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Saturday, 27 July 2013

The football, basketball, horn, violin or  science equation is no respecter of persons and neither is your final exam results. As it says, God is no respecter of persons.

Congratulations to everyone who graduated form their Masters program in Divinity and Chemistry this year; so enormously grand as an achievement.  You know who you are.   Humanity will always try to fatigue you and jostle with you because it is not sure of itself.  Read Romans 1 and John 1.  Go to Yoda School in the event the point is lost in some translation.   However, if humanity is thoughtful enough to make lipstick and light bulbs, it is human enough to recognise its own narcissism and say excuse me. The light bulbs were for the mirror in the bathroom and the make-up mirror in the vehicle( make- up mirrors in vehicles since 1953). It will remain available in the fuel cell version; circa 2005.

There was generation X, Y and now there is Community Z ( a happy place for all to enjoy their new and old human and civic rights). This has very little to do with World War Z the movie which is about zombies; creatures that resemble a barbarised humanity where there are no morals except passion, lust, anger, jealousy and a seething resentment for the fact that you floss and use the store brand products. Store brand products were designed by people who drive Aston Martins and Jaguars; after all?    

It is rumoured that Zombies are a religious metaphor conceived of by intellectuals to express their concerns for a time in history when a morally empty, soulless and rabid humanity would be less innocuous and more overt about their existence. It also brings to mind the concerns of Thomas Hobbes about any society in civil war.

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