLIM 91:11,12] 12 And in reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to Hasatan, It says, LO TENASSU ES HASHEM ELOHEICHEM, (Do not put to the test Hashem your G-d. Dt 6:16) 13 And after Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach completed all nisayonos, Hasatan went away from him until an opportune time.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
A new vehicle design aesthetic heralds the virtue of good ergonomics and passenger attentive features such as rear folding seats. They have also decided to limit vehicle speeds in three categories as follows: 1. family and multi-passenger; 2. compact A-B transportation; and 3. Sport touring. In all three categories, it is recognised that there is no point building a vehicle that is illegal or socially rebellious for anyone to drive beyond a certain speed. I just bought a 450 BHP Volvo hybrid with a three cylinder diesel engine and an electric engine with regenerative breaking. No plug-in is required. It is able to achieve 170 Km/ litre. They will be sold to executives of diversified energy companies who believe in low overhead and solar powered hydrogen refilling pumps. They have a very good bottom line and employees with an extremely secure pension. They are hiring apparently. Technological change means an economic boom since billions of busy people have to adapt for business purposes or for the purpose of vanity. Adding cameras and Gps direction services to mobile phones created a boom. Everybody got a new phone whether they use it as a phone or just as a personal vanity device. So, there is a lot to look forward to with waterproof phones-coming soon.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
I don't know about you but it seems that if you don't forgive that parent or family member from your past, you may try to recreate their emotional responses, behaviours and reactions in someone with whom you attempt to enjoy an intimate relationship or friendship. There is a pattern, you will see, from relationship to relationship unless you forgive that person. Without that forgiveness, your words and deeds seem set to provoke the reaction you recall in that uh loved one from your past. It might help someone close to you if you uh forgive. They might enjoy spending time with you if they do not have to witness the juvenile attention-seeking and efforts spent seeking a reaction and intended upon recreating that loved one emotionally or they might tell you to just leave them alone because you keep trying to recreate your past. Your past is the past but you will bring it into your present and future if you do not forgive that individual.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Monday, 26 August 2013
There is a story of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah. No one should dare to add to that precious story and the many lessons learned from it. Abraham prayed to save the city so that Lot's life would be spared as there was a vision of the city's destruction. An alternative solution from our modern era comes to mind. The issue was the safety of Lot, his wife and children in the presence of people who lusted after their sense of purity or their flesh if nothing more. It sounds like a Zombie tale. Instead of escape, what if Lot called upon a body great enough to take the city and inhabitants and put them under a law-abiding governance that would enforce laws to keep citizens and their homes safe from such mindless and lust-driven hordes? The laws may have resembled the ten commandments with the only purpose being to ensure communal living and the governor of that land would have looked like Moses. His enforcers would have had the authority and mindset of a Caleb and Joshua. They would not have molested the citizenry and would have taken their roles to keep all the citizens including Lot and his family safe from any invasion or abuse.
Everyone knows Lot fled ultimately and escaped the destruction that followed. There was no alternative.
If Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and the scripture in established churches confirming and sharing this message has been around for at least 2100 years, isn't it the case that any message post-dating the scriptures claiming to find or continually seek after the truth without acknowledging Christ is a denial of Christ's message and that He is the truth?
An article recently posted on reviewing headlines in the British news on US funding of Syrian rebels.
