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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Masonry at Covenantry Housing and Sanctuary Homes Association

Psalms 127 says that if  the Lord does not build the house, the builder builds in vain.  The truth is that before the Normans travelled to the British Islands, the Lord was there.  This is obvious in the lore of Glastonbury.  Before the Normans and the Vikings were in the British Islands, the Lord is.  So, before Masonry the Lord is.  What is masonry? Well, it seems to be the undercover worship of mammon and the promise not to want in this life.  Abraham had a promise not to want but it was through the Lord alone.  It is not easy to trust a God you cannot see but Abraham believed and it was sent to him is righteousness.  It is rumoured that many preachers in the United Mammon States of America are actually levitical in ancestry and they include Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll and David Jeremiah.  They dont jump too much or role on the ground or say"... I want to talk to you uh!  about the Lord uh! Because he saved you uh!"  No.  They sound like white people who believe in God and who will hire a black man with a "C" average or even a 2:1( median North American A).   So, masonry is mammonry and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and you can try to have two Gods if you want and read two rule books but if you say you are Isaac's son, then follow your father and not just in his haircut of choice of coals for the steak.

Follow your grandfather as well. His name is Abraham right son of Isaac; innit?

See the link above.  Whether you sing Amazing Grace with classical chords, in a modern rock version or in a blues and gospel verse, it is still just amazing! Phew!  That was close!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

TRUST-Well, that is the hard part since many of us had unreliable teachers etc or parents who took our trust during our formative years when everybody should have been like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny with nice and fuzzy suits with gifts and lessons on how to share your chocolate with your brother, sister or friends in school.  Then there is trusting a God you cannot see. That is hard but we are told to cast our cares or to  know that His care and protection  supersedes all our cares and fears. See Psalms 56.  There was a song written by a Pedro with the same theme.  Anyway, Truth Restores Us in God So Trust(COPYRIGHT-JULY 2012-Warren A. Lyon).

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

What battle of the Sexes? You mean thirty love-like in tennis or thirty friend!

Now there shouldn't be any battle of the sexes when Adam and Eve were made suitable helpmates and what God has joined then let no man put asunder. But Eve didn't want it to end or she would have just gone off with Satan that day who tempted her and tricked her reason. The knowledge she sought in temptation was not to have more knowledge than her husband. That was not delineated in the Satan's temptation. It was to have more knowledge than God or knowledge equal to God so in not to trust God when He said do not eat of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. God is all knowledge but in eating it, it would have made man independent of God; not purely because of the knowledge but more so because of the act of self-determination and individuality and independence from god in the rebellion not to hear when he said " not touch." The end result is that the battle or tension that people speak about began on that day and it is the feeling that maybe a man has more authority than a woman. Adam and Eve were graced with the same authority in the garden and Adam did not have more authority than Eve over the creation (ROMANS 8). She is his wife and helpmate and God made them both in His image. But, after she did not hear, Adam had more authority for that day, hour or few minutes in obedience in not eating the fruit and clearly before he joined her in the rebellion when he finally did eat of the fruit as offered to him by this wife; Eve. They were unequal in authority only briefly and then Adam decided to join her by eating the fruit as Eve had been tempted. Now, Adam said to God "...the woman made me eat it."   He should have seen like Abraham that you should never put anything God gives you before the God who gave it to you. You submit what God gave you back to Him in thankfulness. When you don't,  it becomes an idol. God said you shall have no other God before me and while Adam did not submit his wife to God, Abraham submitted his son.  How could Adam do this thing and sin against his God?  If the helpmate malfunctions and becomes a pillar of salt like Lot's wife or tells you to throw the bible on the ground and laughs when you read Psalms 50 to her then maybe its time to get on your own knees; not to the fruit she is offering but to God.  Adam and Eve were joint heirs in Jehovah as we seek to be joint heirs in Christ. Now, there is no need for a battle since God called both sexes to be stewards of the earth and were granted equal authority in the role and this requires mutual submission to be so led by God's gracious spirit.  Restoratively, the plot indicates that Abraham was in the garden figuratively yet also in spiritual actuality as was Adam. Abraham was walking in the Shekinah glory or with the Holy Ghost and sought to be in connection with God and we know about Hagar. Maybe he should have asked God why his wife is imploring him to have sex with the maid so that they might have children instead of just trusting and waiting for the promise. But, to this day Sara's impatience, even though she called Abraham her Lord and clearly knew he was her husband and would not derivate  from her faith to him, is the progenitor of many time saving devices such as the magic chopper (TM) or a microwave. Why do I have to wait on this promise from God?(Psalms 27.13) You may find out when your husband is too busy trying to work or please you with money to purchase the next time saving device as you want your family to be early adopters;right? Well, maybe not. You might be contented with the slow cooked meal by  the oven.   Go ahead. Ask your husband where is his cellphone? Its a time saving device like your maid and see if her number is on it and she is young;right?   Are you restored yet or are you trying to get a fast one in on your husband with the neighbour that keeps looking at you when you hang the laundry and you know all men are dogs; right(well, not really because it would mean you are cursing your father and grandfather to say that or think it)? What about that home made salad dressing and you accidentally picked up the bleach bottle that looked like the vinegar bottle but by the time you realised, he was home for dinner and you were afraid to lose his disapproval by telling him the salad would be late so you let him eat it anyway. You really wanted to maintain his sense of respect for you and your timely timely timely discipline.  But, he does say he loves you and he doesn't want to have the female street car conductor although she smiles often because she can see he's a good husband and a good man. You thought it was because he had good cologne and did push ups.  Once he figures out the salad dressing that you never corrected, the street car conductor will be pregnant with his first child and you'll be alright (Isaiah 54).   

