23 September, 2023.
Ford and the Wagner Act.
By FSJ as written by Jaima Cann.
(With research from Angel Ronan Entwerfen and Warren A. Lyon)
Before you read this article, say to your Alexa, SIRI or GOOGLE:
1. play Human League".06×60×24×365 ; or
- 2. Bueno Vista Social Club. .06×60×24×365 "
- We should be closer to Europe in terms of essential policies; closer to the mandate in our founding ancestral American documents. We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men, women and transgender people are to be funded with an income support benefit equally. But, America has been a confident idea but also maybe an experiment; and if it is an experiment it is with the Creole Aboriginal Pawnee Mohican Navajo Anglo Levis Budweiser American's understanding of Hegemony, independence and sovereignty. If you don't understand and see the way of sovereignty, the Russians would prefer that; a hollow America with a hollow feeling presidential seal. But you can't be too evil about it since America is a secondary Market for Russian goods and Russia wants to see Hyundai and Kia sell more vehicles with their 40% stake in those companies.
- The cost of family nuptials per mate( male and female) is about $60,000.00 per year.
- But if your final exam is worth 60% of your final grade and you only attempt one question in a four hour exam with four questions to be completed, even if you spend 3 hours on one question and one hour on the second question or maybe 4 hours on one question, you will only have attempted 25% of the marks available with or without the Bible in your pocket. You have only attempted 25% of the 60% of available marks for your final grade. Maybe you got 100% on 15 marks. Maybe you got 80% on the 40 marks available prior to the final. That would be 32 marks of the final grade plus the 15 marks from the exam. It does not look good. Then, there is mercy. Did you know the school yard is the richest place on earth?
- So, 7% state sales tax or essentially less than 20% sales tax generally is a prevailing aboriginal resistance of the Federal government and national revenue; a subconscious work with evident results. The Fed is dead and is now a vassal of foreign powers. There is no Federal Sales Tax or their used to be and a Comanche who became President might work to end the Fed because he says this Federal Government buried his people in mass graves. This Comanche White President is the unwitting assistant to our foreign counterparts who dislike stupid but big feeling nationalistic symbolism (but we don't really have any enemies; just people who are sorry for us for not implementing a national income support policy as of 1859) as he works to disable the Fed subconsciously.
- It's not enough and then you are in debt as a state and a people to a foreign government, a foreign power. This is not consistent with national existence nor any national defence. Your good Dutch family sees you as hostile if you run the economy this way. But this is how you do it. It is also the resistance of your own sovereignty, it is uncertainty about an income support for all citizen members, resistance of your own independence and your national hegemony when you see your self working out debt financing and in loan agreements with other countries eventually because of your way of seeing it and doing what you do. You are removing yourself from the planet. It couldn't be just to frustrate one white graduate with a funny English name who scored a hockey hat trick at 9 years old. It looks like John Adams missed this point and sought a loan from a few European nations after securing terms for American independence. It might have been prudent in the short term only if the 13 Colonies could not put up resources to found a Federal Bank and as they did not close on independence day in 1787 and continued as a going concern, they could have set up such a bank. But, it seems a fledgling Federal authority under the control of a pirate scurvy COVID sufferer pretender under the assumed name John Adams who was guilty of a double homicide for murdering the real English Man and barrister named John Adam and his son. But, the Fed Bank is now 250 years old and the consumer cashier terminals could be tasked to send via the retailers bank 5% of all sales revenue to the Fed every day just as the accounts are tasked to send 5% to the State at the end of every day. This would be 10% in total. The machine could also send 35% to the Fed and 5% to the state. What would you like to do? We could also re task the machine as set at present to collect and send 40% sales tax to the state. What would you like to do?
- But, what if; what if the Federal sales tax was 40% and you had soo much money that a loan was not anything to consider? What if the Fed could pay off all independent foreign debts owed by each state? It would just be a question of how to apply the money. Nationally and also on state levels, we spend $100's of dollars per day surveilling the citizens and we could add .19 cents per minute per citizen as income support to the daily amount spent on managing and surveilling( surveilling phones, TVs computers, tablets, bank cards and passports) our dwindling under funded population. Tmoshawatc
- At $ 7.00 per hour, every North American would get at least $62,283.00 per year income support. At $3.52 an hour, the American gets about $30,000. 00 per year. Your $1.00 Ice cream becomes $1.40 at 40% sales tax but you will get enough money to buy that 1996 Porsche with full finance. Is there a man who insists on being president but who has not offered any proposal, plan or solutions to the national income support issue that is a consumer stimulus issue in that the American is economically an absentee in his own economy while surrounded by well funded foreigners? __ At .19 cents per minute for every North American citizen, we will have enough income support. This works out to about $100,000.00 per year. We will feel more European generally; more German, Ukrainian, Czech, Swiss, real English, real Celtic, real Gaelic; healthy global Bahamian. We would also be coded as secondary German families. We would be more connected and have more affinity with our chosen new, residual adorned, techno skin and cultural coil. We need to buy our German books to become German Anglo Gaelic trilingual. This .19 cents/ minute revelation confirms the value of all the Bible dropping and bible cussing in the world and would not have been possible without it! I thank God. We could also call this pence/cents/minute paid to the citizen Income support ratio the consumer stimulus rate of speed. Is it answering all Economic stimulus concerns? It would seem there is always a general human worth; not that anyone could deny this by venting on the imaginary social worth or genome difference of the "really graduated" that the West Indian Pangea men regardless of complexion focus on incessantly. The Pangea men,1500 years behind the English Pangea men in technological experience, do not want to think anyone can graduate. The English as aboriginals are about 1500 years behind the earliest Romans and Greeks. But, the '63 Profumo scandal was not really scandal but a tacit merger with the Russians while domestic income support policy should follow. It should follow the Germans also if not the logic of self respect and self preservation if nothing else.
- What if a White House got possessed? Death and life is in the power of the tongue. What if the "we the people"say that I am the servant of the I AM and I will not tolerate a slow, sure continent wide economic genocide in the failure to provide no less than 5.7 cents per minute income support to every citizen across the continent? 19 cents a minute is the ideal.
- What if the national accountant, thinks we are all drugged up, possessed by a smart phone network and stupid and will not input an income support of no less than 19 cents per minute without him; to save us? There could be 40,000 Canadians across the country, across the various provinces who are not recieving income support due to gender bias in certain municipal embodiments or postal code biases. This affects all regardless of complexion. Who is the mad Wizard of Od that has programmed the Canadian economy in this hurtful way? 40000 people is genocide, slow and sure, if they do not have money while every Nova Scotian has an income support from 14 years old. All of them are part European. You also added 40000 new permanent residents with their own income support from their own countries and this is what obfuscates the genocide cycle in the English economy. Let's say the government is restarting tomorrow with a new focus. Fish will have their water. All the People will have their money as the first priority at proper income support levels that reflect our climate and our European ancestry as we seek to do European things. We will have shocked the monkey. All of the other "song and dance" and scandal will go on anyway. They do European things. We ask our leaders to shout about this in the same way they show fervor for our rights to change our self descriptive pronouns. Our prayers help. With this small amount at no less than 6.5 cents a minute, we pay and confirm our identity and mutual human worth, value and contribution. This will also clearly help the cave men and women among us who might have been bred in labs with the most heinous who did not respect formalities of ownership or that they have their own parents or true relatives to honor or dishonour in their desire to seek and participate in the phenomenon of inheritance. If being Jamaican, whatever you think that is, would be more valuable than any human life, then 19 cents USD per minute is just worth it and is just as meaningful in buttressing that Jamaican, that American, that Bahamian and that "identity" you would put as priority over the life of another. In celebrating our identity, no matter how big or small our nation or tribe so to speak, we need that 19 cents per minute per citizen. We should not underpay people's benefits because one old coot says he is a graduate and he should not share in our national wealth because of it. He is only a graduate because he respected the old people; the old pastor.