Syria: US Supported Rebels Carry Out Another Massacre of Civilians By Andy Dilks Global Research, August 07, 2013 orwellwasright 259 40 1 665Syrian “rebels” have allegedly carried out another massacre of civilians, all in the name of “freeing” civilians from the yoke of Bashar al-Assad. The Al-Alam News Network reported that mercenaries from the al-Nusra Front – a ruthless group believed to have ties to the CIA and Turkish intelligence – murdered 120 Kurdish children and 330 men and women in the town of Tal Abyad located in a district of northern Syria. It is the latest in a string of atrocities carried out by groups opposing the Syrian government, which include dozens of civilian massacres, beheadings (including an incident in which opposition forces cheered on as a 14 year old boy beheaded a Syrian soldier) and a gruesome incident with a rebel cutting out and eating a soldier’s heart (who was kind enough to grant the BBC an interview). That these violent mercenaries and extremists are backed by the West should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed events in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya (indeed, many of the mercenaries currently carrying out atrocities in Syria were involved in the proxy war to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi). The British government is currently weighing up the efficacy of arming the rebels, with mixed signals emerging from Parliament over whether or not weapons should be send to the conflict zone. Prime Minister David Cameron suggested he had ruled out such a possibility, but foreign secretary William Hague – “arch-warmonger” of the Conservatives – indicated clearly that arming the rebels is still very much an option. Such debates seem more concerned with the legal and diplomatic ramifications than they are with the disastrous moral/humanitarian consequences – the Iraq War demonstrated clearly the penchant for slaughter held by the vast majority of British politicians. The US government is considerably more brazen. Having invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of eliminating al-Qaeda, 12 years on the very same terrorist groups have been receiving US military contracts. American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements, a statement of galling irony in light of the hundreds of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay held without any consideration for their rights, many of whom were rounded up in the early years of the Afghanistan War for the cash bounties offered by the US. Following a ‘secret order’ in 2012, the Obama administration and the CIA have been arming the Syrian militants, including anti-tank weapons and Stinger missiles. Intelligence insiders have recently revealed that the Benghazi attack, in which the US ambassador and others were murdered by jihadists, was in fact a staged event conducted by the State Department for the transfer of arms to al-Qaeda in Syria. It is yet another instance of US covert gun-running which echoes the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal, in which the US government shipped thousands of weapons across the Mexican border and into the hands of drug cartels. All of which makes the recent Middle East terror alerts absurd, to say the least. Coming soon after the Edward Snowden revelations regarding the NSA’s surveillance program and the public backlash against spying on such an unprecedented scope, it’s not hard to see why many view this alleged terror threat as a political stunt to vindicate the government’s snooping. And as embassies across the “Muslim world” shut down, the mainstream media is once again repeating the “terrorism” mantra in wall to wall coverage designed to ratchet up the tension and fear. But perhaps far more troubling is the recent involvement of Israel, who entered the conflict with a bang when they bombed the Qassioun Mountain Research Site back in May. In alliance with Turkey, Israeli attacks on Syria have been met with hollow denials and a mute response from the mainstream media. But the most recent attacks in Homs and Qasyoon earlier this month should give any sane person cause for concern. The size of the explosions were initially attributed to the ammunition dump which had been targeted. But a recent report from Channel 4′s Jon Snow has suggested another disturbing possibility: Israel is using nuclear weapons. Greg Thielmann, an expert on arms control policy, told Snow: “The fact of the matter is, what we are seeing in both these cases is a tactical nuclear strike, probably by cruise missiles launched from aircrafts near the borders of Syria or right off the coast in the Mediterranean.” Horrific as this may sound, Snow went on to describe this as “a remarkably delicious possibility of removing the tyrant Assad using all tools available,” advocating the use of nuclear and chemical weapons in the name of human rights and freedom in the world. To Snow, the prospect is simply “awfully ironic” rather than plain and simple “awful”. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Snow’s piece has since been pulled from Channel 4′s blog pages (but can be found here.) It is clear that the world currently faces the slippery slope to nuclear war and that further escalation of violence in Syria may well develop into a proxy war between the US and Russia or something much worse. As we commemorate the use of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the threat of nuclear war looms over the planet. Perhaps now more than ever men of violence need to be opposed by men of peace.
Please also see a companion article in the Globe and Mail with similar sources.
The questions is why are there US backed rebels in Syria and if this amounts to a scandal on the same scale as the Iran Contra Scandal? An article in the Huffington Post and the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) asked these questions based on analysis provided by Theorists writing for the Atlantic Monthly. This website does not ask questions or provide opinions since we have no points of view. There are too many news channels to have a point of view.