Its not that the street car conductor was more beautiful. She had similar eyes and a rounded bottom  nose but, there was something about the way she said hello and thank you for your patronage.  He heart said this;  "...How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"" ( Isaiah 52:7).  Its like the movie "Reader" with all the honesty.  I think it was her internal consistency and her uh fear for the Lord.       

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Teeth Whitening and teeth fixing because you love him enough

It used to be that for that special wedding ceremony day, all you needed was your vows, good tooth paste and the family that loves  you.  You probably already got married before the wedding ceremony day as the ceremony is not the wedding.  The vows in the church and the ink in the wedding registry or its filing at the city record office do not make you married.  Its the two of you knowing each other as you ought to (intercoursing or copulating) so as to enjoy Godly concupiscence and the intention being that you will know no one else like that.  You had that intention from the moment you set eyes on her; so did she but then you got her a ring to confirm your intentions in the public and then all of a sudden, she did not like your dress sense because she got another offer now that she has your ring on.  You got some new offers too for some reason with some ex girlfriends calling out of the blue but you got married five years ago in the back of her ( your betrothed's) vehicle and now it was just to set a ceremony date.  But, the ring on her hand has brought a new reality. All of a sudden, she is willing to have weddings with a few other people until the ceremony because she was told she would have to be really faithful after the wedding pictures with the dress on. You decided to stay faithful to your original intentions but she was told its ok to have as many test runs until that day but she has your ring on and she was more faithful, actually entirely faithful, up to the day you put it on her hand but the offers she was getting made it difficult for her to remember why she had said no to all these other people until now. It must have been a half descent ring and she must have felt like a Princess in it and soo treasured and valued.  Oh well. At least, your teeth are no longer perfect enough now that you gave her the ring and everything all of a sudden has to be brand new.  Well, maybe she will be the same sweet girl who said yes and was faithful to you if you take the ring back or you should let her continue to  devalue all that you shared together up to the ring moment. You kept your promise but everyone around her is telling her not to keep hers.  Its amazing that this should happen now that she has your ring on. So what do you do. You could fix the gap in your teeth but then what next? The truth is, you  never complained about her teeth or her tendency to spend too much time looking at her receding gumline due to her chocolate addiction or the fact that she kills all of her plants or the fact that she can't iron clothing or seems afraid to try to iron a shirt or the fact that her front teeth are actually veneers.  You didn't marry her for her teeth as teeth can be fixed anyway and you would not breakup over that. But, if you thought it might affect a wedding picture, you may tell her and with all love and respect in your voice.  The last thing you want to hear is that you don't really love her since you suggested she should fix her teeth for the wedding picture. Someone might think what will you do when she is fat after pregnancy and there's an extra fold of love to handle on her waist.  That's right; better not worry about the teeth then or find some pictures of couples with bad teeth on wedding day and say "...Hey...maybe we should get those teeth laser white and some veneers put on because even if we don't, you know I will truly love you and never leave you. We are already faithfully married with that intention to stay together; Matthew 19." She says, Amen! After that, if she loses an arm, you know you will stay with her because she is a good friend who loves you for your real person and not the features that are purely cosmetic and you love her the same way. Isn't that what its all about? If not, you could just find a picture and marry the picture; right?

Mercedes-Benz and Hydrogen vehicle offerings here now!