- We have to pay the .19 cents per minute as it will help your learning in civilization; learning the right and wrong. Your Identity (Jamaican and proud etc) is worth it. But, you are the scary people at the moment in what you do. Afterward, just learn how to buy a house formally and you will have it all to yourself. I will help.
- They all ate and were satisfied- Luke 9:17. It's time to enter His rest.
- The new Cosmopolitan magazine also helps women prepare( leads them) emotionally to live in settled domestic relationships with a nice guy, wash dishes and raise children. With these being the major goals, everything else with ginseng is gravy and we don't mind if it only takes 30 seconds. This is good; 30 seconds every day!!
- It is just that Ford is one of the only globally known car producers that has a home market that is not fully funded with income support. It is one impediment that other global car companies do not carry. It is resolved now(.................... ) Also, we are now handing out EBT cards to the homeless or we would think we are; Pastor says. The Dutch General Custor in us all will not make us hesitate to do so and every North American now has an income support of no less than $34,000.00. The sales tax will be adjusted to cubically match this figure. This is how we work for European identity and hegemony and our big independent American way. We seem to be doing two things all day long accidentally. Both need money to work. Starving the existing second generation European population in North America does not help. We have to quell the North American genocide.
- Silence is complicity.
- I just wonder if I would've written any of this or had time to think of it if I had that $7.00 per hour as income support that is paid to some North Americans in some states. I would probably be busy running my own Chicken fast food franchise. We do Chicken right!! .19 cents per minute will do just fine; and it provides a little extra in the cold. That is actually better than $7.00 per hour. It will help us enjoy our big chocolate and our German; and our English. We will eat good and enjoyed our big chocolate. We pay for the .19 cents per minute in our taxes any way.
- So, clearly we can afford to pay this automatic benefit to all citizens and make it a priority to do so, leaving no man, woman or any children behind; Hoo Rah!!; or is it Know Rah(? Debate the amount and what would I pay to honor the name America that is part and parcel with my own identity and the identity of all other Americans, valuing ourselves as we stand side by side with the other self honouring, valued people in our global community? Maybe you want to pay 19 cents or 22 cents per North American. .19 cents equals 19 cents.
- Once we ensure all North Americans have their income support, we can enjoy our North American ways, our big football, our big foods in a new Happy North America that will diligently reclaim neighborhoods that have been lost to the economic desperation as caused by the cashlessness caused by automation. We can always pay homage to our diverse ancestry in due course; some of it European. Bug Bunny knows; Figaro!! Starving ourselves, however, is not the way we honor any ancestry. About our ancestry, let us honor the dead when we have to accept that people who could build such amazing transportation hubs, bridges and design such happy foods with preserves could also design simple, effective economies that preserve human life in spite of any job automating technology. In honoring the dead, maybe we see that our leaders who called on us to find solutions to problems are no longer with us or we did not understand what he was asking; leaders who may have spoken two or three languages and who kept pace with Europe.
- England was not great but it was not a dullard and certainly it could be enjoyed. In other words, English is in no way defiant. But, what if we would arrive in the absence of the real English and imagine England as defiant when in contrast with Europe? It would be a child's way of confirming his distinctiveness when if you go left, the child goes COVID. We would defy the simple things and childishly evaporate as a population!?! We see the tube is working and all our wits are engaged to ensure that it works. Its a system to serve the public and with lives at stake.
- The real English are still here. Our economy is just as necessary; a system to serve the public and with lives at stake; live that could be served well and equally with all lives parens patriae and parens matriae covered at 5.9 pence a minute all day 365 days per year; every year. But, we are not defiant when it comes to transportation. We should not imagine that defiance is part of the English culture when juxtaposed with Europe. Europe says English is a European language. There is no need for defiance to creep into our economy and nor should it But, if the tube is out of sorts, you will not be calling the people who appear on the money and nor would you call that gargoyle on the pound coin. This is not written for authority but to say, in the name of genuine English culture, we have gone beyond what sadness is in Dickens' novels and cannot think that economic fluffing about or 5.9 cents a minute will stoke the winds our genome in a "pay the fishmonger" or beg the "Robin Hood to steal the cow to pay the milkman" cultural recitations.
- But, we are not defiant when it comes to transportation. You have a tunnel connecting Calais to Dover under the English Channel( a body of water). If I was white or black and English or North American and wanted to be Euro accepted, I might wear La Coste or Adidas ( not Nike or Reebok) and I would run my economy like the Germans. My population would therefore not have to beg Robinhood for tea. We should not imagine that defiance is part of the English culture when juxtaposed with Europe. Europe says English is a European language. There is no need for defiance to creep into our economy and nor should it But, if the tube is out of sorts, you will not be calling the people who appear on the money and nor would you call that gargoyle on the pound coin. This is not written for authority but to say, in the name of genuine English culture, we have gone beyond what sadness is in Dickens' novels and cannot think that economic fluffing about over 5.9 cents a minute will stoke the resilient Artful Dodger-ish winds in our genome in a "beg a Prophet or Jedi( as in Jesus' Disciple) to pull a coin out of a fish to pay the fish monger" or "beg the Robin Hood to steal a cow to pay the milkman" cultural recitations.
- The English culture has many cooks in its kitchen and the point is made when we see many good things still work rather well. But, what if we ran out of vinegar or sugar or money although we still had the chips and the fish; the tea and the tea cups? What if in our English parody, we ran out of people? What if we ran out of money? You cannot blame the symbols on the coins as they are not elected with great pomp and circumstance to manage these problems. If there is a problem, you need to seek the politician and the symbols, gargoyles and all other such personnel who appear on the money are not going any where if some angry creole aboriginals from all over the world choose to starve themselves in England but no where else in the English universe; and you can't blame anyone really except yourselves as Creoles so you should not think anyone is going to leave his perch, seat or window because the politician tolerates abuse of the equality laws. What if Jamaica decided to pay its citizens $7.00 USD per hour as income support? That is good for Jamaican hegemony!! I thank God. You have the influence to move the money and change the policy. Whether you will save face and your domestic population in the scheme of global economic regularity remains to be seen. Maybe you say you have another home and population in an English outpost where they do receive an income support of some kind in the Indies or in Africa and you are happy they let you decide the quality of life to be enjoyed by the English.
- Did you know Warren's Nigerian name is Tochokwu?
- Then, I read Proverbs 12 and I was warned that women come in two variations; automatic and manual. I also learned economies come in good regenerative or bad genocidal.
- One thing we see in the English folklore as we disappeared and vacated our economies due to insufficient income support is that in an era of three kings in the 19th and 20th Century, there was a Karl Marx and many others who explained the power of an income support to answer the market cancelling power of automation that was referred to as mechanised labor back then. The folklore said there was also a returning king. Maybe it was Marx. But, it could not have been since a King returned three times. Otherwise, most children had Dutch Christian names like Walter Julius Leon. Our researcher's real name at birth was Raul. My name is Middle Eastern and the name of an Ottoman from the 15th century. Anyway, after an earthquake there was a fire. But this .19 cents a minute per citizen is like rest and enough cash for our further euro continental-ization. We ask for our Sire's blessing and leading to enter this rest.
- If Jesus came back now, you would probably try to evangelize him; hand him a bible and you should because why wouldn't you when he looks like a European, Mediterranean, North Africanish, Afro-ish door man or a footballer with a beard, shoulder length hair and a modern suit? That's alright (said with an English accent).