The Book of Wisdom Chapter 14.
The Book of Wisdom Chapter 14. 14 This book appears in the Catholic bible and was available to Jewish scholars and also Christ during his youth and ministry. It does not appear in most modern Protestant bibles or collections of the scripture following Martin Luther’s reformation. This is ironic as this scripture and its text may be the subject material of many exams for seminary candidates in any Christian denominational school or Catholic seminary. As a result, the term “Catholic” and “Anglo-Catholic” are synonymous. This is also true of the term “Catholic” and “Christian” if there is true conversion consistent with the teaching of Paul the apostle and the gospels. Christianity is a faith. Certainly, therefore, the term “Catholic Witchcraft” is a misnomer and oxymoron since Catholicism is a Christian faith. As noted, this text appears in all Catholic bibles for the edification of the church’s members. The text of Chapter 14 appears below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wisdom 14
Good News Translation (GNT)
Wooden Idols Compared with Noah's Wooden Boat
14 In the same way, a man getting ready to sail on the raging sea will call for help from a piece of wood that is not as strong as the ship he is about to board. 2 Someone designed the ship out of a desire for profit, and a craftsman built it with skill. 3 But it is your care, O Father, that steers it; you give it a safe path through the waves of the sea. 4 People may go to sea even if they have no skill, because you can save them from any danger. 5 It is your will that the things you have made by your wisdom should be put to use. And so people can cross the sea in a boat and come safely to land, because they trust their lives to that small piece of wood.
6 This was how it was in ancient times, when a proud race of giants was dying away. The hope of the world escaped on such a boat under your guidance and left the world a new generation to carry on the human race. 7 A blessing was on Noah's wooden boat that allowed righteousness to survive, 8 but a curse is on an idol made by human hands. A curse is also on the one who makes it, because he works on this perishable thing and then calls it a god. 9 Ungodly people and these ungodly things they make are equally hated by God, 10 who will punish both the things made and the people who made them. 11 And so God's judgment will fall on pagan idols, because, even though they are made from something God created, they became horrible things that trap the souls of foolish people.
The Origins of Idolatry
12 Sexual immorality began when idols were invented. They have corrupted human life ever since they were first made. 13 Idols have not always existed, nor will they exist forever. 14 It was human pride that brought them into the world, and that is why a quick end has been planned for them.
15 Once there was a father who was overwhelmed with grief at the untimely death of his child, so he made an image of that child who had been suddenly taken from him. He then honored a dead human being as a god, and handed on secret rituals and ceremonies to those who were under his authority. 16 As time went on, this ungodly custom became stronger. Finally it became law, and idols were being worshiped at the command of powerful rulers. 17 When people lived too far away to honor a ruler in his presence but were eager to pay honor to this absent king, they would imagine what he must look like, and would then make a likeness of him. 18 The ambitious artists who made these likenesses caused this worship to spread, even among people who did not know the king. 19 An artist might want to please some ruler, and so he would use his skill to make the likeness better looking than the actual person. 20 Then people would be so attracted by the work of art, that the one whom they had earlier honored now became the object of their worship. 21 So all this became a deadly trap, because people who were grieving, or under royal authority, would take objects of stone or wood, and give them the honor reserved for the One God.