Mercedes-Benz Has Two Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars In The Pipeline

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First Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-Cell hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle delivery, Newport Beach, Dec 2010

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While many automakers have shied away from hydrogen fuel cell technology, German luxury brand Mercedes-Benz is hard at work on the development of the clean-running vehicles and is on track to launch its first mass-produced example in 2014.

According to Automotive News (subscription required), Mercedes will launch not one but two hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the coming years, and the second model is likely to be one of its large sedan or SUV models.

The latest information was revealed by Sascha Simon, the product planner for Mercedes-Benz USA, who also said that the cars will be offered to customers in California initially, and eventually New York, New Jersey and Connecticut pending the availability of a suitable refueling network.

That first vehicle will be based on the latest-generation Mercedes-Benz B Class. We previously reported that Mercedes will launch a range-extended electric version of its B Class in the U.S., and it’s possible that the automaker may use a hydrogen fuel cell as the range-extender.

A concept vehicle dubbed the F125! and powered by a hydrogen fuel cell range-extended electric drivetrain was unveiled by the automaker last year and promised a driving range of up to 620 miles together with 0-60 mph acceleration in just 4.9 seconds and a top speed of 136 mph.

Mercedes-Benz is already leasing a fleet of its previous-generation B Class hydrogen fuel cell models and last year took three of them on a global drive program. The amazing reliability of the vehicles proved that the technology was ready for the mass-market so now Mercedes is accelerating plans to launch a high-volume model, bringing forward the launch date from 2015 to 2014.

The automaker does acknowledge that a comprehensive network of hydrogen filling stations still has to be set up before zero-emission driving can become a widespread reality. To make this possible, it is cooperating with government authorities, energy utilities and oil companies in joint projects in places such as Hamburg, Stuttgart and California to help roll out hydrogen infrastructure.

Friday, 6 July 2012

If cleanliness is next to Godliness...

If cleanliness is next to Godliness, then I shall want clean clothes, clean food, clean water and I should not mind clean air(if there is a way to do it of course) in a manner that is efficient and as commercially viable as a cell phone account or system for $40.00 per month. Oh yes; Hydrogen fuel!  I forgot and organic diesel(TM) from algae with no toxic fumes but I remember clearly with GAIN(TM) and  ALL that cleanliness is next to Godliness.  Ignore my ripped Jeans from the Sex in the City rack at Macey's and Gimbles; $29.99 regular price and I just sent my last kid off to Temple University. My...!..; what big buildings they have; all the better to educate your children with. The best lecture hall is the chapel; either alone or with others to enjoy and its usually open 24 hours a day. So do not neglect the good fellowship of your Father and brethren.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Now, it seems that the word says old men should be treated like fathers and this would mean that the young people should be treated like your own children-now Pk(Pastor's kid) kids could get a little jealous of course-but the deacon or pastor must be able to maintain his own household and use wisdom-you get me tho.  You really can't do everything and she has to hear God as well. Lot and his wife know this. The word makes clear that we must suffer the little children unto Jesus and not hinder them ...with any millstone of ungodly treatment.  Many fathers from certain cultures who may have been abused in the same where abuse is more the norm than the exception, have come to believe that it is their God given right to wish and will and treat their children any way they see fit.  They, needing this sense of power over someone or something, refuse to let go of certain children that they believe are their children with good reason and stay hindered in their own maturing process by not letting go.  This may continue into their sixties and they call the children repeatedly to say "sorry" for their misdeeds and the child has heard this soo many times that, while not wanting to dishonor any parental figure, he finds it essential to inoculate himself from the degraded and fallacious mentality of that parent. It could be a father.  It could be a mother.  They could find a dog or a fish that fits into their need to have power and control over someone or something and let that child breathe.  They could even call the dog Jezebel ( apparently Jezebel was a pretty woman but pretty does not mean godly or without excuse for immature and selfish behaviour).  If the child tells you they are joining Tai Chi, is it always the case that you find the will to join that class or attend that play at the very moment in time or instance that the child has taken that direction to join?  It seems so. Now, the manor in which one should treat a child in terms of biblical wisdom should not be affected by ones social affiliations or the clubs one chooses to support.  Does this also apply if you are a Pastor and a Mason? She was a young woman who was weak-willed and did not need to be taken advantage of; even if she did get down on the ground at 37 and started to play Doll-House-and you joined her in front of her father, fiance, his parents and her parents and she went home to sleep in the same bed as her fiance but she always said....please let us not go too far and save some for the wedding night and he agreed because she was sort of a virgin, she said, and her ways, as in proverbs 5, were unknowable.  She did say quite often that " day you will appreciate me."  But, she had a swiss army watch and lots of cologne(never mind that it was bought at the discount perfume outlet) as proof of that.

