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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What battle of the Sexes? You mean thirty love-like in tennis or thirty friend!

Now there shouldn't be any battle of the sexes when Adam and Eve were made suitable helpmates and what God has joined then let no man put asunder. But Eve didn't want it to end or she would have just gone off with Satan that day who tempted her and tricked her reason. The knowledge she sought in temptation was not to have more knowledge than her husband. That was not delineated in the Satan's temptation. It was to have more knowledge than God or knowledge equal to God so in not to trust God when He said do not eat of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. God is all knowledge but in eating it, it would have made man independent of God; not purely because of the knowledge but more so because of the act of self-determination and individuality and independence from god in the rebellion not to hear when he said " not touch." The end result is that the battle or tension that people speak about began on that day and it is the feeling that maybe a man has more authority than a woman. Adam and Eve were graced with the same authority in the garden and Adam did not have more authority than Eve over the creation (ROMANS 8). She is his wife and helpmate and God made them both in His image. But, after she did not hear, Adam had more authority for that day, hour or few minutes in obedience in not eating the fruit and clearly before he joined her in the rebellion when he finally did eat of the fruit as offered to him by this wife; Eve. They were unequal in authority only briefly and then Adam decided to join her by eating the fruit as Eve had been tempted. Now, Adam said to God "...the woman made me eat it."   He should have seen like Abraham that you should never put anything God gives you before the God who gave it to you. You submit what God gave you back to Him in thankfulness. When you don't,  it becomes an idol. God said you shall have no other God before me and while Adam did not submit his wife to God, Abraham submitted his son.  How could Adam do this thing and sin against his God?  If the helpmate malfunctions and becomes a pillar of salt like Lot's wife or tells you to throw the bible on the ground and laughs when you read Psalms 50 to her then maybe its time to get on your own knees; not to the fruit she is offering but to God.  Adam and Eve were joint heirs in Jehovah as we seek to be joint heirs in Christ. Now, there is no need for a battle since God called both sexes to be stewards of the earth and were granted equal authority in the role and this requires mutual submission to be so led by God's gracious spirit.  Restoratively, the plot indicates that Abraham was in the garden figuratively yet also in spiritual actuality as was Adam. Abraham was walking in the Shekinah glory or with the Holy Ghost and sought to be in connection with God and we know about Hagar. Maybe he should have asked God why his wife is imploring him to have sex with the maid so that they might have children instead of just trusting and waiting for the promise. But, to this day Sara's impatience, even though she called Abraham her Lord and clearly knew he was her husband and would not derivate  from her faith to him, is the progenitor of many time saving devices such as the magic chopper (TM) or a microwave. Why do I have to wait on this promise from God?(Psalms 27.13) You may find out when your husband is too busy trying to work or please you with money to purchase the next time saving device as you want your family to be early adopters;right? Well, maybe not. You might be contented with the slow cooked meal by  the oven.   Go ahead. Ask your husband where is his cellphone? Its a time saving device like your maid and see if her number is on it and she is young;right?   Are you restored yet or are you trying to get a fast one in on your husband with the neighbour that keeps looking at you when you hang the laundry and you know all men are dogs; right(well, not really because it would mean you are cursing your father and grandfather to say that or think it)? What about that home made salad dressing and you accidentally picked up the bleach bottle that looked like the vinegar bottle but by the time you realised, he was home for dinner and you were afraid to lose his disapproval by telling him the salad would be late so you let him eat it anyway. You really wanted to maintain his sense of respect for you and your timely timely timely discipline.  But, he does say he loves you and he doesn't want to have the female street car conductor although she smiles often because she can see he's a good husband and a good man. You thought it was because he had good cologne and did push ups.  Once he figures out the salad dressing that you never corrected, the street car conductor will be pregnant with his first child and you'll be alright (Isaiah 54).   

Its not that the street car conductor was more beautiful. She had similar eyes and a rounded bottom  nose but, there was something about the way she said hello and thank you for your patronage.  He heart said this;  "...How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"" ( Isaiah 52:7).  Its like the movie "Reader" with all the honesty.  I think it was her internal consistency and her uh fear for the Lord.       

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