The Results of Idolatry
22 One thing led to another. It was not enough to be wrong about the knowledge of God. They lived in a state of evil warfare, but they were so ignorant that they called it peace. 23 They murdered children in their initiation rituals, celebrated secret mysteries, and held wild ceremonial orgies with unnatural practices. 24 They no longer kept their lives or their marriages pure. A man might kill another by an act of treachery or cause him grief by committing adultery with his wife. 25 Everything was a complete riot of bloody murder, robbery, deceit, corruption, faithlessness, disorder, falsehood, 26 harassment of innocent people, ingratitude, moral decay, sexual perversion, broken marriages, adultery, and immorality. 27 The worship of idols, whose names should never be spoken, is the beginning and the end, the cause and the result of every evil. 28 People who worship them lose control of themselves in ecstasy, or pass off lies as prophecies, or live wickedly, or break their word without hesitation. 29 They tell lies under oath and expect no punishment, because the idols they put their trust in are lifeless. 30 But punishment will finally catch up with them, for two reasons: first, they were in error about God when they worshiped idols, and second, they had so little regard for holiness that they made false statements to deceive people. 31 When unrighteous people commit sin, they will be hunted down, not by the power of whatever thing they swear by, but by the punishment that sinners deserve.
A Good News bible with the Deuterocanonical and Apocryphal books including these additional books enjoyed by Christ and exemplified in his teachings are available at
Saturday, 24 August 2013
A Chiropractor responsible for organising the social actitivies of all other chiropractors in his town's social organisation became infatuated with a female chiropractor. He was a divorcee and at times struggled with his orientation but this one female chiropractor's gentle way reminded him of who he is. He seemed to develop a need for her attention and actually paid some of her clients to stay away from her office. She could see something unusual was transpiring. He broke all the rules. He would try to frustrate her social events by sending accusations about the type of soda purchased and was very overt about it, showing no shame. His obsession and the bribery became evident when his desire for her attention became a hatred and resentment. She did not respond as it appeared that, ultimately, all he wanted was an acknowledgement of his position but not necessarily something sexual. It seems that he went through the same experience once with another gentleman who broke all the rules in the same position as the organiser of social activites. The current organiser wanted to be "liked" and accepted soo much and to have his social events free from the accusations that he took his clothes off for the previous organiser. He didn't have to do that since they just wanted to control his choice of sodas. The previous organiser took pictures and bribed the current organiser for the rest of his life and used him for sexual favors. He broke all the rules. The moral to the story is that hurt people who have not forgiven wish to hurt others and will stop at nothing until someone is dead. They are psychotic and obsessed and need to be reminded of the power of forgiveness. Read Colossians 3:13 and Matthew 6:14. If all else fails, ask Yoda.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Knowing that your Heavenly Father has many mansions is a great comfort and it should give you rest while standing in line to buy a new LED TV to replace the LCD TV in time for Christmas or the big game day. It is definitely a "must have" as you will notice the uh image quality and who can settle for less? You are entitled. I'm watching the game on an old Zenith 1986 space command tv with the built in converter and wood cabinet. It was designed with a sense of celebration; much like the tablets and hoppers available now for TV anywhere in your home. Anyway, it is not likely that the Father's many mansions will have racial or sexual orientation demarcation or houses and neighbourhoods with painted signs for the various denominations. The spirit of the Lord is not dispensed with notions as to denominations. Some say they followed Paul, Cephas or Apollos in the time of the early church but Paul dismissed this nonsense and made it clear that all should seek to follow Christ where there is Christ alone.
Patricia Worthy is a law professor and understands that the primary goal of commerce as seen in big box stores is to apply prices equally. This is also true of the application of all laws, that is their equal application, as a definite requirement and "must have' in a truly enlightened and democratic society. The shadow of anything less is an anachronism of a blighted society that suffers the ring rot of the unenlightened and uneducated. The coat of salvation, the symbolism of justice and the cloak of democracy cannot rest on the shoulders of any system or society that harbours inequality based on race or any other criteria. God has no skin tone or singular gender identity. As a result, try thinking of God as a woman so that you can heal and do this remembering that he carries both genders in his awesome and omnipotent mind. 