- He might be Ukrainian ancestrally partially but aren't we all or many of us have some European DNA but not all of us carry John Adams pretender Snake oil salesman scurvy dna. Maybe we leave the European loans as state debts but maybe we collect more sales tax per state and follow a national minimum standard as to what amount the income support must be per year and per citizen or permanent resident. We have had no leadership on this issue from that man who insists America is just an idea. I don't know if that is his notion of comedy since you cannot bleed red on ideas. No; the man who says America is just an idea is purporting his scammer sophistication over the average American. He says that he feels more white than Donald only because Donald's motto acronym is phonetic Jamaican nomenclature; "maga". It is supposed to be "MAG" and he also says he is more white because Donald has mango in the back yard of his Californian cul de sac. But, simply because you think you are more white in your imagination cannot be justification for stealing the mail bags and declaring yourself the winner. Donald is a Czech. Only a thick skinned Raw hide Jamaican would say "Things will improve" repetitively for an hour in his first day as a pretender in Office when you could have said "We will have More". But if it's about bouncing through a culture and the laws with its obligations and consequences on a white skateboard as you try to dick and dive and scapegoat your opponent with an ancient Jamaican hypothalamus, I can only say..."I don't believe it. You came back."
- This is only relevant when you hope to say you should win for being less American and less obedient to the constitution and the laws as you seek your own way. In my experience, people like this at 5 years old were thrown out of school.
- Maybe one is more Pangea and hopes you join in a resentment of formalities and of ownership symbolised by the other since only rules and law will confirm this guy was convicted for the 2020 scheme to just take the POTUS. All he does is scapegoat the other. We have not received anything for it in spite of its boldness. Instead of chanting in the bathroom that Things Will Improve in syncopated emotions, he could probably at least whisper "Save North America" to the Fed lady as she is not an elected official but she has an idea as to what to do to achieve consistent consumer stimulus in North America with a standard NAFTA Income support "must do" policy amount to be paid to all North Americans by the respective state and provincial agencies or the respective Federal agency in each of the 3 countries.
- This is an economic essay with historical reflection. The simple point is that the Anglo has been in a cultural war with his own economic entitlements as handed down to him by his European forebears. There would have to be a few who came to help. He is in a cultural war with logic; itself and proud of it as a bad ass Creole, maybe part African, part Irish, part Chelsea part Canadian as he chirps on in his accent in a parody of not only a real English man who would want you to be truly warmed and filled but have the cash to warm yourself and you can be on your way back in Scotia with that $100,000.00 CAD per year at 19 cents per minute. A Director of a Law Firm shakes your hand at the Abbey during tea and biscuits and he has an English accent, black skin and an English name and wholly English feelings with no African import and you see how you feel. If he felt a little more African that would have been alright. In fact, I see that if he felt like he had an income support in his entire family as they do in Africa or in the Caymans that would have been alright. Well, he is from the Republic of Ireland or from Sudbury. where they have some income support. He sees how you feel and remembers to say Isa Lam as he sips his PG tips and that "the wheel is from Africa" and now he is feeling more like it. He only wants to know where his Mr. Lyon's income support, his OTB and other benefits and his phone calls for his business? He works for Mr. Lyon now. I think he is black Chinese from Hong Kong really with some other ancestry. It is just that you are too preoccupied parodying the English and the class and parodying England also. Your version is less Florence Nightingale, less cheerful and cheap and more Scrooge. In your parody, you are not sure if a black person could have a home of his own in central London (..and where are you are from?). You say it was just Wind Rush and now when they die its supposed to go back to....but it seems the problem really is with White Jamaican, Canadian etc who is not in the English story book either or he might have been the baddie Scrooge but who might think he is more entitled to fit in to the image of the presumptive imagination in the modern real world than a person of colour born in England. There seems to have been quite a few and some made the history books. The English may not have bothered to categorise black and white in their records of births and deaths until after the American Civil War. But, the presumptive ignorance is convenient to you in your violent goings on to make the world fit your limited imagination. You are at war with yourselves, your conscience and your imagination essentially so you messed up the income support benefit. You are trying to communicate something that words cannot express but if you would say its alright for English people to have to join a lodge or an Anglican parish before their support is paid, that is really tribalism and a denial of religious freedom. You also say that you can't just do as the European people say because that would be too much like "surrender" and you want to maintain some "woke" in your Puritan revival. So, if you are reviving something that is dead, you would feed it fuel or cash as fuel. the English need the cash. There is no secret white plot behind this one. There is also barely a Canadian population for the same reason. This is that the great Welsh army can feel its hegemony maybe; I don't know. If its Puritan, then you would be Dutch and English and just understand the point behind the UDHR ARTICLE 25 wisdom, pay the money at 6 pence a minute and be happy. If granddad in Belize is anxious the LMA is overcrowded, maybe you entice much of the population to seek life else where in Canada maybe like in Saskatchewan and you make it easy for them to make the move with housing given right away in New Glasgow on Lake Erie at $100,000.00 per Canadian. There are too many kooks in the kitchen trying to micromanage the English population and the benefits or the lack thereof. There is a program. Some have to apply and some do not. If you apply, you might get the benefit on the 1st or 2nd application. @@@@ The other people are busy being human. The Chinese expat population in England is double the actual English population in England with their own English permanent residency status and this is also true in Canada. The Chinese are not arguing with the European income support economic culture. They buy. You pry. pry2/prī/verbNORTH AMERICAN
- use force in order to move or open (something) or to separate (something) from something else."using a screwdriver, he pried open the window"
- obtain something from (someone) with effort or difficulty."I got the loan, though I had to pry it out of him"
- They also have the total income support from 10 years old with sufficient international amounts to guarantee their mobility and their ATP; ability to pay. They respected automation and its certain place in the future; so did the Italians with their Olivetti P101. This was the world's first desk top computer.
- The US Government, as rumored, will be using this cubic, pyramidal calculation designed by Warren A. Lyon in a Federal environmental consumer tax at 16% in the sale of all consumer goods nationally to curb unnecessary consumer buying and they will implement an income support with the monies that will be Federally available to any citizen in a state that does not have a program such as Montana. The states will still run their sales tax. As such, we say that the economy begins with sales tax revenue. It helps to control consumption also if we raise it or lower it from day to day. I will be nominating a white guy to share my concepts as if they were his own also and a black guy. But, we must first ensure all citizens have enough to exist and consume. Depending on the sales tax percentage chosen, you would then choose your income support number in pennies per day and we would be pushing it on 10% to go as high as 5.9 cents why would you run a country and be in debt to another country if you could avoid it ? We suggest for parity that the maximum income support amount per minute should be figuratively half the percentage value of the Sales tax percentage on one unit of currency. 5 cents is 5 % of $1.00 and this would be the appropriate number for the income support value when the sales tax is 10%. This is to priortise expenditure on the domestic population's defence, safety and preservation with equal payment to all citizens without any gender inequality favoring the transgender or location based inequality or what is the point of any other weapons of national defence if the population is not defended against the decimating population erasing powers of automation and the cashlessness that this will occasion? What hurt do we suffer when some young people have enough cash in the unequal payment to some citizens, but not all, to discover the places and locations they learned about in school as financed by the government while others do not? I would like to go and ski at the North York this winter. We are thankful if the income support could be normalised for all so that we could attend for Boxing Day! We loved Canada enough to pass our Canadian history; every time!