See the long play concerto of the month.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Do not have batteries like your current vehicle; really!

Here is a recent article from AOL on fuel cells. There is clearly no question about efficiency. Hydrogen is 3x more efficient and there is no question that there are zero emissions when hydrogen is used as fuel.  The only question is  distribution or infrastructure but if you wish to sell bread on a mass scale, then you call an existing supermarket chain, Costco, TESCO or EXXON.  They have a distribution network and effective existing infrastructure to sell not only fuel including hydrogen but one that is engaged in supplying various consumer goods including aspirin, eggs, bread, disposable kodak cameras, cheetos and lots of coffee.  They also sell fuel and it is doubtless that there is sufficient space on current station grounds for installation of hydrogen pumps everywhere. More importantly, energy companies that sell fuel( various types of fuel) with these convenient locations for the sale of aspirin, condoms and coffee, do not manufacture vehicles. They only provide fuel for them.  A tanner cannot dictate to a shoe company such as Loakes or Church shoes, what leather is to be used or what type of sole is to be commandeered in the design of the shoe; can they?  If all the vehicles are hydrogen fuelled, then the energy companies must adapt.  I like the Lexus FCVR(Hydrogen fuel cell) super car.  Here is a link to its picture and the engine noise (  This may be the non-hydrogen version but the styling is the same and both powertrains are available to consumers who, like all democracy loving individuals who are full of perspicacity, they love choice and shun any communist market notion that would prevent choice or that would, by way of example, prevent every citizen from having full milk and honey offered at all fast food chains with their coffee.  That would be unusual; very unusual.   
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  • Techsplanation: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

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  • To scientists, running vehicles on hydrogen makes all the sense in the world. Hydrogen can be derived from so many different things, including water, and constitutes roughly 75 percent of the universe's chemical elemental mass.

    Consumers, however, often shy up when presented with the option of a hydrogen-powered vehicle. They think of "H-bombs," or the explosion of the Hindenburg. But that's pretty silly when you consider we handle 15 to 25 gallons of highly volatile gasoline in our vehicles now.

    As the U.S. struggles politically and culturally to map out a logical energy future, hydrogen doesn't get a lot of attention. Most of the talk is about battery-powered electric vehicles and gas-electric hybrids that can run on either gasoline, electricity, or a combination of both simultaneously. But to mark Earth Day 2012, we want to shed some light on perhaps the most abundant energy solution of all for our vehicles – hydrogen.

    What is it?

    A fuel-cell vehicle is a type of electric vehicle. Like the Nissan Leaf and other EVs, it uses an electric motor to drive the wheels. But rather than draw electricity from heavy batteries that take time to recharge, a fuel cell generates electricity as needed by creating a chemical reaction using hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen is stored onboard the car in tanks as a compressed gas and the oxygen comes from the air. A fuel-cell vehicle can be refueled by pumping hydrogen into its tank at a hydrogen refueling station, similar to a regular gas station.

    While fuel cell vehicles are still considered advanced technology, the science is not new. Fuel cells were developed in the NASA space program in the 1960's and the first fuel-cell vehicle, the Chevrolet Electrovan, was built by General Motors in 1966. At the time, the fuel cells were too big and costly to even dream of deploying in a production version. But much has changed in the past five decades, as sophisticated computer control systems have allowed the size of fuel cells to shrink along with the costs. Modern demonstration vehicles have been logging miles since the 1990s, though automakers' interest in the technology has waxed and waned over the ensuing years.

    Techsplanation recently drove a Mercedes-Benz F-Cell fuel-cell vehicle (See video). The system is built into the Mercedes B-Class. This F-Cell has an electric engine rated at 100 kW (134 horsepower), and a range of about 250 miles. This improvement in range over an earlier version is due in part to the B-Class's greater space for holding the compressed hydrogen tanks and higher storage pressure.

    We so enjoyed driving the F-Cell around Los Angeles, with such ease of refilling the tank when we needed, that we keep asking ourselves: Why can't we have this now in larger numbers?
    How does it work?

    A fuel cell works by catalyzing hydrogen, a fancy way of saying a chemical reaction breaks down hydrogen atoms into their atomic components: electrons and protons. The electrons create an electric current – that's where the electric power comes from – before they're recombined with the protons and oxygen from the air to create water, the fuel cell's only emission.