Thursday, 22 August 2013
What does a good price on Dijon mustard or a 17 ounce steak at Walmart have to do with Republican, American, Democrat or a third political party to improve consensus? Efficient laundry soap or vehicles have nothing to do with points of view on the meaning of conservative and liberal while both ideological groups have colleagues that have enjoyed twinkies or the common sense found in a Dr. Phill pamphlet, Oprah brochure or a Phill Donahue (best of) DVD.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Did you hear about the woman that received 50 child support receipts on one son? She had relations with about 50 different people in a two month period, got pregnant by invitro fertilisation with an unidentified seed donor and rejected all the men with whom she had relations. They eventually found wives and girlfriends. By the time the child was two, she contacted the fifty putative fathers of the son and let them know that she needed support. Everyone was either too cautious or concerned about their wife or girlfriend so they paid something. No one understood how many partners she really had in that small time frame. In fact, it was about 350 partners. A similar story appeared on Donahue once. See the archives. It will be a tv movie in the same series of films that include the "Perfect Assistant".
Her favourite bible passage was John 4 for some reason; especially the part about soo many husbands and the one that she was with was not her own. It told her quite a bit about herself and the solution Christ gave. She loved to argue about Proverbs 2,5,6,7,9 and 11. While doing this, she wore a T-shirt with "Proverbs 31" written on it. The writer was the same as Proverbs 2 and 7 apparently. Psalms 63:1-7 was circled in her first husband's bible. It was the only passage he read to her. He tried 1st Corinthians 13 but she would get upset every time he read the word love or the phrase "love is" in the passage. So he switched to Psalms 63:1-7. She was at church though in time to turn on the coffee maker without fail every week. She used to run the Sunday school but kept on insisting that the class should watch the opening scenes of Sleeping Beauty but without any scriptural cross-reference. The pastor could not find any common ground when insisting on the cross-references so she chose the choir instead. He had only suggested that she forgive her grandmother since she said that her grandmother was her reason in playing the opening scene every week. He did not understand except that it had something to do with her Gran wanting recruits like Maleficent. Choir and coffee-making were two suggestions as the best options until she could say the words "I forgive." She decided to take the Pastor's suggestions since her grandmother, as she recalls, argued with the Pastor at the front door every Sunday and she was the only woman in the church who would do this while loosening the first button on her blouse; every week. She said she felt hot often as the summer and winter breeze connected with the hairs on her leg. But, she wasn't clear about what she meant since she called the drummer or the organist her leg as well. Her Grandmother did not choose her as a recruit since she was too thin. She did not know why her grandmother was recruiting but that was the best way to describe her overtures. Her Grandmother knew what she was looking for. She could have internalised this as rejection but her Granddad said she was to be a volleyball player and that is why God made her wiry thin and able to sing quite well. Being thin helped her to hit the high notes and she should not feel rejection. It was time to let her Grandma go, it should be said, figuratively but certainly emotionaly and to show thanks at least for the scones and tea as she would always eat them rather happily when Gran put them on the table. It was time to be all that God had intended as she started to remember how she felt at the age of 3 or 5 before her father whispered negative words in her ears and Gran said she was just too too thin.