- We notice that in the latter end, there is a kind of "will to power' creeping into the more formal expectations of political life and it serves those who resent the complications of formality but if I could just give my life to be the minister of happiness once; rob the bank and bring you 40% of everything I stole and then if I could be the MPP of Scarred South where the water is nuked, there are no more craw fish (craw fish; not cray fish) and the nuked water has become soo many different vegan milk products; no good! Did you ever stop to ask what is Oat milk? How much of it is just water? Why do we put up with this? Why is there no income support for all the citizens in Ontario? Why is it that no one cares enough to address the dichotomy between both the Provincial and Federal law and the economy itself in how it fails to pay into the lives of all citizens in that corner of the world? There is also this bewilderment of people who have the sobriety or the love in them to notice how it is affecting white people; and also the other people too!! It would make Chewbacca angry! C3PO would spin his head. Apart from the reactions of these fictional characters and machines that parody human emotion and reaction, we notice one thing; the consistency of good road quality in the western world as if to make the driving machine happy or at least we have not argued with the machine's request in this regard and why would we when we agree that it would make humans unhappy if the road quality was sad, poor. So, it is here that we wonder at the economy and what the machine has requested so that we can buy him or her and not just dream of the heist or tongue the window at the Pall Mall dealership or some dealership and you saw our article on this.
You want the Brown one; a Brown I4. This is good! In our informal visual arrivals at the Political office in the media, we could add also some policy such as actual income support equality at good international amounts since we are soo far behind in terms of population numbers that we cannot ever think we are competing with any country in that regard but we can have our big spaces in our North American life and our big fast food, our big people and big sports where it would help to assuage what has failed to take place whether we have votes to count in the winner or not. IT feels like the dark side a bit near SW episode 1 and 2 in Star Wars where the senate disappeared and a Jamaican platypus became a Star Wars character. But it could be something the Chinese have used to save time, using the objective reasonable man test where we would say the reasonable man would agree with or without a vote or by decree and decisive action in the community that we should all have money enough to afford to open a rib and Crawfish restaurant any where in the world if we choose ti as Canadians and to be happy if nothing else. Its not really communism but what is it that you are really doing and what are the limits to this whole dynamism? IF this kind would attempt to steal a McDonalds with his influence in what ever way he became appointed or what if he takes your child's life with his influence if you suggest something to him or her? Where is the law and the order and the constitutional paramountcy in all of this brevity in law content like that $5,00 burger that is low on content but with big buns. The Federal obligations under all treaties are provincial obligations. Equality in all benefit provision is a paramountcy principle. If its not happening, you ask why. You don't just presume white people with all the people are dying and being disenfranchised in certain postal codes or due to a gender bias because of a politically correct targeting of a white junior hockey star from Southern Ontario who dreamed of a scholarship, attending his prom and finishing high school or his EQAO tests said he believed everything you say about the golden rule so you decided to short the benefits and ask what the kid understands about AUTHORITY that is not right but just what you express in what you do to just have authority; great, unequal and terrible; illegal gender hatred. The EQAO provides standardized language and math literacy testing for grades 3, 6, 9, and 10. - Nietzsche's will to power is to fit in right about now and then some other theorists but essentially we will say we have an unofficial native council and I am not sure what you had to do to get the photo or the promotion to that office. Maybe you have a population to stand in front of if yoou put the cash and not just a highway to drive on. Please the machine and do not argue. It, the machine, seems to say they would like you to be safe on safe roads and that you can enjoy a safe economy where the economy is not unlike the roads; that the economy should cater to everyone's absolute safety. You are not likely to be able to say a Canadian road killed them but it might have been the economy; slow and sure. Lets be clear, genocide is not necessarily a quick and physical happening with immediate death but this is what you want to think and you have no time for actual facts and legal definitions. But, genocide could be poisoned water, milk with traces of zyclon or nuclear water in all the food supply in that target region. Zyclon at any percentage does not belong in foods of any kind. So, then genocide has a physical, emotional and legal reality. By Definition, there is a national obligation under article 25 of the UDHR to pay every citizen an income support that satisfies their regular dignified habitation. It would seem that after WW2, we see such programs were initiated in compliance and they have continued but there is some interruption and a failure to update the yearly amount paid in compliance with the legal obligation. It is understood that the UDHR defines quality of life and standard human safe conditions in all member countries. Failure to comply is in itself genocide in that the failure amounts to the intentional infliction of conditions of life intent on destroying the target group and it could only be our cultural confusion that we might say definitionally that English people are soo Story Book Mary Poppins rarified in dignity that they could not suffer genocide in your imagination even if they are suffering such conditions and being removed from their own economy again and again. The English, including the Canadians, are big in land but small in numbers and small in terms of money. Like most European countries, we will be big in money in spite of small population numbers. You might say the current English people were or are just WW1 or WW2 third generation immigrants any way and so a partial genocide to remove them from the reality of English life and their interruption of a latent modern day cave man's imagination of England since English people do not wear Nikes and Asics in the story book but Wing Tips for their 22 minute work outs. Google 22 minute work out. But, equality in benefits is the most basic measurement of government efficacy with the exception in differences made for those with disabilities where this is a reasonable difference in our effort to ensure equality of access, function and participation. We could not say there is a gender difference in the amount of benefits paid to transgender persons vs the other gender on such considerations. This occurs while all kinds of other more funded people are moving in and people from other economies who have a bit more funding and that is not such a sin some say; but it kind of just happens as the old are targeted to make space for these arrivals and the inside job profiteers( when are they arrested as former Council employees who used government assets for personal profit?) take the unit to rent it illegally for their own personal gain to a foreign arrival who is not a citizen because they have more oxygen, more money to participate and the reason they have more money is because someone intentionally paid them their income support while they may not have paid others either in North America or in England. In the alternative, England is to remain a beacon of light and the city set on a hill as they lead by example in how they treat their own people (including the Canadians) in the way they tell you to treat your people. It is very cold outside at $20,000.00 per year income support. There is a Federal mandate and obligation to provide an equal benefit to every citizen in sufficient amounts to fulfill the UN treaty obligation that answers why we pay this benefit. So, if the province fails, it is very cold outside with nothing. The hour is waning to use this issue as a stepping stool. The benefit system was intentionally hurt interrupted in Ontario in the late 70's when Edward Albert Kingston(white) was a grade 3 gifted student in an Ontario school. Only the white kids were in the gifted program usually. He also scored hat tricks in hockey. His family moved to Barrie for his grade 4 birthday and his family changed his name to something more rural like "Yohan Bremen." It wasn't really Barrie but just north of Newmarket in Bradford. They didn't get the benefit. His sister did. She was transgender and would get the benefit no matter where they lived in the province. This policy failed to fulfill the Federal mandate. But, who would interrupt the benefits, affecting a lot of people just to make a point about Edward Albert Kingston? They were told. When asked if he wanted Pepsi or Coke at Ponderosa, he said he was rather indifferent at 9 years old. So, they brought Pepsi with less sugar per ounce. On his next visit to the restaurant, they only had Pepsi as a cola offering. He had good English diction. Was he a mythical creature or human that was found, spotted?
- I am sure we can cooperate and use the native council for good, pay all citizens equally $100,000.00 per year as Income support using the guideline pyramidal principle based on Mr. Lyon's research discussed here(A Jamaican Law graduate) and some of the gasoline fuel tax in the immediacy if necessary to make up the difference if the sales tax is too low. We would like to see the population of Timmins restored to 1970's numbers. Then, we enforce the laws since there is no excuse for killing people because of their legal ownership of a vehicle or property. You can afford to own your own property at $100,000.00. Be warm and be filled. This is also how we fulfill all of our faith duties in society also. We see this in our feeder cultures in Europe, in Africa and in Asia. We see it in Latin America also in all countries if you are a citizen or any other registered entity in the country. See Hebrews where it says I think in the NSV. If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit if you say you are English or Canadian and deny the persecution or the genocide as you have not fulfilled your French humane asile duties in the European culture? Please help. By definition genocide is as follows;
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- Killing members of the group;
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Elements of the crime
The Genocide Convention establishes in Article I that the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. The latter is less common but still possible. The same article establishes the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide.