    A fuel cell is comprised of several hundreds of these cells, wired together to create the full system large enough to power the vehicle's electric motor, just like a battery.

    Fuel cell cars have an actual battery in them as well, usually a lithium-ion one like in your laptop computer. The vehicle uses this battery to store energy from regenerative braking, just as in a battery electric vehicle or a hybrid like the Toyota Prius. Because the fuel cell vehicle is powered by an electric motor, that motor can regenerate electricity any time the vehicle is decelerating. It does this by allowing the wheels to spin the electric motor, rather than the other way around. The motor then acts like a generator, returning electric current to the battery. Of course, a computer controls this entire process, as well as deciding when the motor should draw its power from the fuel cell, the battery, or both.

    Why would I want it?

    The big reason to want fuel cell vehicles is it doesn't produce any harmful emissions. That's right, no carbon monoxide, no carbon dioxide, no nitrogen oxides, none of the traditional tailpipe emissions associated with internal combustion engines. Zip. Nada.

    Fuel-cell vehicles improve upon battery electrics because they are theoretically just as convenient to operate as a gasoline- or diesel-powered vehicle. When a battery EV runs low on charge, it can take quite some time – often hours – to recharge. But a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle can have its tanks refilled in a matter of minutes, just like a gasoline engine.

    Is there any downside?

    The biggest issue facing fuel-cell adoption is there's virtually no hydrogen refueling infrastructure anywhere in the world. We filled up our tank at a station in Los Angeles as part of a pilot program. While we have more than 100,000 gas stations in the United States, you can count the number of hydrogen refueling stations on your fingers.

    There's also the question of where the hydrogen would come from. Hydrogen needs to be manufactured by extracting it from other substances, like water, natural gas or coal. Heck, you can even crack hydrogen from gasoline, but we don't want to go down that road. These processes have their own energy cost and associated emissions that can blur the picture of just how "green" fuel-cell vehicles are. However, given that the U.S. has abundant stores of natural gas, it is the most logical fuel stock for hydrogen in the near term.

    Then there's cost. Estimates have pegged the cost to build each 2008 Honda FCX Clarity fuel cell vehicle in the six figures. While the FCX Clarity is a first-generation purpose-built fuel cell vehicle, Mercedes has recently stated its expectation that costs of so-called second-generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will come down. Mercedes forecasts that by 2014 they might be comparable to the cost of diesel hybrids, which while still expensive, would be feasible for carmakers to build and sell at a profit.

    What vehicles offer it?

    The thing about cars powered by fuel cells is that there aren't many of them. Honda launched the first purpose-built, publicly available fuel cell car in 2007, the FCX Clarity. But only a handful of cars have been sold – just 30 to date – and their availability has been restricted to leases in Southern California. Honda did this because the cars cost far more to build than the $600/month lease price will cover, and the limited number of hydrogen refueling stations means the cars can't be sold just anywhere.

    The Mercedes-Benz F-Cell was launched in late 2010, and used a similar leasing program to put its cars in the hands of the public. These cars, based on a European model called the B-Class, were also restricted to California customers, for similar reasons. Mercedes has said it plans to lease a total of 200 F-Cell cars globally, although through 2011, 20 cars had been delivered here in the U.S.

    These two car programs are only a small step beyond experimental, but that's not deterring car-makers from moving forward with plans to put more fuel cell vehicles on the road. General Motors, Toyota, and Hyundai have all announced plans to start producing fuel-cell vehicles within the next two to three years. The technology is just too smart for them not to keep pushing the costs down. And there is widespread agreement – outside the oil industry – the U.S. must, for the sake of its environment and national security, diversify our transportation fuel stock beyond oil.

    Bottom line

    Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have been perpetually a decade away from the mainstream for 20 years. That could change, as automakers have gotten serious about developing alternatives to the internal combustion engine in recent years.

    If you get a chance to drive a fuel-cell vehicle, take it. You will be driving the future, and you may just be part of a wave that brings the future a bit closer to the present.

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    Aurelio Czargb Ramos It is misleading to say that because of hydrogen's abundance, energy available in the form of hydrogen is abundant. Hydrogen in compressed, stored and isolated form is only as abundant as whatever OTHER energy sources are used to obtain it in such state. Separating hydrogen from water takes no less energy than the energy recovered during hydrogen fuel cell use. Fuel cells make outstanding batteries. they are not sources of energy.
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