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Saturday, 12 November 2011

Microchips cannot speak to souls nor can they discern the still small voice of...what was His name again? Can you?

A new article will discuss artificial neural networks as contrasted with the dynamics of the soul; the human soul.  It is said that God is spirit and that He must be worshipped in Spirit and  in truth. John the baptist said that he must decrease so that He may increase. What did John mean? This will be addressed as well. I once had the pleasure of visiting the designer of such networks. He was a black french Polynesian man and we travelled on the train to the northern  part of Ireland and then on to Amsterdam. Have you been there? Well, everyone in your church already went ten years ago so stop boasting as if you are the only one who ever went that far away by selling pictures of yourself at the church door sucking bananas. Worship lead in church for now. Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord.  Then learn true worship after you see into yourself as clearly as everyone else. We are just too embarrassed to tell you and why discourage you from coming to church?

Now, last of all if you know a woman who was naked around her father too long when she was young in the name of being Bohemian, she will probably feel and act like a whore and walk beside her window naked quite a bit and stand at the front of her door naked as well.  She will feel, act and probably dress like a whore until she confesses. She will also cheat on or leave any man she is with because she is just open and needs to take a covering from Christ that will replace the sense of being uncovered at such an early age. She will also shop quite a bit as a shopaholic and will usually beg for the attention and affection of a man who sung in a church choir at least once or a church contatta.  She will promise fidelity but fail to give it. She is essentially a parasite and has no true friend until she seeks some healin at the front door of the church buildin. Its a baptist church and you can join the choir there and sing the highest praise. Now, leave the young future seminary graduate alone. He is not with you so call to listen to the the Pastor's sermons on the internet and then argue about the immaculate conception. You are always learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth. He ran from you but decided that you might just heal if he was patient and you kept begging him to help you. So, be patient with him while he chooses a husband for you. I think Feddy or Don is a good choice. Go to them. They love you; truly they do. I just know you and tell you how to sell your junk that you buy from Good Till.  Nobody is tryin to compete wit you girl child or tryin to take your class because you have no class!-like school on Sunday. Why are you with that man who studies the bible with you anyway  who sees your fridge empty so often? Trust your uh friends when they ask you why are you with him; your friends girl? Also, I don't know her and may have a coffee with her but she is not my wife. She is marrying someone else. We just talk and watch sermons on video.    Ok?

Friday, 15 July 2011

New! Sheer energy to move 932 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement

Sheer energy to move 932 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy. That is all! Abraham had no four wheel vehicle with an engine but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God required of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part. Abraham also had no law. Neither did Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea. Even  more significant is the following observant question; did Moses have the law when, by faith and the power of the Shekinah glory(Holy Ghost), he defeated Pharaoh's sorcerers with great signs and wonders in Egypt? It is rumoured that the X-Men comic books hone in on these themes with Charles and Magneto but I am not really sure. What do I know?  I know I see a pattern that began with Abraham and continues with Cornelius in Acts 17 and 8.  "Limitless-the movie(2011)" is loosely based on such notions as well in an intoxicated way. So when Jesus came to fulfil the law and prophets, why did they kill Him again? Why did Jesus run away on every other occasion except but the night at the Garden of Gethsemane? He could have chosen to pass on that cup of Starbucks Coffee(I could have said just "cup" so don't be offended) and take a slow boat to Egypt.  John 4 confirms that He had a pretty good idea that someone wanted to egg Him for healing on the Sabbath.  The Seventh Day Adventist Church has written a book on Ellen G. White and her prophecy that the world would end in the 1970's.  They also wrote about Paul's commandment to choose a day to keep it holy so long as you choose a day.  They have also written extensively on Jesus' teaching in Mark 3.  Have you read it?  See their website now and do not forget to make a donation. Regardless of the differences in the Seventh day Adventist theology, they are preaching the word that Christ died for a good purpose that was not a factor of His own self-interest or machination but something rather selfless and purposeful.  Most every Protestant and Catholic can agree on that purpose and the founding of the true church on the day of Pentecost as seen in Acts 2.  The gospels and the book of Revelation are older than every denomination including the Mormons. It is simple enough for a child to understand; we are taught.  The bible also says the Lord knows who are His where ever they may be and also He says no one knows the time of His coming as set down definitively in Matthew 24, 1st Corinthians 14, John 17 and Acts 13. So you can wait for the rapture ( as taught)  and that would be your end or you can wait for the end as Jesus taught and that would be your end. Ultimately, why wait for the end? Wait for Him and wait on( serve) Him and occupy your time then until He comes.  This way, John 17 will help in that you cannot hide who you are behind a "no abortion" placard any more than you can hide behind a "oil for energy" placard because whether it is oil or abortion, you are killing babies and in that you have prioritised your issues with respect to Life.  Do not forget that Paul the Apostle died a Jew( Messianic Jew) but was called a Christian by his enemies.  He did not call himself a Christian. So, we are told that the Lord is our righteousness in Jeremiah. The reason is because everything God made is good but we recognise imperfection in others as well as our selves. This means that we are made perfectly imperfect.  I shared this with someone recently hoping that they would stop their habit of self criticism.  Paul ( the Apostle) said that he no longer judged himself and lived anew in the grace that saves through faith; not through works as it is a gift from God so that no man can boast. But, she seems to be always learning and quoting but never submitting to the truth.  The word is truth and it is helpful to read the bible footnotes.  She refused to accept that John 8 is God's word. Run from anyone who argues over the word and does not open it and read it in light of any struggle to understand the lesson to be gleaned in it. That is not sincere and if they take one lesson from you and employ it in their life or writing ( Acts 8 and 13)but then purport to be your teacher all of a sudden in light of your pen running out of ink in front of them, you are dealing with a usurper.  Now that person is not being called to submit to you because who says you are their spouse but they can submit to the word and if they do not, you do not agree.  Lot's wife is just the second Eve but God was much more efficient the second time they argue.  What do I know then in consideration?  Stop teaching that person and take your book back and they can go somewhere else because they fail to realise that all you told them is Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except but through Him.  You weren't trying to be a teacher anyway and all you said was go to church even for 10-15 minutes every Sunday (Psalms 92:13) because as it happens in the scheme of things, you already graduated from at least 1 post-secondary program. Its amazing what happens in ten minutes when you are with someone or alone; at church that is and the word is on your heart really.  If you don't understand and feel challenged, wondering why Jesus would have taught that, did He not say that many hear the good story but do not understand ( hear but not hear-Mark 4:12)?  Read Mark 4:12. On the way out, read Hebrews 13 then also and Kiss Him while you can ( curious then; are you? Hint: Its a Psalm of David).  Remember that David had some apostate great grandchildren. What is the difference between Jacob who had two wives and Moses or Isaac who had one wife?  No matter what, obedience is better than sacrifice. Oops?!?; there it is!  So remember though that God has no grandchildren. Everybody needs to come to Him on their own most certainly then and also concur, as you can see, rather forthrightly.  Read Hebrews 11: 6.  Now apparently, Jesus prayed for future believers in John 17 that they would understand His teaching as one.  This prayer, it is believed, evidences the end of His teaching in toto.  He had some finer points to make after His resurrection.  So read backwards from John 17; that is read back to John chapter 1 and agree.  Agree then and be one.  He also said to listen to His disciples when He prayed in John 17 so read forward into the book of Acts, the book of Romans and there you go; agree.  There is a new fight club and the weapons are doctrines in closed cage. It is called Ultimate Denominational Fighting championship(UDFC) on THREE SPIKES(TM) TV; get it?  THREE SPIKES(TM) is copyright and trademark protected by Warren Augustine Lyon. I don't  know about you but I am not going to say it again. I need to go and watch some football.  Gooooooooal! All it takes is one goal to win a game; John 17.

Have you heard of the miracle at Canna?  What God fearing person would resist something as efficient as that or would be reluctant to adopt such Godly and Heavenly provision?  Consider the options and you may find that flat screen tvs are not only brighter, they are also cheaper to manufacture.  It could be that logic and common sense are Heavenly characteristics as in Manna from Heaven. Especially when one complains of shortages for too long,  you may find that God will or may have already sent you an answer. Your cable network is also updating certain tv channels so that the text on the digital screen will read idol watching time channel instead of adult time watching channel.  There will always be a commercial from Burger King in between shows that will tell you to "...have it your way."  You can.  You are free; remember?  What was your family name again? It is not Jabez; is it?  Are you in a hurry to see your brother be rich? Remind him of the prayer of Jabez because he may have a very negative ancestry in spite of his personal, academic and professional triumphs and patience is always a decisive virtue when it comes to longevity in success.