The popular understanding of what constitutes genocide tends to be broader than the content of the norm under international law. Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements:
- A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and
- A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
- Killing members of the group
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element.
Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted - not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention (which excludes political groups, for example). This means that the target of destruction must be the group, as such, and not its members as individuals. Genocide can also be committed against only a part of the group, as long as that part is identifiable (including within a geographically limited area) and “substantial.” A group is defined as any group of people who share any legal bond of identification. A postal code will do. The Definition of a National Group The ICTR in Akayesu defined a national group as follows: Based on the Nottebohm decision rendered by the International Court of Justice, the Chamber holds that a national group is defined as a collection of people who are perceived to share a legal bond based on common citizenship, coupled with reciprocity of rights and duties.34 Interestingly, the Trial Chamber based its definition on the Nottebohm decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as well as on the perception of a shared legal bond. It thereby combined objective (Nottebohm approach) with subjective (perception) criteria. In Nottebohm, nationality was determined on effective factual ties between the person and the State concerned.35 https://internationalcrimesdatabase.org/upload/documents/20151217T122733-Lingaas%20Final%20ICD%20Format.pdf
- If they do not have money to defend against the population witling power of automation, how do you imagine that you are prepared to face your nemesis nations that finance all of their citizens? Globally, you are just a minority and this has been so for decades now. Your hesitation in normalising your economy is your bold defence of your self- genocidal ways. They bought all of your banks and supermarkets. The purpose of explaining the monetary system with our calculations in observation is to simplify what is certainly an "every day" occurrence every where else in the world except but in certain other economies such as in the English economies where revenue and expenditures are in the wrong balance.
- We call our parity equation the national finance pyramidal or prism. We can analyze what is happening nationally and state by state with this pyramidal and see what economies are in an "over spend" and also it seems in debt. We would then correct the sales tax calculations and also increase the income support paid to each citizen. At 13% sales tax, the income support should be no more than $ 34164.00 per year per citizen. Sales tax reductions intended to win votes would lead to potential reductions in our quality of life as in a reduction of the income support paid or we would have to get foreign loans to pay the difference. There are a few system based problems that can be worked out for our mutual happiness. Sales tax in Europe is usually 20%. This would afford us a maximum income support of about $52,560.00 per year. Sales tax increases do not affect the cost of land and rents per se. No doubt, if the building owner has to pay a little more for his gasoline and his coffee, he might put up the rent but he is also getting an income support to cover his cost of living and we receive this money for our basic cost of living so that we can pay the rent, pay the mortgage. It will balance out where the sales tax and the income support paid to all equally will enable us to maintain our cost of living.
- PART 2
- We also note that the US FED may not be relied upon by the states for daily operating cost loans. In this abandonment, the states have worked to get loans from European state entities. This is some kind of informal fragmenting and decentering of the Union. The US Fed still has loan making capabilities and lends to foreign corporations, domestic corporations and to domestic and international banks in the industry. Maybe they have loans made to West Indian Latin American nations.
- Have you heard of our Alusra(TM) IP ideas and concepts that include the IR goggles that look like ski goggles? You teach us from kindergarten about the great ideas and the great men who developed them and you encourage us to believe; bring something that improves modern life. We obeyed you and thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If you would like to buy the IP in one of our concepts, contact Alusra(TM) at info.angelronan@mail.com. They are offered for sale. We only ask to participate in a group photo during the on going development of the IP as an assistant and then to have a customer service job in the final product's sale and marketing. In the group photo, we do not intend and nor do we wish to appear in the front row but in the second or third row to the back. Thank you! You also told us to be fruitful and multiply and to show our faith by our works. https://entwerfenhumanitynetwork.blogspot.com/2023/01/alusratm-with-more-ideas-coming-soon.html
- But, if you were going to have a discussion about IP with a cave men who says he just needs to assume the emotional hegemony in your idea even before he understands it and why it is an idea and property that is owned, how would that go?
- If you have a problem of any kind, legal, business, insurance, Youth Court or a customer service problem with any company, please give us a call. We will help you, to the best of our abilities, get a credit back on your phone or gas bill if you are entitled to it. See us at our Charitable Law Centre and Firm; the SDGCK FIRM. You pay a donation. https://stheudearntgoodconvoerkeat.wordpress.com/
- But, the killer wicked old lady who survived slavery along with her daughter or grand daughter are asking what are you worth? What do you have? She does not you to feel like you are worth more than them. her son stole the McDonalds job offer when you were 14 years old. He thought he might need it for himself but what anthropology would he represent and then he shamelessly sits beside you in church where he made you attend with him. You lived in the same house and has said in his own biblical way that he is not your father. You know how Solomon tested two women to see which one was the mother; who is the family?
- She threatens to steal things like school trophies since it takes away from your feelings; of worth. Her children put their name on your scenery photos of cool places as it diminishes your sense of worth. Why is this happening now during the smart phone experience?
- In everything we write we pay homage to Adam Smith who give us one key principle; that economies are made by people much like bridges and we do not build things for any purpose except but to last, not break down and that will preserve the human lives that they serve.
- You could scratch blue prints for a viaduct on a cigarette box or sketch a three dimensional pyramid. He will now save us from this bad economy. He dreamed of peace and love and perfect harmony. He is credited for this. We are credited for our studies of the ancients and their work. We are credited for our work and our calculations based thereon. He did not write down these economic principles in how to build a truly self regenerative economy and if Canada has goo quality of life, why isn't there an income support paid to every citizen? He never thought of it either but he is a good father. It is rumored that Jamaica will be running an economy on 60% sales tax and expanding its system over Goat Island and Navy Island. At 60% sales tax, the Jamaican will be able to pay 30 cents USD per minute to every Jamaican citizen. That is $ 30.00 JMD per Jamaican per minute. This is a guideline cubical calculation derived from the resistance to happiness when all national taxes such as the gasoline tax are relevant in paying what is the first and foremost priority in national defence; that is the income support to be paid to each citizen. The Policeman's salary and the soldier's salary equally follow right afterward in terms of priority. The man who sung about peace and harmony says Canada should have an economy that parallels the SWISS or the German economy in terms of income support. I am now going to watch the Bundesliga Highlights.
- We thank him for his music and prayer. But, failing to pay an income support to equally every citizen is to visit a war on oneself and his own population. What is it like to be English and not have an ice hockey team; not have a tube/subway; not have a soccer team; not have a population? But, it's not unusual for the English not to have their own ice hockey team or a disappearing ice hockey team. When would you stop to notice? What if the population is already 60% South African and all we need is everything to work for everyone?
- When intending to rob a bank, it is rumoured that you ask a bank employee for permission and promise him a portion. You send it by text so there is nothing to hide with location, time and date; that easy.
- But, wouldn't we all dream of owning something some day and to see it registered on the property register? So, then maybe the Pangea man is fighting the dream and also all democratic formalities. The last guy is still legally the president. You are still the owner of your Dodge van or Ford Lincoln Navigator even if a wild pack of wolves and bears break in during your camping vacation down the Potomac; not far from the White House. As juxtaposed with our legal formalities, the kind of "take it" resistance that we see has a Nazi-esque allure to it if we could say the majority has decided that it could just take what it wants like a Department store chain and run it for the glory of those who say "I have to have" all day long but who only thieve. Well, they pay for their lighters sometimes. But, then nothing is safe and nothing is secure and this cannot happen when its also not necessary since if you need to have, then move to Atlanta or Minnesota or Vermont or something. But you should not have to move. Also, you will be arrested for breaking into the department store. But, you should not have to move when it only costs 11.6 cents a minute from the economy to pay you $60,000.00+ American dollars per year as income support.