Monday, 19 August 2013
There was a little girl who wanted all of her father's attention. She did not realise that she had it but she seemed to have wanted something more. He was a junior pastor and read the word of God and watched Christian tv shows. She wanted to see what made him so happy. It was just what she thought; nothing more than the word. She seemed to have taken it with her to school; his bible that is. She noticed he was upset when he could not find it but his joy returned quite quickly as no one could steal that away since he remembered many songs, hymns and verses in the Psalms. There were too many to mention that he had committed to memory actually. She could not take that away to school evidently. At least she learned that she had most, if not all, of his attention. There was an obvious necessity for a few hours in the day to spend time with the Lord so he could seek the strength or wisdom; whatever junior pastors are told. This was also certainly to help him be a good father and husband of course. There was also time needed to spend with mommy so she could be just as thankful as the little girl and the little girl's brother. Her brother always thought she was a bit off though. She took his bible and mom's bible to school as well and also Grandma's; crazy! The bible theft was her grandfather's idea. Essentially, it was to keep her single and so she remained until 47 when she finally went to an altar call. Following various experiences of self-created break ups and disappointments and after all that time and after all those bibles, she failed to read it or the very simple ten commandments also known as the ten commandments of communal living. She ended up having relations with everyone of her boyfriend's grandfathers. She did not understand why until after the altar call.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
There is a story in some folklore about a troll-like woman who could not cook, read or write anything very well. She would not take mistakes as a growth opportunity and sought to use any wives tale as an appendage to the gospel. She called everyone her student and trusted in any other troll-like person who would tell her that reading anything backward would make her wise. Most people read it the other way. But, they couldn't help reading it backward since it made them feel authoritative in their own unique way. It was a choice. Some of these folklore references appear in Pilgrim's Progress with a troll-like woman referred to as a railing accuser. She also appears in Chinese folklore as Jade Fox or in other stories from other cultures. It also appears in Revelations 2. Let him who boasts(google that), boast about the fact that he understands the Lord. You could seek power and authority as some do. Many antichrists shall come and some say Hitler was such a figure beside other such individuals in History. You could seek the Lord and His attributes. Google that and see what comes up. There might be something to it; knowing His attributes and reflecting upon them. It is in the story of Nehemiah.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Psalms 42 could be about a relationship involving a man and a woman but it is not. If your brain is as wise as your hormones, then follow your hormones. It should be the other way around if you uh think about it. In being observant, one will notice that the Lord confirmed everyone of His commandments in the book of Genesis as the commandments of communal living. This is the law. The ten commandments is the law codified. Hormones and laws are not antonyms. You wish to treat others in the way you wish to be treated. Think about it.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
I heard someone say that his relationship with God could be reduced to two understandings when it comes to receiving the Lord's love as described in Romans 8. He said God is intimacy and God is acceptance since nothing can separate you from the love of God; except yourself that is. That separation is best described in the three temptations of Christ as outlined in Matthew 4. Read also Romans 1 since you could turn any wood carving of a Rhino or a plastic uh Ken Doll into your first love. There is nothing wrong with Ken really. He had nice sweaters but you have to have a balance since plastic is not everything. You can control it but it cannot not answer back if spoken to. That separation is also described in the book of Jude and Proverbs 2. The spirit of wisdom is depicted as a woman; a sister, a relative. God is depicted as a father. Either way, Jesus is described as a friend that sticks closer than a brother. The end result is that values such as friendship or love in the word of God have no gender import. They are modelled on sincerity as in sincere friendship or sincere intent to love. See 1st Corinthians 13. As such, there is a concept known as the breast of God. The Holy Spirit is described as comforter but necessarily as the breast of God. There are many other descriptions so stay close and ask for more as you find your new dependence in and upon Christ. God never made anything that he did not accept. So, unravel that tight wire coil of emotions with a little forgiveness and receive all that God had in mind for you. If all else fails as you try to understand Matthew 4,5,6 and 7 listen to Yoda in Empire Strikes Back. He is just a science fiction metaphor for Jesus who was born, who lived, died and rose again for something very important. Baptists, Pentecostals and every church that finds its origins in the book of Acts can agree to that. The bible is just a good foretelling of how your best friend might treat you if he is your best friend. So read it a lot.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
A stream does not run both bitter and sweet waters. One should study to show themselves approved in any discipline and should not resist tutelage or correction. Inspiration is not understanding and nor is it study but it might be the inspiration to study something or share something but it is not study or understanding. But, who is really paying attention anyway so long as you have the right shoes on? It is good to read the whole chapter. It is also good to read the whole book. A bible study does not allow someone the right to claim authority as a teacher although they might have the gift. Having listeners is an entirely separate issue and no one doubts the sincerity with which one may open their mouth. This does not mean that the blind is leading the blind or that listeners are taken up with a spectacle because someone did say this about a Jim Jones. I saw a snippet about him on discovery channel once. He was infamous with a large following. In fact, I mean to say he was famous in many aspects. He came out of the world and was separate, some say although his story is quite sad in the end. Who was he serving in his private life, although separate, as contrasted with his public life? Did he show moderation in all things? It was not consistent with Matthew 6, John 6:29 or Mark 2:27-28. But it does say go out into the world and preach. Light does not run from darkness. Salt has its affect as a preservative. So long as there is salt and light, there is time to show appreciation for the beautiful creation. Take a picture of the sunset with your 16 megapixel waterproof camera. I am going to go and watch Star Trek; the borg protocol. The borg cautions everyone who is unconverted to their way of life that resisting the borg is futile. I am going to watch it on my old GSM phone. I shook the phone long enough, held it to the sun, requested the best software update possible and now I can watch streaming video anywhere I go. It is a miracle; amazing! But no miracle beats the power to forgive those in your past or present who you feel may owe you some form of forbearance and apology. That miracle is truly the greatest and it never ceases to amaze. Google forgiveness and read a testimony.
