This is how you win a Hot war or Cold War, a Cold War that is really an argument about economic cultures; he who has the most people at the end of the discussion wins. The Americans lost as they could not account for the loss of 1/5 of the population. The American population declined as the Russian population increased. This means the Russians won. They also had a stronger economy at the end of the Cold War with a Government surplus; no deficit but they pretended since the best way to ensure the final victory was to disarm the American mindset with a false victory and maybe give them what they wanted which was just the opportunity for Coca Cola, Pizza Hut and McDonald's to be sold in Russia, in public. The cold war was really a dialogue about what the Americans have failed to accept and understand as economic evidence. The Russians decided. They secured their people financially and ensured their population was secure. The American tried to feed the Russians with American foods and American products to feel hegemony, putting their American foods with America dna into the Russian economy and trying to stuff the food in Russian mouths. This expands global markets and the Russians always had the cash. But, expanding global markets should not mean the death of your own market at home. The American market dwindled with its population that suffered an under preparation for life without regular work as automation removed the expectations of regular work. This automation reality was an ongoing phenomenon following mechanized labor dating back to the pre civil war period when the steam engine was first used in several work processes, becoming a tractor eventually. The answer was the dole enjoyed by Massachusetts residence since the founding of the colony and to see this dole rolled out across the country. How can you defend a territory if you don't have people to occupy it? The map is not the territory. You need people to take territory. Territory is more of a verb than a noun. The John Cabot dna is engaged in a chicanerous game of Authority, childish game where his people have authority but not education while the black or brown will have to get education unless you are apart of his John Cabot team. The Cabot team is the king childishly as he pretends on the river bank with his furs in hand or at the front door of society after grade 8. CABOT DNA will have authority but not education. He will Have money etc and the black, white Amerindian will not. Cabot is a psychology, clicky or clany or Nazi-ish. He takes from the population and gives it to the other; the other population, country or people from whom he seeks acceptance. He is a coup on father Europe's purpose for coming to North America. It should be the French with the English who get some return on investment through the sales tax on roads and the infrastructure through the sales tax that make the supermarkets possible but instead, he sends the monies to the population or culture who, at any time, demonstrates the most hegemony or the biggest muscle at any particular hour. But, if the North American economy is run like we run individual airports in a larger secure global network of airports, then Cabot people cannot take any economy and manage it as if it is his own. He will be allowed to make authorised gifts of a certain amount to the Japanese Drum society, the Understanding of the German Engine and Coolant Regulator Society, the Fortune Cookie Society, the Queen's Jubilee and Heraldry fund and he can also make incy wincy gifts to the Friends of Bush maybe but he cannot finance a Joe Coup. The money goes directly to England and then a small allowance is sent back everyday to a massive Tuck Shop account for daily operations of the Otario Government. He will get a 2 million every year as provincial coach to send anywhere he wants; maybe to Joe lives in Corpus Christi eating fresh buffets all day fund. This $2 million is in addition to the provincial coach getting $80,000.00 per year in Minimum Income Support like all other citizens but with no asset ownership limitations. Anglo Iroquoismaica has had all the apology he requires with all this self induced depopulation and self extermination in being able to just do what he wants where we all lose evidently and the problem is we cannot see what he actually did understand but we can say what he did not understand when a sales tax of 30% and a reasonably well maintained population at $56,000.00 a year on support would have achieved his kingdom goals and maybe he could have kept a whole Pirateamaica 1% a day for himself and his own personal pirate kingdom. 30% sales tax is only n extra .30 cents on your $1.00 Tim Hurt-On's donut. The economy is rather dead now as the Cabot dna did not see this. Some how, he is working to reduce North America's proximity to Europe and says it is because North America should not have the authority but he means to say the proximity and then he opens a book about the French king and Queen to explain why. He says, " I am. You are not." Maybe none of us understood until we were forced to think about how this Asianization of North America actually happened and why. When the Minimum income support is implemented, it will be safe enough with a sufficient economic activity to entice Ukrainians and other peoples, Japanese, Vietnamese and more Chinese with some Irish who have their country's Minimum Income Support to come and settle in Donada like they once did. But, Danada now feels like a war zone. So, Bush went to China and made a deal when American hegemony was just a childish game really but it was to understand how or why It just took too long for BIG, HUGE America as embodied by symbolic bigness seen in GM for instance to just hear the wisdom and follow the wisdom. So, they had to infuse the ignorance. His deal saved the world. He is "two faces" when his dna is now betrothed to the Amerindian and the Amerindian experience.
By CNEN Legal Analyst, Warren A. Lyon and edited by Wolf Breeding.