- So, that there is no national debt, we could say for congruency that the income support variable per minute will not be more than half the sales tax percentage so if the sales tax is 20%, then the income support per minute will not be more than .10 cents/pence per minute and this works out to $ USD 52,560.00 per year.
- The American is saying, "...we don't want any sales tax as its anathema to American independence but maybe if its just 10% and if we could have an income support of $74,000.00 per calendar year and if we are in debt to something or some other country, we don't mind as long as we have our freedom; and our cocaine!"
- In the last 40 years of American political experience, Toyotafication and industrial job deletion due to automation, Donald is the only politician to offer a national solution and action a program to solve the national problem with and provide income support to ameliorate the cashlessness caused by automation.
- But, even Ronald McDonald has his own people that he serves. He serves them and they give back. He does not show discrimination and treats everyone equally in his economy. Once all of North America has a total Income support for all citizens, it will become a true revitalised growth market reclaiming abandoned spaces; an American bull to work in line Asians marketed called Asian tigers. IHBM
- You could try the 2018 Porsche also. You could also buy a 2018 Wagoneer. Get the Wagoneer as it feels Swiss Scottish New England. Get what you want. You can pay. This is how you are accepted. The only certainty we have in America is uncertainty as a tradition. There is no Fed tax collection and we can't wait for very long to improve our European Creole lot, so we will have a state sales tax of between 20% to 40%, pay a reasonable Income support to our state citizens and celebrate. Minnesota is a good northy state example as they lay about $70,000.00 per year now as income support. There is no longer any asset ownership limitations. This is good. I am buying the Navigator and we just look forward to the income support to enjoy it.
- It may have been Ford's reliance on government finance via the Wagner Act that made much of its work and dissemination of automobile technology possible. It might have been a suggestion. But, he did not accept that the citizen would need an income support and that such income support would ensure his little American market. It was little when there was no national income support program and most of his vehicles were built and shipped but not paid for fully. They did not have the ability to pay. It is also doubtful how they calculated the whole process of sale and delivery in those early days. The Wagner Act helped to assuage the gap in payment, assurance, delivery and distribution. The government paid about 10 percent above cost for every vehicle built and Ford wanted an abundant work force that would need to work. It was dangerous and he was not always sure if he would have enough people who would want to take the risks if they did not need to work for their meals. Maybe he thought an income support would affect the cost of labor in his guttural industrial tycoon guttural instinct and opinions. But, Ford is not synonymous with English or the preservation of the English genome. There is an issue here that crosses over onto the terrain of national defence and population reservation that is usually addressed by Generals and politicians. How can we safeguard the national standard from undue influence that can be wielded by fashion designers or vehicle designers? How different is Ford from Hershey in this regard and if there is a difference why is there a difference? What if Ford built and sold furniture and nothing else? You invite someone into your circles as a master golf course builder and how does he start deciding the worth of your population? After he does, you have a war, a depression and another war. But, it's not his fault. Gold course designers are not Generals really. Buz maybe the argument in money culture was a threat to industrial colleagues in other parts of the world; a genome conflict in the very end.
- This is symbolic of a genome discussion at Versaillesy once. The wife of the king or Kong's son was an arrangement from a North American Eastern seaboard tribe. Everything was fine except the kids didn't want to play any piano or do any math. All they wanted to do was fish. The staffers told the king to pretend to be dead to see what his native wife would do in the end so he hid for a little while. She was faithful. But, she gave candle sticks and cutlery away to buy favour and support with the staff in the chateau. She tried to command them somewhat. She was eventually told they are running out of money and asked what she would like to do. So, she asked if she could stay forever along with the children if she sold the house to the Church and she was given a document to sign. She signed crudely but it could not be accepted due to the "want of formalities" because she did not own the house and he was not dead. He reappeared at that time and stopped pretending to be dead. He decided that he would honor her wishes, keep the house, vacate the house and move to another, more endearing castle and leave that other home vacant to symbolise the respect afforded to her aboriginal ways. He took time to write a story of culture and of expectations with a pen name; Roussdeau that he hoped would guide the children that would be their half aboriginal children.
- They were all born in buildings. This is good. She was also convicted for her theft of his cutlery and other property. This included the attempted theft of Versailles. Why did she think she could or would own it? She never asked for his Will and Testament and presumed she got everything. She ignored formalities or did not understand them.
- All citizens had an income support. Once he saw there might be a pretender about every so often in the French constabulary, so he designed a painting to catch him. The painting criticized him. It is a criticism. It is shame. Who would dare to paint it? The painting depicted the people suffering and begging for bread. But those were serfs without formal papers or aboriginals from North America without formal papers and who would ever say this is anything the King would tolerate and be criticized? He would not; but if you think he would tolerate it and not reflect, you would emulate the painting in pretense of being what you imagine him to be in that painting and in your diffidence of the established culture with an income support, your population would disappear.
- When the industrialist has opinions that are wrong, the "given" should correct him. It is given that an income support is a requisite for an economy. It would have been 1 penny a minute in 1936 to prevent the wars and the ongoing depression of that era. Today, it costs only 11.8 cents per minute per North American, 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. It is given that hinges are needed for doors. What would it do for Ford if all of those past years or for the years going forward, every North American has the ability to pay for his Electric Mustang Mach II or his Electric Explorer? Did you know Ford has a major stake in Mazda and may own a significant share of Tata; maybe all of it? What if you did own the all the automotive manufacturing world, with production paid for by the government with human labor or machine labor, in some government industrial complex but your vehicles have no buyers or no buyers except for some in 15 out of 50 states? Ford's opinion would stem from a question in an America with American Anglo speaking European creoles in places like De Moines and Bismarck that did not have an income support but there people who wanted to work. The question for Ford was how this income support would affect the cost of labor? In those early days when labor was still human intensive and not 80% robotic, you would hire people to work who would also buy the vehicle and you could bet on that but Ford was consistently mechanising his industrial processes and using less and less human labor which also meant he had less and less of a car buying market but he was able to rely on the Wagner Act for his cost of production and it seems also a little premium over the raw base cost of every vehicle so Ford had his money and costs with a little profit covered. His former employees could sit on the side of the road and watch the vehicles drive by on their way to a state that paid a basic income support along the Eastern seaboard some where. It would seem that if an income support was not Ford's culture, he was from the Midwest. If his influence on America filtered out in the sieve as the Wagner Act 1935 and not a Universal Income Support Act 1935, then that is what we can see of Ford as he worried about getting human labor for cheap. It's a dinosauric attitude even in early 1900's America from a man that we read about proudly in American History text books but it seems the men that were his former workers, sitting on the side of the road ended up robbing banks after he automated. This dinosauric attitude from a proud, hard working Midwest White Pawnee Creole with some proud capable Euro admixture helped to catalyse the depression. We cannot stand idly by as this kind of confit terrible' carries on around us. This is the perdition and the road thereto. How could we cooperate and resolve this?
- I drove a Ford Escort GT once with a standard gear box and I heard a voice promising to be with me always in the end. It was my adoptive father's vehicle and he was always saying this to people or whispering it to them like he was an Obi Wan Star Wars character. The lady at the coffee shop broke up with her husband because she preferred the promise of someone or something being with her in the end. There is no longer any Ford Escort GT. In fact, there is no longer any Escort.
Yet, could you run an economy with the disdain of the phenomenon of a post secondary graduate vs. the love of a human being? If you love the human being, then you find a way for the economy to cover all and secure the life of all and maybe because he is a graduate, he finds it twice as hard to get a job. People steal his reference letters on law school graduation day and plagiarise them. Maybe you had a provincial government job and your boss tried to steal Angel Ronan?