Monday, 12 August 2013
There was once a song about Jack and Jill if not Jack and Dianne. Either way, Jack is involved. Now Jack and his girlfriend spent a lot of time together just enjoying life. They cooked, ate and even shared the laundry together. That is how they met. Jack had a habit of sleeping over at his girlfriend's place and she looked forward to it; that they could spend time together and enjoy what was a good and genuine friendship at its essence. There was another couple that lived a few doors down in this suburban neighbourhood building with a Costa Brava Coffee chain store on the ground floor. They( married couple 1) were married as well as the neighbouring couple. Married couple two(2) had a beautiful ceremony and exchanged gifts like Jack and his girlfriend. The married couple divorced a few years later citing irreconcilable differences that amounted to divergent television interests and a repetitive argument over what was the most efficient laundry soap. He also spent too much money on coffee, she said, and she wanted him to save for a new set of designer plates that she just, gosh darn, had to purchase once every six months. Jack and his girlfriend went to church every Sunday and agreed as to what was most important. Her favorite scripture was Ecclesiastes 4 and he liked Luke 1:27(ESV), Matthew 19 and Ephesians 5:31. 20 years later, couple 2 divorced. Jack and his girlfriend were always mindful of dividing things equally so everyone was as happy as the bargain or agreement they made while in the relationship. Jack and his girlfriend met these various individuals and their new partners( Prior to break up, the new partners wrote their names on the pavement outside of the homes of Jack's neighbours.). They went on various trips to Scranton to go skiing and Michigan to go fishing. The end result is that Jack said his vows, figuratively speaking, with his girlfriend once a week as they attended church together. No one is judging. Don't get it wrong. The reason why Jack and his girlfriend never had a ceremony beside their wedding( a ceremony does not make you legally married) was because his girlfriend was horribly afraid of rejection that could come from any commitment but she really loved him though. She also loved to read the bible and accused all of her ex boyfriends of cheating while this was not so. She also accused Jack as well. He never understood why. He did not go to church with anyone else. He did his best to understand and realised that his neighbours went through the same thing in light of their faithfulness to their wives. It was a mystery since faithfulness should bolster mutual assurance unless... Anyway, Jack was a descendant of a Japanese man who could trace his ancestry to one of Shakespeare's sons who had travelled to Japan to teach english. It was a known fact among the family that Shakespeare enjoyed conjugal rights while betrothed as this was the God fearing custom. Shakespeare and his wife had a ceremony a few months after the birth of their first child with great joy and communal celebration.