- He is happy to take on any odd jobs in a provincial or federal works job core; maybe just to ride the Go Train as a public presence customer service guide and stand where he is told during rush hours. Maybe he could help as a Federal Complaints agent and follow up on complaints involving airlines and any ticket queries or complaints people have.
- But, there is still a Ford and I am buying a Mach E or a Bronco Raptor Electric once it is available and I look forward to this family fun; electric. The Wagner Act is no longer available to cover the costs of production and to also provide a little Government pork barrel profit in the economically stubborn midwest while on the Wagner Act, enough vehicles were built for every man and woman in America in an overstock Government industrial complex. That ended in the mid 60's but may have continued on for another 15 years to 1976. It just seems Ford could have reached for the galaxy but before you get there you need a consistent market of your own with a funded population where all citizens have an income support. The European car companies have Europe where all Europeans have an income support. They also have America as a market and they might lose just as much as they earn when there are too few Americans numerically with an income support. Yet, its not soo bad since the surrogate foreign population helps out quite a lot. Ford, Chrysler and GM tag along and its not soo bad now if we have this surrogate Foreign population propping up our economy and living well in front of us. Anyway, let's get a big branded American chocolate bar and go watch Top Gun; one more time while we are looking and feeling financially dead!! There is now, since 1976, an income support in Illinois for every citizen and their loan is with Germany or Switzerland since a 10% sales tax is just not enough. The global standard for a sovereign nation is between 20% and 30%.
- The quiet point here is that if it was about hegemony and independence, Ford chose America as his identity for hegemony expression and threw all of his might into fighting WW1 and WW2 in his belief albeit mistaken that he could really win against the Germans and what if the wars were really over stolen but dismantled and then rebuilt technology; and really the Model T could have been his ingenious rebuilding of an early Benz product with some personal additions after he had taken the whole thing apart and swore to rebuild it until it worked. That is a good man; a good father and mechanically inclined soul. We would not wish to call him the man who parodied some IP unfortunately and thought to get away with it in a non-networked world with no immediate evidence and barely a transatlantic flight. His hope was American "Can Do It" independent industrial soul. It would not have been intentionally the death of the only market that supported him truly; along with that American population. But, the failure to inoculate the population from the power of automation and buttress the car buying market with sufficient stimulus was the ongoing whittler in the Ford game. He was a WW1 and WW2 industrialist that built munitions for the government. But, these wars are our evidence of an American economy out of sink with the galaxy they were designed to serve and the population therein. But, you can have your authority yet you are dying off and disappearing. While all other countries have moved to Nova Scotia and else where in Canada to make up for the vacancy in the economy that your under funded income support represents, you continue to underfund yourselves or you have failed to fund some others in Canada entirely. This is genocide. You say its not genocide because you don't see any blood, gas chambers or something more immediate in causing the death. But, we see that there is a policy to fund the entire population although a significant number, 40000 Canadians, are not being funded.
- They have no income support. You are half dead at King's Cross on your $20,000.00 income support per year. This amount is not sufficient in Canada's climate and nor is it sufficient in the global economy.
- About labor costs and how an income support could affect the cost of labor, let us see that there will always be people who want more and whose desire to learn or enjoy the involvement of job will get them to work on time at no matter what amount you are paying; to have more. This is evident all over Europe. This is so at Benz and Porsche in Stuttgart while each German citizen has an income support and this is so today as it always was in an ethnically diverse Germany and Europe. It was always ethnically diverse but you would imagine that it was monolithic white and that the wheel comes from Sardinia or Greece. It comes from Africa. I know this. Everyone knows this. This is what the white people teach you in university.
- So, now that we see the problem while the argument about labor costs vs an income support could be running through our veins due to the indirect honor we give to the great men by placing a bit of his stool in the corn meal that become the cereal or the rice or the Twinkie so that we might all be equal and in association has led to some accidental economic filibuster or is it systemic frustration......but you could not really get taller by holding the metal bit of the battery cables with your hands while the other end of the cables are attached to a battery. I say it could not help but if we have argue, then you can have your authority and literally evaporate as a population, You are already outnumbered and surrounded Paul Bunyan.
- Maybe taking an example from the original 13 colonies would have helped. But, you can have your authority. Try it your way like Burger King says. Would that be a 0% Federal Sales tax? Would that be that America is really the 11th European state as it is no longer able to maintain financial sovereignty due to an insufficient sales tax? Maybe we need their help and should keep the debt we have with them. But, we should collect more sales tax.
- But, what if you could run a state without any loan debt at 17% sales tax and pay each citizen $3.52 cents an hour towards their income support' 24 hours per day and 365 days per year? If you wish to do it some other way at 10% or less, you might get anxious and sign a loan with Germany to finance your income support program and other state operational costs. As this is so, there are still many in our police services who do not know that Germany is financing their salaries or maybe some other EU country such as Switzerland that finances Vermont and Sweden has a loan going with Ontario. But, there are some essentials missing like an income support that pays every citizen an income support? Some are paid and some are not but it seems the majority of the population is not getting an income support. This means that Supermarkets are running on debt with a small market of local Canadian customers or the debt is not soo painful since there is a levin of foreign citizens in the entire country that outnumber the actual Canadian population. This is also the case in America; that the foreign population with foreign citizenship outnumbers the actual American population. This is because America did not agree with a simple economic convention; that all economies have an income support. They make reasonably nice car doors; however. I think Ford called some of his doors Suicide doors; hmm!!
- The North Dakota sales tax rate is 5% for most retail sales. Gross receipts tax is applied to sales of: Alcohol at 7%. New farm machinery used exclusively for agriculture production at 3%.
- But, people want to work for the pride, the involvement and the dignity and to avoid the boredom, being at home watching your wife squeeze the pimples on her face. Instead, we can tattoo our employee # on her. People will still want to work.
- But, truthfully the lack of an income support affected his likelihood of finding a real paying buyer across the country and he was inoculated from needing any real average consumer buyers due to the Wagner Act where Ford was covered by the government for the cost of every chassis and also for labor costs.
- But this did not mean the world was not falling down around him in a depression and in violent economic desperation; especially in the Midwest where he did lay people off every so often.
- Yet, the number of people needed to work was being reduced every year with automation improvements.
- The Wagner Act is the Government industrial complex. An income support of .50 cents per hour as income support in 1929 would have been enough to prevent a depression. Ford may have shown some Big industrial ingenuity but this was overwhelmed by a civilizational backwardness when he was called on for leadership on the issue of an income support in the Midwest when such income support was standard policy on the Eastern seaboard; including New York.
- You can see that if it's an economy, and this is not an argument, the economy must have an income support. You could not really design a big, sweet candy bar and then use that as a mantle to argue with economic conventions or established design conceptions. You notice all doors have hinges. You have done well with doors and candies. All economies , however, have an income support in equal protection and equal payment to every citizen.
- All New Yorkers received an income support of varying amounts up to 1980 of $12,000.00 per year. After 1980, it became $40,000 for some and none for everyone else.
- There was no income support in Ford's Michigan apparently in the 1900's and still there was no support for the Michigan citizens of the 1980's.
- Illinois began a full income support in the '70s. There are still states today without any income support. But we say all men are created equal. We hold this Truth to be self evident. Then, they should be funded equally. I have Ukrainian ancestry and I love America; don't you? Shouldn't we teach America and fund all the citizens equally? We should. The Ukraine should show them, maybe do it for them. Buz right now you act like you are fighting submission to an equation, to logic or to happy solutions. All serious major cultures have an income support vs. Grumbling cultures. Maybe you are a major culture via your media proliferation but you are not a serious culture. The Chinese are serious. You are joking. You must be joking. If you do not have a total Income support for every citizen, you are a grumbling culture. If someone tells you that your shoe lace is untied, do you resent them, want to kill them and say "...you never told me but God told me?"
- America had its divergent income support cultures that presented a dichotomy in the national consumer experience that Ford's industrialism presented. The dichotomy was in the divergence of the American's ability to pay. Some had income support in sufficient amounts and some did not depending on their state policy although all could find and locate a Ford dealer.
- You can offer an American dream to the whole world but who would want it when it's incomplete? It does not have the automated money like all of the other more senior, established cultures with their own more complete God loving dreams.
- The issue is that North America and the dream must have some root in something else that gave authorship to the dream. The Pharaoh authored Joseph to pay a stipend to all of the citizens of Egypt and those who sought refuge during the cash shortage caused by the famines. Jesus authored Peter, when commissioning him to start the church, to feed the sheep, feed the people really.
- When calling on the native Aboriginals to help them in the fight for independence Toussaint L'overture (aka John Adams) said things will improve, will improve if you would help him and he abused their faith in him. He seems to have delayed payment west of New York. Who is he really? What is going on? Today, we only need to pay every North American $5.90 /hr as income support or maybe $7.00/hr 24 hours per day and 365 days per year as income support to ensure that there is no depression in light of all of the automation in the current era. I love all the people, white, red and black, not being paid any income and ask them to work with their politician to save us all.
- Ford was a celebrated designer of industrial machinery and rudimentary early vehicle products. He was not the designer of economies. But, when you fail to provide an income support for every citizen your economy is flat generally even if you are building 24 hours per day with machines or with a human work force population indicative of the late 1920's.
- It could produce big stories of tragedy, emblemized in movies. There could be stories of new discovery or uses in technology; stories that make us feel grand as we hear or read about them. Then, when you employ some people you will see how your economy increases in activity, at the department stores and then when you remove some workers from the work force with automation, the economy slows violently. The Shopping Malls are closing once automation becomes ubiquitous. The issue is that automation moves like a phantom across all economic sectors. The farm job has disappeared in pace with the disappearance of the automotive job.
- As such, the economy is always cyclical but you would generally be shrinking economically over time due to automation as your field of able buyers with ATP ( ability to pay) is shrinking and if there was no income support, you would have to close as an economy eventually, evidently. But, maybe this closure would never happen regardless of your failure to pay an internationally normal income support to the North American citizens if you could create a nomadic transient placebo population that has its own income support that would take the North American's place in the economy.
- The North American people would have insufficient money to absorb the robotic production. The Eastern seaboard could not do it all on its own. Did we pay for Ford's reluctance to agree to a national standard income support? Did this affect England's ability to lead? Did a corporation become the de facto seat in the English world?
- It's unusual that the income support does not exist nationally in two of the larger North American nations that celebrate their more Heineken or Carlsberg ancestry vs. their cerveza ancestry. The Mexicans have a national income support policy that covers everyone as that would be the good Catholic; European in terms of expectation. The income support is always essential to prevent such economic closure. The North American economy is not consistent, not stable. Hiring a surrogate population to wall paper or cover our own financial absence in the economy is not the solution. Ford's vehicles have adapted to more fuel efficient technology, "people saving, life saving" technology. He would not be offended with a "people saving" economy. Maybe Ford could build one impressive prototype vehicle today. Could he build a prototype regenerative economy in a state or province if he had the chance to do it; paying the people an income support of maybe 11.8 cents per minute / $7.10 per hour 24 hours per day 365 days per year on a bi monthly payment cycle and then the economy will regeneratively recoup the money (take the money back) at the cash register, on the electrical bill, the water bill and the gas bill; the rent also in government owned condo units in existing finished buildings, paying rent. Our population is worth it; our entire tiny population. See the Chinese. See the Europeans. It could be subsidised if you only have income support and no full time job. Maybe it's subsidised on your tax return where you say you did not work in the calendar year and you get a $200.00 per month tax rebate. Did you get your OTB benefit or your GST benefit? I have notification but it has not been credited to my account in some fraud. She is now arrested for her Terrorist interruption of a government process at the bank back office with her AS 400 system interference. It is terrorist.
- Each condo project owes the government 10% of its units since 1990. The sales tax might be a bit higher or maybe not. What do you think? The 3/4 ground fish and 1/4 ground sausage burger; the chookie!
- The European market has been dear to Ford as it has an income support that covers every citizen in its economy. The amount is comparably equal from state to state and payment begins from 10 years old. They thank God, their national identity and their country. Imagine Europeans in Pennsylvania who are not receiving this Income support possibly as second generation Europeans. In spite of their glorious, humane and intelligent ancestral origins, their identity would be subsumed with other lousy feeling under valued humans in America, in Pennsylvania. It would only take a paltry $7.00 /hr 24 hours per day 365 per year as income support to solve this. Why in North America do we have stop signs and traffic lights set to international standards and international fuel emissions standards but we do not have International income support standards being satisfied in North America? What we get is that the problem is the economy and not the DNA that has landed in America maybe from Prague or some other Eastern European DNA source in whatever they do to disseminate the DNA and he is in school in Colorado but with no income support when he turns 10 years old. This is not good for the American; in whatever formulation of his dna. We are all The consumer with European and Asian product taste buds 49% or maybe 51% of the time regardless of what culture we have been assigned to celebrate. We noticed how the English school teachers help you thoroughly if you speak with an African accent and leave you alone, abandoned if you speak with an English accent in school. Could the school teachers be really African although they do have English accents.
- This is their identity; lousy under valued America and American people. So, they can seek asylum in a state that pays the requisite income support like Georgia or Vermont. But, the cars are not selling as they could or should.
- We only see that the Jamaican Pangea man is stuck in limiting himself and what he can do socially and economically as an expression of his self limiting identity; although that it changing thankfully but yet there are older incarnations that say things over and over again in a kind of promise but nothing changes; like the song where it says, you made me promises..promises..da da da da..you knew you'd never keep!!!
- ///But, equality in benefits is the most basic measurement of government efficacy with the exception in differences made for those with disabilities where this is a reasonable difference in our effort to ensure equality of access, function and participation. We could not say there is a gender difference in the amount of benefits paid to transgender persons vs the other genders on such considerations. Even if we will not enshrine the sanctity of the vote in a revisiting of Nazi politics or some Louisiana politics in the guise of a call to a non racial, unofficial post modern native council freedom, we must still ensure the constitution on all other points and also equality in benefits; also efficacy in that it is cold outside at $20,000.00 per year income support. It is cold outside with no benefits.
- North America is supposed to be a European feeder economy. Europe; it is consistent and stable. To enable the North American economy to move in line with the European economy, an income support must be employed immediately in paying every citizen. We would all want to be closer to Europe in style immediately and in common sense. Maybe once Ford waited to see the market just start selling vehicles for him. England followed; it seems. Two world wars ensued. But we know the answer now. We would want the economy to work. Ford wills it. But delay in doing so is...to delay the market.
- We marvel at what authority there is that could say his seniority in age gives one the position and authority to just take the desk and helm and to then also hesitate in repairing the road or the economy that is much like a bridge, dam or road. It's usefulness supersedes politics and it takes nothing to fix at 5.6 cents a minute as a basic continent wide NAFTA minimum standard to be paid to all citizens.
- Your car brand might have had money due to the Wagner Act or you once did and you have your vehicle brand. But, without consistent immigration with people that bring their own money to cover the population and the money deficit, you have an insufficient North American buyer; no people. We could always rely on Asia for a surrogate population maybe as you argue and confidently manage your disappearance. What do you think?
- We have our big brand but not a lot of people and also a big chocolate brand. We have a King and we would like to enjoy all of the bigness as European Creoles in our little North American corner with an economy that submits to European standards.
Mr. Gotabayat Natstealat , Consultant and