Someone suggested to Mother Earth that cigarettes were a fashionable pass-time and that they gave you energy. Mother Earth agreed but did not read the warning on the packages. She shortened her days following the voice of current but not so well-informed opinion. A scientist and former car designer had another answer. It was an electronic cigarette with a ginseng vapour that really gave you energy; without side effects. Mother Earth switched to the electronic pastime and found it much the same. You light it and gear up to put it in your mouth and then you gear down with an easy exhale. There is no risk of a cigarette odour in your car; after all? This mother earth lived as long as her common sense and God's good will allowed with this well prepared, lucrative alternative that did not present adverse side effects in the fulfilment of a really enjoyable pastime. Her best friend drove a Nissan Skyline with the hydrogen F-cell variant. He was smoking the electronic cigarettes as soon as they came out on the market. It made sense. His previous vehicle was a Corvette. He had just collaborated with her on a poem that included a verse about a hydrogen fuel pump in the living room. It was called " Still; we are blessed and also rise" based loosely on a poem by Maya Angelou. It is really beautiful.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Anyone can have two or three mobile phone accounts and pay the cost. It is easy to determine and quantify. The cost of having more than one wife/girlfriend is not so easy. It is wise to be with one and betrothed to one. There is peace as you treat others as you wish to be treated. So be satisfied with the milk, juice and pancakes on Sunday morning with the woman with whom you enjoy such special moments.
Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln
At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.
On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it, all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war--seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.
One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union , but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations
If the virtue is the market, then the rules of habitation in the towns and cities that are host to the market should extol the safety and security of that virtue. Simply put, do all that is possible to safeguard that virtue and the inhabitants that make the market vibrant and successful. This includes buyers on the way to, inside of and on the way out of the market.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Did you know Wombosi was a seminary graduate and a United Way volunteer? Jason Bourne spent three days on Wombosi's yacht reading his manuscript on how missionaries helped to build schools across Africa. It was a complete expose of all their work and someone was a bit upset that Wombosi refused to use a U.S. publisher but decided to self-publish or use a French publisher for the first publication in French or Spanish. It is quite amazing.
Friday, 2 August 2013
A young man was dating a good uh Christian woman. She was living in a faithful and conscientious generation. She accepted Christ and all of His miracles except that He turned water into wine. She believed in the ascension, resurrection and referred to the miraculous immaculate conception but denied that one miracle. She could not believe that God would change His patterns of causing a woman to conceive. I am not sure what else to say but if the issue is power, one should believe that ,with God, all things are possible and that the power to do one miracle is not diminished in completing another miracle. But, His deity is diminished in our mind and thoughts when we deny His power to do anything. You may have a subway token that will work in any station but somehow you choose to believe it will not work at the station that is next to a church. Who can understand your thinking except that you denied the power of the authority to enter and to get on the train at one particular station and now you have missed the train. So,do it your way and keep your token for the next station. The young man showed some patience and would walk to the next station with his uh Christian woman while she insisted the token will not work at that one particular station. What he noticed is that there was a Cross just over the entrance with a little insignia that said ( narrow is the way). It was the only station with that emblem in the entire city. Once, he realised this was the issue he said he had to get on the train as he would anywhere else. She said, he is just like all the others. He said, "... I think I understand. It's you." If you break one commandment you break them all. If you deny the power of one miracle, you deny the power that stands behind all miracles. So, is it one or two miracles that were denied or is it that you have never flown in an airplane powered by a zero emissions fuel such as hydrogen? The truth is that he found a note pad on the train and it had a list of items that she had stolen from others. It included a bible stolen from one person but there were more spectacular items stolen from other individuals on the list. She called it culture and people were expected to understand. She had lots of friends who uh agreed. See John 8. Also, it seems the list indicated she broke up with her ex boyfriend just as someone changed the date in the computer at the DMV(Department of Motor Vehicles) from 2012 to 1987 as he was the driver of a 2012 AMC Eagle. It affected her feeling toward him and his material value; her feelings like a wave of the sea(James 1:6-8). But, it was really a 2012. The note said "forgiven"(Romans 8:1) but some people love the honour and acceptance, among certain types of zombified individuals, of hurting someone so why should they seek or accept forgiveness or even apologise as would be consistent with repentance? They say they do hurtful things for uh social respect amongst zombified individuals. It was signed by someone with the name Reid Lord More or Lord More Reid but not necessarily in that order. She changed her name to Constance once she accepted God's contant power.
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